
Tzvetanka Dimitrova Dinkova
Correo: /
Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquímicas
[L] Genética y Biología Molecular
[L] Introducción al Análisis Bioinformático
[Pg] Biología Molecular
[Pg] Síntesis de Proteínas
[Pg] Estrés Abiótico en Plantas
- Embriogénesis Somática
- Estrés Abiótico, Germinación
- microRNAs
- Traducción
Rutas de señalización y mecanismos de regulación de la expresión genética durante el desarrollo y respuesta a estrés en plantas.
- Programa de Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquímicas (UNAM)
- Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas (UNAM)
- Premio Weizmann de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias a la mejor tesis doctoral en Ciencias Naturales del año 2000
- Premio al Servicio Social “Gustavo Baz Prada” 2011
- PRIDE Nivel D en la UNAM (2016-2025)
- Investigador Nacional Nivel II en el área 2 Químico-Biológica (2018-2026)
Patente otorgada MX-290658 “IRES de HSP101 de maíz”
Patente otorgada MX/a/2013/006894 “Método para la transformación genética de células de plantas en suspensión mediante ADN plasmídico acoplado a nanotubos de carbono funcionalizados con aminas”
Luján-Soto, E., Aguirre de la Cruz, P. I., Juárez-González, V. T., Reyes, J. L., Sanchez, M. D. L. P., & Dinkova, T. D.* (2022). Transcriptional Regulation of zma-MIR528a by Action of Nitrate and Auxin in Maize. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(24), 15718.
Salazar-Díaz, K., Dong, Y., Papdi, C., Ferruzca-Rubio, E. M., Olea-Badillo, G., Ryabova, L. A.*, & Dinkova, T. D.* (2021). TOR senses and regulates spermidine metabolism during seedling establishment and growth in maize and Arabidopsis. IScience, 24(11).
Salazar-Díaz, K., Aquino-Luna, M., Hernández-Lucero, E., Nieto-Rivera, B., Pulido-Torres, M. A., Jorge-Pérez, J. H., Gavilanes-Ruiz M., & Dinkova, T. D.* (2021). Arabidopsis thaliana eIF4E1 and eIF(iso)4E Participate in Cold Response and Promote Translation of Some Stress-Related mRNAs. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12.
Luján-Soto, E., Juárez-González, V. T., Reyes, J. L., & Dinkova, T. D.* (2021). MicroRNA Zma-miR528 Versatile Regulation on Target mRNAs during Maize Somatic Embryogenesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22(10).
Battaglia, M. E., Martínez-Silva, A. V., Olvera-Carrillo, Y., Dinkova, T. D., & Covarrubias, A. A.* (2021). Translational enhancement conferred by the 3’ untranslated region of a transcript encoding a group 6 late embryogenesis abundant protein. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 182.
Luján-Soto, E., & Dinkova, T. D.* (2021). Time to Wake Up: Epigenetic and Small-RNA-Mediated Regulation during Seed Germination. Plants, 10(2), 236.
Hernández-López, A.*, Sanchez Felix, D. A., Sierra, Z. Z., Bravo, I. G., Dinkova, T. D., & Avila-Alejandre, A. X. (2020). Quantification of Reducing Sugars Based on the Qualitative Technique of Benedict. ACS Omega, 5(50), 32403-32410.
Reyna-Rosas, E., Contreras-Treviño, H. I., León-Rodríguez, R., Rocha-Zavaleta, L., Dinkova, T. D., & Padilla-Noriega, L.* (2020). The accumulation of rotavirus NSP3 dimers does not correlate with the extent of host cell translation inhibition. Future Virology, 15(9), 565-576.
Díaz-Granados, V. H., López-López, J. M., Flores-Sánchez, J., Olguin-Alor, R., Bedoya-López, A., Dinkova, T. D., Salazar-Díaz, K., Vázquez-Santana, S., Vázquez-Ramos, J. M., & Lara-Núñez, A. (2020). Glucose modulates proliferation in root apical meristems via TOR in maize during germination. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 155, 126-135.
López-Ruiz, B. A., Juárez-González, V. T., Gómez-Felipe, A., De Folter, S., & Dinkova, T. D. (2020). tasiR-ARFs Production and Target Regulation during In Vitro Maize Plant Regeneration. Plants, 9(7), 1-14.
Arroyo-Olarte, R. D., Martínez, I., Lujan, E., Mendlovic, F., Dinkova, T., & Espinoza, B. (2020). Differential gene expression of virulence factors modulates infectivity of TcI Trypanosoma cruzi strains. Parasitology Research.
Lledías, F., Gutiérrez, J., Martínez-Hernández, A., García-Mendoza, A., Sosa, E., Hernández-Bermúdez, F., Dinkova, T., Reyes, S., Cassab, G., & Nieto-Sotelo, J. (2020). Mayahuelin, a Type I Ribosome Inactivating Protein: Characterization, Evolution, and Utilization in Phylogenetic Analyses of Agave. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11.
Juárez-González, V. T., López-Ruiz, B. A., Baldrich, P., Luján-Soto, E., Meyers, B. C., & Dinkova, T. D. (2019). The explant developmental stage profoundly impacts small RNA-mediated regulation at the dedifferentiation step of maize somatic embryogenesis. Scientific Reports, 9(1).
López-Ruiz, B. A., Juárez-González, V. T., Sandoval-Zapotitla, E., & Dinkova, T. D. (2019). Development-related miRNA expression and target regulation during staggered in vitro plant regeneration of tuxpeño VS-535 maize cultivar. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(9).
Bucio-Mendez, A., Cruz-Becerra, G., Valadez-Graham, V., Dinkova, T. D., & Zurita, M. (2019). The Dmp8-Dmp18 bicistron messenger RNA enables unusual translation during cellular stress. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 120(3), 3887-3897.
Herrera-Díaz, J., Jelezova, M. K., Cruz-Garćia, F., & Dinkova, T. D. (2018). Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI1-1) differential expression and modification in mexican malting barley cultivars. PLoS ONE, 13(11).
López-Ruiz, B. A., Juárez-González, V. T., Chávez-Hernández, E. C., & Dinkova, T. D. (2018). MicroRNA expression and regulation during maize somatic embryogenesis.
Alejandri-Ramírez, N. D., Chávez-Hernández, E. C., Contreras-Guerra, J. L., Reyes, J. L., & Dinkova, T. D. (2018). Small RNA differential expression and regulation in tuxpeño maize embryogenic callus induction and establishment. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 122, 78-89.
Contreras-Treviño, H. I., Reyna-Rosas, E., León-Rodríguez, R., Ruiz-Ordaz, B. H., Dinkova, T. D., Cevallos, A. M., & Padilla-Noriega, L. (2017). Species A rotavirus NSP3 acquires its translation inhibitory function prior to stable dimer formation. PLoS ONE, 12(7)
Ochoa-Olmos, O. E., León-Domínguez, J. A., Contreras-Torres, F. F., Sanchez-Nieto, S., Basiuk, E. V., & Dinkova, T. D. (2016). Transformation of plant cell suspension cultures with amine-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16(7), 7461-7471.
Chávez-Calvillo, G., Contreras-Paredes, C. A., Mora-Macias, J., Noa-Carrazana, J. C., Serrano-Rubio, A. A., Dinkova, T. D., Carrillo-Tripp, M., & Silva-Rosales, L. (2016). Antagonism or synergism between papaya ringspot virus and papaya mosaic virus in carica papaya is determined by their order of infection. Virology, 489, 179-191.