
Miguel Antonio Costas Basín
[L] Termodinámica
[L] Laboratorio de Termodinámica
[L] Laboratorio de Equilibrio y Cinética
[Pg] Fisicoquímica de Proteínas
[Pg] Termodinámica Estadística
- Proteínas
- Termodinámica
- Calorimetría
- Estabilidad de proteínas
- Propiedades de bulto
- Propiedades de superficie
- Estabilidad termodinámica y cinética de proteínas
- Estabilidad de barriles TIM de novo
- Interacciones membrana-proteína y membrana-fármaco
- Medición e interpretación de propiedades de bulto y superficie de sistema líquidos organizados (micelas, liposomas etc)
- Posgrado en Ciencias Químicas
- Posgrado en Ciencias Bioquímicas
- Posgrado en Materiales
- D.W. Ambridge Award. Mejor tesis Doctoral en el área de Ciencias e Ingeniería, McGill University, Montreal, Canada,1985
- C.A. Winkler Award. Mejor tesis Doctoral en el Dept. de Química, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1985
- Distinción Universidad Nacional Jóvenes Académicos en Investigación en Ciencias Exactas, UNAM, 1990
- Premio Nacional de Química Andrés Manuel del Río, 1992
- Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel 3, 1995- a la fecha
- Premio Universidad Nacional en Docencia en Ciencias Exactas, 2010
Luviano, A. S.*, & Costas, M. (2023). High interfacial viscoelasticity of aqueous mixed dodecyltrimethylammonium Bromide–Sodium dodecyl sulfate surfactants forming inclusion complexes with Α-Cyclodextrin. Langmuir, 39(33), 11741-11749.
Tovar-Ramírez, M. E., Schuth, N., Rodríguez-Meza, O., Kröll, T., Saab‐Rincón, G., Costas, M., Lampi, K. J., & Quintanar, L.* (2023). ATCUN-like copper site in ΒB2-Crystallin plays a protective role in Cataract-Associated aggregation. Inorganic Chemistry, 62(27), 10592-10604.
Pérez-Isidoro, R.*, Díaz-Salazar, A. J., & Costas, M.* (2023). Biophysical study of the effect of ovalbumin and lysozyme in DMPC/sphingomyelin/cholesterol bilayers. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry.
Vergara, R., Berrocal, T., Mejía, E. I. J., Romero‐Romero, S., Velázquez‐López, I., Pulido, N. O., Sánchez, H. A. L., Silva, D., Costas, M., Rodrı́guez-Romero, A., Rodrı́guez-Sotres, R., Sosa‐Peinado, A., & Fernández‐Velasco, D. A.* (2023). Thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of the LAO binding protein and its isolated domains reveal non‐additivity in stability, folding and function. The FEBS Journal, 290(18), 4496-4512.
Palomino-Vizcaino, G., Schuth, N., Domínguez-Calva, J. A., Rodríguez-Meza, O., Martínez-Jurado, E., Serebryany, E., King, J. A., Kroll, T., Costas, M., & Quintanar, L.* (2023). Copper Reductase Activity and Free Radical Chemistry by Cataract-Associated Human Lens γ-Crystallins. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 145(12), 6781-6797.
Rodríguez-Meza, O., Palomino-Vizcaino, G., Quintanar, L., & Costas, M.* (2023). Mercury ions impact the kinetic and thermal stabilities of human lens γ-crystallins via direct metal-protein interactions. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 242, 112159.
Romero-Arias, J. R., Luviano, A. S., Costas, M., Hernandez-Machado, A. & Barrio, R. A.* (2022). Dynamical shapes of droplets of cyclodextrin-surfactant solutions. Scientific Reports, 12(1).
Rincón-López, J., Ramírez-Rodríguez, N. J., Luviano, A. S., Costas, M., López-Cervantes, J. L., García-Figueroa, A. A., Domínguez, H., Mendoza-Cruz, R., Guadarrama, P., López-Morales, S., & Rojas-Aguirre, Y.* (2022). Experimental and theoretical studies of pegylated-β-cyclodextrin: A step forward to understand its tunable self-aggregation abilities. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 67, 102975.
Romero-Romero, S., Costas, M., Silva Manzano, D. -A., Kordes, S., Rojas-Ortega, E., Tapia, C., Guerra, Y., Shanmugaratnam, S., Rodríguez-Romero, A., Baker, D., Baker, D.*, Höcker, B.*, & Fernández-Velasco, D. A.* (2021). The Stability Landscape of de novo TIM Barrels Explored by a Modular Design Approach. Journal of Molecular Biology, 433(18).
Romero-Arias, J. R., S. Luviano, A., Costas, M., Hernández-Machado, A., & Barrio, R. A.* (2021). Dipole–dipole interactions control the interfacial rheological response of cyclodextrin/surfactant solutions. Soft Matter.
Coyotl, E. A. P., Palacios, J. B., Muciño, G., Moreno-Blas, D., Costas, M., Montes, T. M., Diener, C., Uribe-Carvajal, S., Massieu, L., Castro-Obregón, S., Espinosa, O. R., Espinosa, D. M., Barrios-Payan, J., Contreras, J. C. L., Corzo, G., Hernández-Pando, R.*, & Del Rio, G.* (2020). Antimicrobial Peptide against Mycobacterium Tuberculosis That Activates Autophagy Is an Effective Treatment for Tuberculosis. Pharmaceutics, 12(11), 1-24.
Romero-Romero, S., Costas, M., Silva Manzano, D.-A., Kordes, S., Rojas-Ortega, E., Tapia, C., Guerra, Y., Shanmugaratnam, S., Rodríguez-Romero, A., Baker, D., Höcker, B., & Fernández-Velasco, D. A. (2020). Epistasis on the stability landscape of de novo TIM barrels explored by a modular design approach. bioRxiv.
Riaño-Umbarila, L., Rojas-Trejo, V. M., Romero-Moreno, J. A., Costas, M., Utrera-Espíndola, I., Olamendi-Portugal, T., Possani, L. D., & Becerril, B. (2020). Comparative assessment of the VH-VL and VL-VH orientations of single-chain variable fragments of scorpion toxin-neutralizing antibodies. Molecular Immunology, 122, 141-147.
Troncoso, J., González-Salgado, D., & Costas, M. (2020). Volumetric characterization of the thermal denaturation of α-chymotrypsin at pH 2.2. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, 149, 106147.
Pérez-Isidoro, R., & Costas, M. (2020). The effect of neuroleptic drugs on DPPC/sphingomyelin/cholesterol membranes. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids, 229.
Luviano, A. S., Hernández-Pascacio, J., Ondo, D., Campbell, R. A., Piñeiro, A., Campos-Terán, J., & Costas, M. (2020). Highly viscoelastic films at the water/air interface: α-Cyclodextrin with anionic surfactants. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 565, 601-613.
Piñeiro, Á., Muñoz, E., Sabín, J., Costas, M., Bastos, M., Velázquez-Campoy, A., Garrido, P. F., Dumas, P., Ennifar, E., García-Río, L., Rial, J., Pérez, D., Fraga, P., Rodríguez, A., & Cotelo, C. (2019). AFFINImeter: A software to analyze molecular recognition processes from experimental data. Analytical Biochemistry, 577, 117-134.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., González-Navejas, A., Palomino-Vizcaino, G., Rodriguez-Meza, O., Costas, M., Quintanar, L., & Dominguez, L. (2019). Thermodynamic stability of human γd-crystallin mutants using alchemical free-energy calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123(27), 5671-5677.
Schulte-Sasse, M., Pardo-Ávila, F., Pulido-Mayoral, N. O., Vázquez-Lobo, A., Costas, M., García-Hernández, E., Rodríguez-Romero, A., & Fernández-Velasco, D. A. (2019). Structural, thermodynamic and catalytic characterization of an ancestral triosephosphate isomerase reveal early evolutionary coupling between monomer association and function. FEBS Journal, 286(5), 882-900.
Romero-Romero, S., Becerril-Sesín, L. A., Costas, M., Rodríguez-Romero, A., & Fernández-Velasco, D. A. (2018). Structure and conformational stability of the triosephosphate isomerase from zea mays. comparison with the chemical unfolding pathways of other eukaryotic TIMs. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 658, 66-76.
Quezada, A. G., Cabrera, N., Piñeiro, Á., Díaz-Salazar, A. J., Díaz-Mazariegos, S., Romero-Romero, S., Pérez-Montfort, R., & Costas, M. (2018). A strategy based on thermal flexibility to design triosephosphate isomerase proteins with increased or decreased kinetic stability. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 503(4), 3017-3022.
Velázquez-López, I., Valdés-García, G., Romero Romero, S., Maya Martínez, R., Leal-Cervantes, A. I., Costas, M., Sánchez-López, R., Amero, C., Pastor, N., & Fernández Velasco, D. A. (2018). Localized conformational changes trigger the pH-induced fibrillogenesis of an amyloidogenic λ light chain protein. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta – General Subjects, 1862(7), 1656-1666.
Romero-Romero, S., Fernández-Velasco, D. A., & Costas, M. (2018). Estabilidad termodinámica de proteínas. Educación química, 29(3), 3-17.
Romero-Romero, S., Fernández-Velasco, D. A., & Costas, M. (2018). Donde la termodinámica y las proteínas se encuentran. Educación química, 29(3), 18-21.
Ondo, D., & Costas, M. (2017). Complexation thermodynamics of α-cyclodextrin with ionic surfactants in water. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 505, 445-453.
Olivares-Illana, V., Riveros-Rosas, H., Cabrera, N., Tuena de Gómez-Puyou, M., Pérez-Montfort, R., Costas, M., & Gómez-Puyou, A. (2017). A guide to the effects of a large portion of the residues of triosephosphate isomerase on catalysis, stability, druggability, and human disease. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, 85(7), 1190-1211.
Guzmán-Luna, V., Quezada, A. G., Díaz-Salazar, A. J., Cabrera, N., Pérez-Montfort, R., & Costas, M. (2017). The effect of specific proline residues on the kinetic stability of the triosephosphate isomerases of two trypanosomes. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics, 85(4), 571-579.
Garay Sánchez, S. A., Rodríguez Álvarez, F. J., Zavala-Padilla, G., Mejia-Cristobal, L. M., Cruz-Rangel, A., Costas, M., Fernández Velasco, D. A., Melendez-Zajgla, J., & Del Pozo-Yauner, L. (2017). Stability and aggregation propensity do not fully account for the association of various germline variable domain gene segments with light chain amyloidosis. Biological Chemistry, 398(4), 477-489.
Quezada, A. G., Díaz-Salazar, A. J., Cabrera, N., Pérez-Montfort, R., Piñeiro, Á., & Costas, M. (2017). Interplay between protein thermal flexibility and kinetic stability. Structure, 25(1), 167-179.
Vieyra-Eusebio, M. T., & Costas, M. (2016). Protein-protein interactions at high concentrations. isothermal titration calorimetry determination of human serum albumin-lysozyme interaction enthalpy at several pH values. Thermochimica Acta, 641, 39-42.
Hernandez-Pascacio, J., Piñeiro, A., Ruso, J. M., Hassan, N., Campbell, R. A., Campos-Terán, J., & Costas, M. (2016). Complex behavior of aqueous α-cyclodextrin solutions. interfacial morphologies resulting from bulk aggregation. Langmuir, 32(26), 6682-6690.
Romero-Romero, S., Costas, M., Rodríguez-Romero, A., & Fernández-Velasco, D. A. (2016). Erratum: Reversibility and two state behaviour in the thermal unfolding of oligomeric TIM barrel proteins (phys.chem.chem.phys. (2016) 18 (10647)). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18(15), 10647.
Raga-Carbajal, E., Carrillo-Nava, E., Costas, M., Porras-Dominguez, J., López-Munguía, A., & Olvera, C. (2016). Size product modulation by enzyme concentration reveals two distinct levan elongation mechanisms in bacillus subtilis levansucrase. Glycobiology, 26(4), 377-385.
Aguirre, C., Goto, Y., & Costas, M. (2016). Thermal and chemical unfolding pathways of PaSdsA1 sulfatase, a homo-dimer with topologically interlinked chains. FEBS Letters, 590(2), 202-214.