
María Josefa Bernad Bernad
Licenciada en Farmacia.
Doctora en Ciencias Químicas.
[L] Tecnología Farmacéutica II
[L] Fisicoquímica Farmacéutica
[Pg] Sistemas estímulo sensibles I y II
- Teragnosticos
- Liberación modificada de fármacos
- Vectorización
- Permeabilidad
- Nano y microtecnología
- Procesos de formación de plataformas de liberación
- Diseño, desarrollo y caracterización de nuevos sistemas de liberación de fármacos y teragnósticos
- Nanopartículas como estrategia de permeación a través de mucosas
- Nanogeles estímulo sensibles como modo de vetorización de principios activos
- Uso de disolventes sostenibles en procesos farmacéuticos
- Moléculas de origen vegetal formuladas en liberación inteligente de moléculas activas en terapia, agroalimentación y agricultura
- Residuos de origen agrícola y ganadero como sistemas matriciales y/o reservorio en formulación de diferentes tipos de activos
- Ciencias Químicas, UNAM
- Posgrado en Salud y Producción animal, UNAM
- Medicina, UNAM
- Ciencia de los materiales, UNAM
- UAM Xochimilco (Ciencias Farmacéuticas)
- Facultad de Farmacia (UAEM)
- Premio Canifarma 1998
- Premio Canifarma 2007
- Premio Canifarma Veterinaria 2008
- Premio CFM-Fundación UNAM a la Innovación Farmacéutica, 1er premio a la mejor tesis de licenciatura, 2018. Asesora
- Premio CFM-Fundación UNAM a la Innovación Farmacéutica, 2do lugar a la mejor tesis de maestría, 2019. Asesora
- Premio CFM-Fundación UNAM a la Innovación Farmacéutica, 2020, Asesora:
- 1er premio a la mejor tesis de licenciatura
- 3er lugar a la tesis de licenciatura
- 2do lugar a la tesis de maestría SNI nivel 1 desde enero 2007
- SNI nivel 1 desde 2007
Alva-Ensastegui, J.*, Morales-Ávila, E.*, De La Luz, A. P., & Bernad‐Bernad, M. J. (2024). Determination of PKA values and deprotonation order of methotrexate using a combined experimental-theoretical study and binding constants of the methotrexate-Laponite complex at different pH values. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 449, 115406.
García, E., Naranjo, L., Pichardo-Macías, L. A., Bernad‐Bernad, M. J., Castro‐Pastrana, L. I., García, M. R., Bernal, T., Solı́s, J. M., Guzmán, D. C., Díaz–García, L., Mendoza-Torreblanca, J. G., & Chávez-Pacheco, J. L.* (2023). Analysis of adverse drug reactions in pediatric patients with epilepsy: an intensive Pharmacovigilance study. Children (Basel), 10(11), 1775.
Santiago-Villarreal, O., Rojas-González, L., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., & Miranda-Calderón, J. E.* (2023). Self-emulsifying drug delivery system for praziquantel with enhanced ex vivo permeation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 18(2), 525-537.
Zermeño‐Acosta, M., López, H. S., Villar, J. R., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., & Gutiérrez, L.* (2023). Pharmacokinetics of doxycycline hyclate in pigs with a new feed premix formulation. Journal of Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.
González-Méndez, I., Sorroza-Martínez, K., González-Sánchez, I., Gracia-Mora, J., Bernad‐Bernad, M. J., Cerbón, M., Rivera, E.*, & Yatsimirsky, A. K.* (2023). Exploring the influence of spacers in EDTA–Β-Cyclodextrin dendrimers: physicochemical properties and in vitro biological behavior. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(19), 14422.
Castañeda Hernández, O., Domínguez-Robles, J., Caraballo, I., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., & Melgoza Contreras, L. M.* (2023). Comparison between polymeric excipients using SEDEM expert system in combination with mathematical modeling and quality control tools. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 86, 104750.
García-Guzmán, P., Medina-Torres, L.*, Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Calderas, F., & Manero, O. (2023). Study of the cholesterol adsorption and characterization of montmorillonite and bentonite clay. Materials today communications, 35, 105604.
Pineda-Álvarez, R. A., Flores-Avila, C., Medina-Torres, L., Gracia-Mora, J., Escobar-Chávez, J. J., Leyva-Gómez, G., Shahbazi, M., & Bernad-Bernad, M. J.* (2023). Laponite Composites: In Situ Films Forming as a Possible Healing Agent. Pharmaceutics, 15(6), 1634.
Alva-Ensastegui, J.*, Bernad-Bernad, M., Vega-Morales, J., & Aparicio-Gutierrez, N. (2023). Experimental-theoretical study to determine the pKa values of the ocular hypotensive Dorzolamide from UV–Vis spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1279, 135016.
González-Méndez, I., Loera-Loera, E., Sorroza-Martínez, K., Vonlanthen, M., Cuétara-Guadarrama, F., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Rivera, E.*, & Gracia-Mora, J.* (2022). Synthesis of β-Cyclodextrin-Decorated Dendritic Compounds Based on EDTA Core: A New Class of PAMAM Dendrimer Analogs. Pharmaceutics, 14(11), 2363.
Medina-Torres, L.*, Calderas, F., Ramírez-Torres, L. A., Núñez–Ramírez, D. M., Castro, A. N., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., & Manero, O. (2022). Rheological behavior of blood in Wistar rats with different total cholesterol levels. Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 34(4), 349-358.
Mendoza-Viveros, C. D., Gutiérrez-Pérez, O., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Medina-Torres, L., Monroy-Barreto, M., Gimeno, M., & Trujillo-Ortega, M. E.* (2022). Boar semen cryopreserved with trehalose-containing liposomes: disaccharide determination and rheological behaviour. Zygote, 30(6), 895-902.
Casillas-Popova, S. N., Arenas-Alatorre, J. A., Thangarasu, P.*, Tavizon, G., Bernad-Bernad, M. J. & Gracia-Mora, J. (2022). Influence of core-shell CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 and CoFe2O4-Bi4Ti3O12 on the magnetic properties. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 654, 130113.
Godínez-Loyola, Y., Gracia-Mora, J., Rojas-Montoya, I. D., Hernández-Ayala, L. F., Reina, M., Ortiz-Frade, L. A., Rascón-Valenzuela, L. A., Robles-Zepeda, R. E., Gómez-Vidales, V., Bernad-Bernad, M. J.* & Ruiz-Azuara, L.* (2022). Casiopeinas® third generation, with indomethacin: synthesis, characterization, DFT studies, antiproliferative activity, and nanoencapsulation. RSC Advances, 12(33), 21662-21673.
Pérez‐Salas, J. L., Medina‐Torres, L., Rocha‐Guzmán, N. E., Calderas, F., González‐Laredo, R. F., Bernad‐Bernad, M. J., Moreno‐Jiménez, M. R., & Gallegos‐Infante, J. A.* (2022). A Water in Oil Gelled Emulsion as a Topical Release Vehicle for Curcumin. Starch – Stärke, 74(7-8), 2200006.
Sarabia Aldana, C. A., Medina-Torres, L.*, Calderas, F., Ramírez-Torres, L. A., Núñez-Ramírez, D. M., Herrera-Valencia, E. E., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., & Manero, O. (2022). Hemorheological and biochemical study in patients with liver cirrhosis. Physics of Fluids, 34(4), 041907.
Pineda-Álvarez, R. A., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Rodríguez-Cruz, I. M., & Escobar-Chávez, J. J.* (2022). Development and Characterization of Starch/Gelatin Microneedle Arrays Loaded with Lecithin–Gelatin Nanoparticles of Losartan for Transdermal Delivery. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation, 17(1), 71-84.
García-Lacy, F.*, Gutiérrez-Olvera, L., Bernad, M., Fortier, L., Trigo-Tavera, F., Gómez-Chavarín, M., & Rodríguez-Monterde, A. (2022). Análisis farmacocinético de la inyección intraarticular de insulina y su efecto sobre la expresión del IGF-1 en el líquido sinovial de caballos sanos. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 13(2), 391-407.
Sierra-Res, A., Robles-Her, Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Día, R., Peñ, S. I., Vargas-Est, D., & Gracia-Mora, J. (2022). Designing and Preclinical Evaluation of a Molecular Imprint Polymer-Based Cocaine Odor Mimic for Conditioning Detection Dogs. International Journal of Pharmacology, 18(1), 171–181.
Casillas-Popova, S. N., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., & Gracia-Mora, J.* (2022). Modeling of adsorption and release kinetics of methotrexate from thermo/magnetic responsive CoFe2O4–BaTiO3, CoFe2O4–Bi4Ti3O12 and Fe3O4–BaTiO3 core-shell magnetoelectric nanoparticles functionalized with PNIPAm. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 68, 103121.
Molina, E. O., Bernad, M. J. B., Gracia-Mora, J., Estrada, D. V.*, & Camberos, L. O. (2021). In Vitro Release Of New Designs Of Modified-Release Tramadol Hydrochloride Included In A Polymer Matrix. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 34(5), 1783-1790.
Salas-Ambrosio, P. J., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Linares-Alba, M. A., García-Santisteban, R., Tonix-Aburto, L. A., Ornelas-Lobato, G. J., Gracia-Mora, I., Rivera-Huerta, M., Sánchez-Bartez, F., Rico-Morales, H., & García-Sánchez, G. A. (2021). Toxicity Evaluation of a Novel Rapamycin Liposomal Formulation After Subconjunctival and Intravitreal Injection. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 37(5), 261-276.
Castañeda Hernández, O., Caraballo Rodríguez, I., Bernad Bernad, M. J., & Melgoza Contreras, L. M.* (2021). Comparison of the performance of two grades of metformin hydrochloride elaboration by means of the SeDeM system, compressibility, compactability, and process capability indices. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 47(3), 484-497.
Castañeda, P. S., Olvera, L. G., Bernad, M. J. B., López, H. S., & Escobar-Chávez, J. J.* (2021). Development of a Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Florfenicol in Eudragit Nanocapsules. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 54(11), 1181-1185.
Ortega, E., Bernad, M. J., Gracia, J., Vargas, D., & Ocampo, L. (2021). In vitro Release of New Modified-Release Tramadol HCl Designs and Their Rheological Characterization. International Journal of Pharmacology, 17(1), 28–37.
Rojas-Montoya, I. D., Fosado-Esquivel, P., Henao-Holguín, L. V., Ramírez-Rave, S., Bernad-Bernad, M., & Gracia-Mora, J. (2020). Hydroxyapatite nanoparticles synthesized via reverse microemulsions and their adsorption/desorption properties with enrofloxacin. Journal of Crystal Growth, 549, 125878.
Rojas-Montoya, I. D., Fosado-Esquivel, P., Henao-Holguín, L. V., Esperanza-Villegas, A. E., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., & Gracia-Mora, J. (2020). Adsorption/desorption studies of norfloxacin on brushite nanoparticles from reverse microemulsions. Adsorption, 26(6), 825-834.
Resendiz, A. S., Bernad Bernad, M. J., Sanchez Lemus, J. C., Rodríguez, I. J., Carlin Valderrabano, S. C., & Estrada, D. V. (2020). Disposition and pharmacokinetics of azithromycin in serum and a lung tissue of two modified-release formulations compared with an immediate-release product on the market. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 33(3), 1079-1085.
Ramírez-Rave, S., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Gracia-Mora, J., & Yatsimirsky, A. K. (2020). Recent Advances in Application of Azobenzenes Grafted on Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles in Controlled Drug Delivery Systems Using Light as External Stimulus. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 20(11), 1001-1016.
Carrillo, L., Bernad, M. -., Monroy-Barreto, M., Coello, C. L., Sumano, H., & Gutiérrez, L. (2020). Higher Bioavailability of Calcium in Chickens With a Novel In-Feed Pharmaceutical Formulation. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 7.
Arciniegas, S. M., Saavedra, S. A., Balderas, D., del Carmen Caballero, S., Bernad, M. J., Sánchez, J. C., Gracia, M. I., Rico, H. A., & Vargas, D. (2020). Comparison in the Glucose Response of Flexible Liposomes Loaded with Insulin with the Addition of Different Surfactants in an Experimental Diabetes Model. Letters in Drug Design and Discovery, 17(6), 795-806.
Ceja‐Medina, L. I., Ortiz‐Basurto, R. I., Medina‐Torres, L., Calderas, F., Bernad‐Bernad, M. J., González‐Laredo, R. F., Ragazzo-Sánchez, J. A., Calderón-Santoyo, M., González-Ávila, M., Andrade-González, I., & Manero, O. (2020). Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus plantarum by spray drying with mixtures of Aloe vera mucilage and agave fructans as wall materials. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 43(8).
Henao-Holguin, L. V., Cornejo-Santiago, E., Rojas-Montoya, I. D., Gracia-Mora, J., & Bernad-Bernad, M. J. (2020). MWCNT-riboflavin nanocomposite for collagen crosslinking: A green approach. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 241, 122361.
Orona-Ortiz, A., Medina-Torres, L., Velázquez-Moyado, J. A., Pineda-Peña, E. A., Balderas-López, J. L., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Tavares Carvalho, J. C., & Navarrete, A. (2019). Mucoadhesive effect of curcuma longa extract and curcumin decreases the ranitidine effect, but not bismuth subsalicylate on ethanol-induced ulcer model. Scientific Reports, 9(1).
Gutierrez, L., Mendoza, J., Rangel, A. B., Tapia, G., Bernad, M. J., & Sumano, H. (2019). Outpatient clinical trial in dogs with leptospirosis treated with enrofloxacin hydrochloride-dihydrate (ENRO-C). Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6.
García-Guzmán, P., Medina-Torres, L., Calderas, F., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Gracia-Mora, J., Marcos, X., Correa-Basurto, J., Núñez-Ramírez, D.M., & Manero, O. (2019). Rheological mucoadhesion and cytotoxicity of montmorillonite clay mineral/hybrid microparticles biocomposite. Applied Clay Science, 180, 105202.
Medina-Torres, L., Núñez-Ramírez, D. M., Calderas, F., González-Laredo, R. F., Minjares-Fuentes, R., Valadez-García, M. A., Bernad-Bernad, M.J., & Manero, O. (2019). Microencapsulation of gallic acid by spray drying with aloe vera mucilage (aloe barbadensis miller) as wall material. Industrial Crops and Products, 138, 111461.
Medina-Torres, L., Núñez-Ramírez, D. M., Calderas, F., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Gracia-Mora, J., Rodríguez-Ramírez, J., González-Laredo, R.F., Gallegos-Infante, J.A., & Manero, O. (2019). Curcumin encapsulation by spray drying using aloe vera mucilage as encapsulating agent. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 42(2).
Estrada-San Agustín, E., Gutiérrez, L., Bernad, M., Castillo-Juárez, H., Sánchez, S., & Sumano, H. (2019). Pharmacokinetics of two dosing forms of a recrystallized enrofloxacin as hydrochloride dihydrate in tilapia (oreochromis niloticus × oreochromis mossambicus). Aquaculture International, 27(3), 849-857.
Arciniegas, S. M., Bernad, M. J., Caballero, S. C., Hernandez, D., Solis, B., & Vargas, A. D. (2019). Process for physicochemical improvement of ultra-flexible liposomes loaded with insulin. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 81(1), 110-116.
Arciniegas, S. M., Bernad, M. J., Carlin, S. C., Juárez, I., & Vargas, D. (2019). Long-acting oral formulation of doxycycline: In vitroin vivo correlation studies. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 81(4), 608-617.
Aquino, I., Gutiérrez-Blanco, E., Ocampo, L., Gutiérrez, L., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., & Sumano, H. (2019). Anesthetic evaluation of a novel phospholipid-free 1% propofol microemulsion formulation in dogs. Veterinaria Mexico, 6(3).
Marcos, X., Padilla-Beltrán, C., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Rosales-Hernández, M. C., Pérez-Casas, S., & Correa-Basurto, J. (2018). Controlled release of N-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-2-propylpentanamide nanoencapsulated in polymeric micelles of P123 and F127 tested as anti-proliferative agents in MDA-MB-231 cells. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 48, 403-413.
Miranda-Calderón, J. E., Macías-Rosales, L., Gracia-Mora, I., Ruiz-Azuara, L., Faustino-Vega, A., Gracia-Mora, J., & Bernad-Bernad, M. J. (2018). Effect of casiopein III-ia loaded into chitosan nanoparticles on tumor growth inhibition. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 48, 1-8.
García-Guzmán, P., Medina-Torres, L., Calderas, F., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Gracia-Mora, J., Mena, B., & Manero, O. (2018). Characterization of hybrid microparticles/Montmorillonite composite with raspberry-like morphology for atorvastatin controlled release. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 167, 397-406.
Gutierrez, L., Alcala, Y., Bernad, M. J., & Sumano, H. (2018). Increased bioavailability of tylosin phosphate as in-feed medication formulated for long-action pellets in broiler chickens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 27(1), 16-22.
Medina-Torres, L., Calderas, F., Nuñez Ramírez, D. M., Herrera-Valencia, E. E., Bernad Bernad, M. J., & Manero, O. (2017). Spray drying egg using either maltodextrin or nopal mucilage as stabilizer agents. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 54(13), 4427-4435.
Pérez-Salinas, P., Jaramillo-Soto, G., Rosas-Aburto, A., Vázquez-Torres, H., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Licea-Claverie, Á., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2017). Comparison of polymer networks synthesized by conventional free radical and RAFT copolymerization processes in supercritical carbon dioxide. Processes, 5(2), 26.
Ortega, E., Gutiérrez, L., Bernad, M. J., Salmerón, F., Juárez, I., & Vargas, D. (2017). Evaluation of different oral formulations of clindamycin extended release in dogs. Drug Research, 67(1), 32-37.
Medina-Torres, L., Santiago-Adame, R., Calderas, F., Gallegos-Infante, J. A., González-Laredo, R. F., Rocha-Guzmán, N. E., Núñez-Ramírez, D. M., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., & Manero, O. (2016). Microencapsulation by spray drying of laurel infusions (litsea glaucescens) with maltodextrin. Industrial Crops and Products, 90, 1-8.
Calderas, F., Medina-Torres, L., Linares-Alba, M. A., Urbano-López, H. E., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., & Manero, O. (2016). Rheology of the ultrasound-induced gelation in poloxamer aqueous solutions. Rheologica Acta, 55(10), 781-787.
Vega, A. F., Medina-Torres, L., Calderas, F., Gracia-Mora, J., & Bernad-Bernad, M. (2016). Closantel nano-encapsulated polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solutions. Pharmaceutical Development and Technology, 21(5), 636-641.
Linares-Alba, M. A., Gómez-Guajardo, M. B., Fonzar, J. F., Brooks, D. E., García-Sánchez, G. A., & Bernad-Bernad, M. J. (2016). Preformulation studies of a liposomal formulation containing sirolimus for the treatment of dry eye disease. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 32(1), 11-22.