
Laura Domínguez Dueñas
Licenciatura en Química
Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquímicas
[L] Termodinámica
[Pg] Tópico de Herramientas de Modelaje Molecular en el posgrado en ciencias bioquímicas
- Dinámica Molecular
- Proteínas
- Agregación
- Simulación de proteínas
- Enfermedades neurodegenerativas
- Plegamiento de proteínas
Simulación computacional de macromoléculas biológicas para estudiar su relación estructura-función, es decir cómo el plegamiento y la dinámica de diferentes proteínas puede afectar su función biológica. En particular estamos interesados en estudiar desde el punto de vista computacional las enfermedades causadas por el mal plegamiento de proteínas.
- Posgrado en Química
- Posgrado en Ciencias Bioquímicas
- Schlumberger Foundation, “Faculty For the Future” 2012-2014
Pérez-Trejo, I., & Domı́nguez, L. (2023). GAMD simulations as an alternative in the TFE-water mixture description. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 29(11), 352.
Velasco-Bolom, J., & Domı́nguez, L.* (2023). Protein–protein association properties of human βB2‐crystallins. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics.
Garrido-Bazán, V., Guzmán‐Ocampo, D. C., Domı́nguez, L., & Aguirre, J.* (2023). Filamentous Actin destabilization by H2O2 favors DNMA aggregation, with crucial roles of cysteines 450 and 776 in mitochondrial and peroxisomal division in Aspergillus nidulans. MBio, 14(6).
Velasco-Bolom, J., & Domínguez, L.* (2023). Conformational stability of the deamidated and mutated human βB2-crystallin. Biophysical Chemistry, 296, 106986.
Guzmán-Ocampo, D. C., Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Velasco-Bolom, J. L., Gupta, P. L., Roitberg, A. E., & Dominguez, L.* (2023). Elucidating the Protonation State of the γ-Secretase Catalytic Dyad. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 14(2), 261-269.
Flores-León, C. D., Dominguez, L., & Aguayo-Ortiz, R.* (2022). Molecular basis of Toxoplasma gondii oryzalin resistance from a novel α-tubulin binding site model. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 730, 109398.
Goode-Romero, G. & Dominguez, L.* (2022). Computational study of the conformational ensemble of CX3C chemokine receptor 1 (CX3CR1) and its interactions with antagonist and agonist ligands. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 117, 108278.
Velasco-Bolom, J. L. & Domínguez, L.* (2022). Mechanistic regulation of γ-secretase by their substrates. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(32), 19223-19232.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R.*, & Dominguez, L. (2022). Unveiling the Possible Oryzalin-Binding Site in the α-Tubulin of Toxoplasma gondii. ACS Omega, 7(22), 18434-18442.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Guzmán-Ocampo, D. C., & Dominguez, L.* (2022). Insights into the binding of morin to human γD-crystallin. Biophysical Chemistry, 282.
Goode-Romero, G., Dominguez, L., & Martínez, A.* (2021). Electron Donor–Acceptor Properties of Different Muscarinic Ligands: On the Road to Control Schizophrenia. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling.
Santiago, N., Guzmán-Ocampo, D. C., Aguayo-Ortiz, R.*, & Dominguez, L.* (2021). Characterizing the Chemical Space of γ-Secretase Inhibitors and Modulators. ACS Chemical Neuroscience.
Goode-Romero, G., Dominguez, L., Vargas, R., Ibarra, I. A., & Martínez, A.* (2021). Analyzing the interaction energy between dopaminergic agents and DRD2: Is there any difference between risperidone (antagonist), aripiprazole (partial agonist) and pramipexole (agonist)? Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1197.
Nguyen, P. H., Ramamoorthy, A., Sahoo, B. R., Zheng, J., Faller, P., Straub, J. E., Dominguez, L., Shea, J. E., Dokholyan, N. V., De Simone, A., Ma, B., Nussinov, R., Najafi, S., Ngo, S. T., Loquet, A., Chiricotto, M., Ganguly, P., McCarty, J., Li, M. S., Hall, C., Wang, Y., Miller, Y., Melchionna, S., Habenstein, B., Timr, S., Chen, J., Hnath, B., Strodel, B., Kayed, R., Lesné, S., Wei, G., Sterpone, F., J., A., & Doig Derreumaux, P.* (2021). Amyloid Oligomers: A Joint Experimental/Computational Perspective on Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Type II Diabetes, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Chemical Reviews.
Velasco-Bolom, J. L., & Domínguez, L.* (2020). Exploring the folding process of human βB2-crystallin using multiscale molecular dynamics and the Markov state model. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 22(46), 26753-26763.
Goode-Romero, G., Winnberg, U., Domínguez, L., Ibarra, I. A., Vargas, R., Winnberg, E., & Martínez, A. (2020). New information of dopaminergic agents based on quantum chemistry calculations. Scientific Reports, 10(1).
Herrera-Vázquez, F. S., Matadamas-Martínez, F., Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Dominguez, L., Ramírez-Apan, T., Yépez-Mulia, L., & Hernández-Luis, F. (2020). Design, Synthesis and Evaluation of 2,4‐Diaminoquinazoline Derivatives as Potential Tubulin Polymerization Inhibitors. ChemMedChem, 15(19), 1802-1812.
Uriostegui-Arcos, M., Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Valencia-Morales, M. D. P., Melchy-Pérez, E., Rosenstein, Y., Dominguez, L., & Zurita, M. (2020). Disruption of TFIIH activities generates a stress gene expression response and reveals possible new targets against cancer. Open Biology, 10(6), 200050.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., & Dominguez, L. (2020). Effects of mutating Trp42 residue on γD-crystallin stability. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 60(2), 777-785.
González-Méndez, I., Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Sorroza-Martínez, K., Solano, J. D., Porcu, P., Rivera, E., & Dominguez, L. (2020). Conformational analysis by NMR and molecular dynamics of adamantane-doxorubicin prodrugs and their assemblies with β-cyclodextrin: A focus on the design of platforms for controlled drug delivery. Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry.
Ladrón-de-Guevara, E., Dominguez, L., Rangel-Yescas, G. E., Fernández-Velasco, D. A., Torres-Larios, A., Rosenbaum, T., & Islas, L. D. (2020). The Contribution of the Ankyrin Repeat Domain of TRPV1 as a Thermal Module. Biophysical Journal, 118(4), 836-845.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Dominguez, L., & Espinoza-Fonseca, L. M. (2020). Predicting the pKa Shift of Acidic Residues in the Calcium-Binding Sites of Serca using Alchemical Free-Energy Calculations. Biophysical Journal, 118(3), 529a.
Domínguez Dueñas, L., & Amador-Bedolla, C. (2020). El origen de COVID-19: lo que se sabe, lo que se supone y (muy poquito) sobre las teorías de complot. Educación Química, 31(2), 3.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., & Dominguez, L.* (2019). Effects of Mutating Trp42 Residue on γD-Crystallin Stability. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling.
Ladrón-de-Guevara, E., Dominguez, L., Rangel-Yescas, G. E., Fernández-Velasco, D. A., Torres-Larios, A., Rosenbaum, T., & Islas, L. D. (2019). The Contribution of the Ankyrin Repeat Domain of TRPV1 as a Thermal Module. Biophysical Journal.
Urioistegui-Arcos, M., Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Valencia-Morales, M. P., Melchy-Pérez, E., Rosenstein, Y., Domínguez, L., & Zurita, M. (2019). Disruption of TFIIH activities generates a stress gene expression response and reveals possible new targets against cancer. bioRxiv.
Dominguez Dueñas, L., Goode-Romero, G., & Aguayo-Ortiz, R. (2019). Relaciones cuantitativas estructura-actividad/propiedad en dos dimensiones empleando el programa R. Educación Química, 30(2).
González-Hernández, I., Palomares-Alonso, F., Becerril-Vega, J., De La Torre, S. M., Hernández-Luis, F., Rodriguez-Morales, S., Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Dominguez, L., Rodríguez-Balderas, C. A., González-Maciel, A., Rojas-Tomé, I. S., Castro, N., & Jung-Cook, H. (2019). Evaluation of new benzimidazole derivatives as cysticidal agents: In vitro, in vivo and docking studies. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 67(12), 1293-1300.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., & Dominguez, L. (2019). APH-1A component of γ-secretase forms an internal water and ion-containing cavity. ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 10(6), 2931-2938.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., González-Navejas, A., Palomino-Vizcaino, G., Rodriguez-Meza, O., Costas, M., Quintanar, L., & Dominguez, L. (2019). Thermodynamic stability of human γd-crystallin mutants using alchemical free-energy calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 123(27), 5671-5677.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Guzmán-Ocampo, D. C., & Dominguez, L. (2019). Toward the characterization of DAPT interactions with γ-secretase. ChemMedChem, 14(10), 1005-1010.
Chávez-García, C., Aguayo-Ortiz, R., & Dominguez, L. (2019). Quantifying correlations between mutational sites in the catalytic subunit of γ-secretase. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 88, 221-227.
García-Ruiz, K. M., Marmolejo-Valencia, A. F., González-Navejas, A., Dominguez, L., & Amador-Bedolla, C. (2019). Parameterization of prototype organic small molecules suitable for OPVs and molecular dynamics simulations: The BTT and BPT cases. Journal of Molecular Modeling, 25(5).
Marmolejo-Valencia, A. F., Mata-Pinzón, Z., Dominguez, L., & Amador-Bedolla, C. (2019). Atomistic simulations of bulk heterojunctions to evaluate the structural and packing properties of new predicted donors in OPVs. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21, 20315-20326.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., & Dominguez, L. (2018). Simulating the γ-secretase enzyme: Recent advances and future directions. Biochimie, 147, 130-135.
López-Méndez, L. J., González-Méndez, I., Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Dominguez, L., Alcaraz-Estrada, S. L., Rojas-Aguirre, Y., & Guadarrama, P. (2018). Synthesis of a poly(ester) dendritic β-cyclodextrin derivative by “click” chemistry: Combining the best of two worlds for complexation enhancement. Carbohydrate Polymers, 184, 20-29.
Tabatabaei-Dakhili, S. A., Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Domínguez, L., & Velázquez-Martínez, C. A. (2018). Untying the knot of transcription factor druggability: Molecular modeling study of FOXM1 inhibitors. Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 80, 197-210.
Guzmán-Ocampo, D. C., Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Cano-González, L., Castillo, R., Hernández-Campos, A., & Dominguez, L. (2018). Effects of the protonation state of titratable residues and the presence of water molecules on nocodazole binding to β-tubulin. ChemMedChem, 13(1), 20-24.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Straub, J. E., & Dominguez, L. (2018). Influence of membrane lipid composition on the structure and activity of γ-secretase. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20(43), 27294-27304.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., & Dominguez, L. (2017). Generation of amyloid-β peptides by γ-secretase. Israel Journal of Chemistry, 57(7), 574-585.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Cano-González, L., Castillo, R., Hernández-Campos, A., & Dominguez, L. (2017). Structure-based approaches for the design of benzimidazole-2-carbamate derivatives as tubulin polymerization inhibitors. Chemical Biology and Drug Design, 90(1), 40-51.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Chávez-García, C., Straub, J. E., & Dominguez, L. (2017). Characterizing the structural ensemble of γ-secretase using a multiscale molecular dynamics approach. Chemical Science, 8(8), 5576-5584.
Aguayo-Ortiz, R., Meza-Cervantez, P., Castillo, R., Hernández-Campos, A., Dominguez, L., & Yépez-Mulia, L. (2017). Insights into the: Giardia intestinalis enolase and human plasminogen interaction. Molecular BioSystems, 13(10), 2015-2023.
Panahi, A., Bandara, A., Pantelopulos, G. A., Dominguez, L., & Straub, J. E. (2016). Specific binding of cholesterol to C99 domain of amyloid precursor protein depends critically on charge state of protein. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7(18), 3535-3541.
Dominguez, L., Foster, L., Straub, J. E., & Thirumalai, D. (2016). Impact of membrane lipid composition on the structure and stability of the transmembrane domain of amyloid precursor protein. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 113(36), E5281-E5287.
Pacheco, J., Dominguez, L., Bohorquez-Hernandez, A., Asanov, A., & Vaca, L. (2016). A cholesterol-binding domain in STIM1 modulates STIM1-Orai1 physical and functional interactions. Scientific Reports, 6.
Chin, S. L., Lu, Q., Dane, E. L., Dominguez, L., McKnight, C. J., Straub, J. E., & Grinstaff, M. W. (2016). Combined molecular dynamics simulations and experimental studies of the structure and dynamics of poly-amido-saccharides. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 138(20), 6532-6540.