
Julio César Aguilar Cordero
Licenciatura en Química, Facultad de Química, UNAM, 19942.
Maestría en Ciencias Químicas (Química Analítica), División de Estudios de Posgrado, Facultad de Química, UNAM, 1996.
Doctorado en Ciencias Químicas (Química Analítica), División de Estudios de Posgrado, Facultad de Química, UNAM, 2001.
[L] Química Analítica I (1402)
[L] Química Analítica II (1504)
[L] Fisicoquímica de iónica y electródica (1401)
- Electroquímica analítica
- Electrodos modificados
- Líquidos iónicos
- Depósitos metálicos nanoestructurados
- Actividad/capacidad antioxidante
Química en disolución, electroquímica molecular, electroquímica en líquidos iónicos, reactividad electroquímica del ion superóxido en disolventes no acuosos, electrodos modificados y depósitos metálicos nanoestructurados, microscopía electroquímica de barrido y espectroscopía de impedancia electroquímica.
- Programa de Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencias Químicas, UNAM
- Investigador Nacional Nivel I, Sistema Nacional de Investigadores
Briones-Guerash, U., García-Mendoza, A., & Aguilar-Cordero, J. C.* (2023). Spreadsheet Methodology for the Calculation of Equilibrium Diagrams Including Precipitation Reactions and Formation of Mixed Ligand and Polynuclear Hydroxo Complexes. Journal Of Chemical Education, 100(12), 4663-4673.
Briones-Guerash, U., Velásquez-Reales, J. A., Gómez-Tagle, P., & Aguilar-Cordero, J. C.* (2022). Glucose, Fructose and H2O2 Detection by Microstructured Copper and Cobalt Oxides Electrodeposited onto Glassy Carbon Electrodes using Potentiostatic or Potentiodynamic Methods. International Journal Of Electrochemical Science, 17(9), 220911.
Landgrave-Barbosa, F., Marmolejo-Valencia, A. F., Baray-Calderón, A., Hu, H., Aguilar-Cordero, J. C., Amador-Bedolla, C.*, & Ugalde-Saldivar, V. M.* (2022). Impact of thickness of spin-coated P3HT thin films, over their optical and electronic properties. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 26(3), 649-661.
Monroy Barreto, M., Rodríguez Salazar, M. T. J., Aguilar Cordero, J. C., Mercader Trejo, F. E., Recillas Mota, J. J., Herrera Basurto, R., Zamora Martínez, O., Zaldívar Coria, I., García Valdés, J. J., Mendoza Solís, E. E., Ramírez Arenas, S., Gómez Carrasco, A. G., Abán Estrella, A. A., Morales Velázquez, A. J., Bernal España, I. P., Gutiérrez Sánchez, C., Skladal Méndez, A., & Delgadillo Mendoza, E. D. (2020). 2020: el año que vivimos virtualmente. Educación Química, 31(5), 152.
Hernández-Vargas, S. G., Alberto Cevallos-Morillo, C., & Aguilar-Cordero, J. C. (2020). Effect of Ionic Liquid Structure on the Electrochemical Response of Dopamine at Room Temperature Ionic Liquid-Modified Carbon Paste Electrodes (IL–CPE). Electroanalysis, 32(9), 1938-1948.
García-Mendoza, A., & Aguilar, J. C. (2019). Silver(I) chlorides speciation and its relationship to the design, construction and evaluation of true ag (s) /[AgCl n ] 1−n reference electrodes for their use in bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide room temperature ionic liquids. Electrochimica Acta, 302, 344-351.
Villamil-Ramos, R., Gómez-Tagle, P., Aguilar-Cordero, J. C., & Yatsimirsky, A. K. (2019). Spectrophotometric, fluorimetric and electrochemical selective pyrophosphate/ATP sensing based on the dimethyltin(IV)-tiron system. Analytica Chimica Acta, 1057, 51-59.
Cevallos-Morillo, C. A., Hernández-Vargas, S. G., & Aguilar-Cordero, J. C. (2018). Electrochemical formation of nanostructured gold surfaces on glassy carbon for the determination of dopamine. Electroanalysis, 30(8), 1619-1625.
Pech-Canul, M. A., Guía-Tello, J. C., Pech-Canul, M. I., Aguilar, J. C., Gorocica-Díaz, J. A., Arana-Guillén, R., & Puch-Bleis, J. (2017). Electrochemical behavior of tube-fin assembly for an aluminum automotive condenser with improved corrosion resistance. Results in Physics, 7, 1760-1777.
Esquivel-Peña, V., Munguía-Acevedo, N. M., Rodríguez de San Miguel, E., Aguilar, J. C., & de Gyves, J. (2016). On the control of interferences in the potentiometric fluoride analysis of table salt samples. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 47, 60-68.
Mendoza-Reyes, L. G., Gutiérrez-Sánchez, A., Ruiz-Segura, J. C., Monroy-Barreto, M., Aguilar, J. C., Rodríguez de San Miguel, E., & de Gyves, J. (2016). Crosslinking effects on hybrid organic-inorganic proton conducting membranes based on sulfonated polystyrene and polysiloxane. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 27(3), 404-413.
Belmont-Bernal, F., Aguilar, J. C., Ramos, E., & Guadarrama, P. (2016). Systematic derivatization of curcumin and its effect on antioxidant capacity and action mechanism. cyclic voltammetry and DFT as tools of analysis. ChemistrySelect, 1(16), 5091-5098.