
Josefina De Gyves y Marciniak
Lic. en Química.UNAM.
Maestría en Química Analítica. UNAM.
Doctora en Ciencias. Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.
[L] Química Analítica I
[L] Química Analítica II
[Pg] Métodos Espectroscópicos
- Recuperación; metales; membranas poliméricas
- Desarrollo, membranas conductoras, tecnologías limpias
- Desarrollo, nanocatalizadores metálicos; catálisis heterogénea
- Extracción/recuperación de especies metálicas y no-metálicas empleando membranas poliméricas a partir de licores de lixiviación, aguas residuales y muestras sólidas ambientales
- Síntesis y caracterización de membranas conductoras iónicas para aplicación en tecnologías limpias
- Obtención y caracterización de nanopartículas metálicas soportadas en nanatubos de carbono y/o membranas poliméricas con aplicación en catálisis heterogénea
- Posgrado en Ciencias Químicas
- Posgrado en Ciencias del Mar y Limnología
Martínez de la Peña, A., Rodríguez de San Miguel, E.*, & De Gyves, J. (2023). MID-FTIR-PLS Chemometric Analysis of Cr(VI) from Aqueous Solutions Using a Polymer Inclusion Membrane-Based Sensor. Membranes, 13(8), 740.
De Gyves, J., Molina-Ruiz, L. G., Rutz-López, E., Ocampo, A. L., Gutiérrez-Sánchez, A., Munguía-Acevedo, N. M., Peña-Medina, F., & Esquivel-Peña, V.* (2023). Enhanced performance of glycerol electro-oxidation in alkaline media using bimetallic Au–Cu NPs supported by MWCNTs and reducible metal oxides. Frontiers In Chemistry, 11.
Mancilla-Rico, A., de Gyves, J., & Rodríguez de San Miguel, E.* (2021). Structural Characterization of the Plasticizers’ Role in Polymer Inclusion Membranes Used for Indium (III) Transport Containing IONQUEST® 801 as Carrier. Membranes, 11(6).
Gutiérrez-Sánchez, A., Ruíz-Segura, J. C., Ocampo-Flores, A. L., & de Gyves, J.* (2021). Organic-inorganic (polysiloxane) crosslinked sulphonated poly(ether ether ketone ketone) hybrid membranes for direct methanol fuel cells. Solid State Ionics, 363.
Rojas-Challa, Y.*, de Gyves, J., Ortega-Muñoz, R., Montiel-Aguirre, F., González-Albarrán, R., & Rodríguez de San Miguel, E. (2021). Comparative study of As (V) uptake in aqueous medium by a polymer inclusion membrane-based passive sampling device and two filamentous fungi (Aspergillus niger and Rhizopus sp.) Chemosphere, 272.
Monroy-Barreto, M., Bautista-Flores, A. N., Munguia Acevedo, N. M., de San Miguel, E. R., & de Gyves, J.* (2021). Selective Palladium(II) Recovery Using a Polymer Inclusion Membrane with Tris(2-ethylhexyl) Phosphate (TEHP). Experimental and Theoretical Study. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(8), 3385-3396.
González-Albarrán, R., de Gyves, J., & de San Miguel, E. R. (2020). Determination of Cadmium (II) in Aqueous Solutions by In Situ MID-FTIR-PLS Analysis Using a Polymer Inclusion Membrane-Based Sensor: First Considerations. Molecules, 25(15).
Esquivel-Peña, V., Guccini, V., Kumar, S., Salazar-Alvarez, G., Rodríguez De San Miguel, E., & De Gyves, J. (2020). Hybrids based on borate-functionalized cellulose nanofibers and noble-metal nanoparticles as sustainable catalysts for environmental applications. RSC Advances, 10(21), 12460-12468.
González-Albarrán, R., de Gyves, J., & Rodríguez de San Miguel, E. (2020). Influence of some physicochemical parameters on the passive sampling of copper (II) from aqueous medium using a polymer inclusion membrane device. Environmental Pollution, 258.
Rojas-Challa, Y., Rodríguez de San Miguel, E., & de Gyves, J. (2020). Response Surface Methodology Approach Applied to the Study of Arsenic (V) Migration by Facilitated Transport in Polymer Inclusion Membranes. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 231(2).
González-Albarrán, R., de Gyves, J., & Rodríguez de San Miguel, E. (2019). Influence of some physicochemical parameters on the passive sampling of copper (II) from aqueous medium using a polymer inclusion membrane device. Environmental Pollution.
Esquivel-Peña, V., Bastos-Arrieta, J., Muñoz, M., Mora-Tamez, L., Munguía-Acevedo, N. M., Ocampo, A. L., & de Gyves, J. (2019). Metal nanoparticle–carbon nanotubes hybrid catalysts immobilized in a polymeric membrane for the reduction of 4-nitrophenol. SN Applied Sciences, 1(4).
Ruiz Cuilty, K., Ballinas-Casarrubias, L., Rodríguez de San Miguel, E., de Gyves, J., Robles-Venzor, J. C., & González-Sánchez, G. (2018). Cellulose recovery from quercus sp. sawdust using ethanosolv pretreatment. Biomass and Bioenergy, 111, 114-124.
Rodríguez-Morales, E. A., Rodríguez de San Miguel, E., & de Gyves, J. (2017). Evaluation of a hollow fiber supported liquid membrane device as a chemical surrogate for the measurements of zinc (II) bioavailability using two microalgae strains as biological references. Chemosphere, 171, 435-445.
Mora-Tamez, L., Esquivel-Peña, V., Ocampo, A. L., Rodríguez de San Miguel, E., Grande, D., & de Gyves, J. (2017). Simultaneous AuIII extraction and in situ formation of polymeric membrane-supported au nanoparticles: A sustainable process with application in catalysis. ChemSusChem, 10(7), 1482-1493.
Esquivel-Peña, V., Munguía-Acevedo, N. M., Rodríguez de San Miguel, E., Aguilar, J. C., & de Gyves, J. (2016). On the control of interferences in the potentiometric fluoride analysis of table salt samples. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 47, 60-68.
Mendoza-Reyes, L. G., Gutiérrez-Sánchez, A., Ruiz-Segura, J. C., Monroy-Barreto, M., Aguilar, J. C., Rodríguez de San Miguel, E., & de Gyves, J. (2016). Crosslinking effects on hybrid organic-inorganic proton conducting membranes based on sulfonated polystyrene and polysiloxane. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 27(3), 404-413.