
Jorge Fernando Ramírez Solís
Correo: /
I.Q. Facultad de Química, UNAM; PhD University of Edinburgh.
[L] Catalisis
[Pg] Catálisis
[Pg] Preparación y caracterización de catalizadores
- Catalizadores para hidrotratamiento
- Captura gases efecto invernadero
- Transformación catalítica CO2
- Mejoramiento petróleo pesado
- Producción catalítica biocombustibles
- Desarrollo de catalizadores heterogéneos
- Síntesis de nuevos materiales catalíticos
- Modelamiento de reactores
- Posgrado en Ingeniería (UNAM)
- Posgrado en Química (UNAM)
- Investigador Nacional Nivel-3
- Premio Universidad Nacional (Ciencias exactas)
- Académico de número de la Academia de Ingeniería
- Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias
- Expresidente de la Academia de Catálisis
Villarreal, A.*, Ramı́rez, J., Cuevas-García, R., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2023). Hydrogen sulfide adsorption mechanism and breakthrough curves of highly stable NA‐, NA‐H‐, CA‐ and K‐Mordenites. ChemPlusChem.
Sánchez-Cupil, J. L., Cuevas-García, R.*, Ramı́rez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Jiménez-Díaz, M. L. (2023). Green diesel production using stearic and palmitic acids on NI catalysts obtained from ternary hydrotalcites Ni-MG–Al. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.
Castillo-Villalón, P.*, Ramírez, J.*, Reyes-Sosa, A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Leyva-Ramírez, E., Cuevas, R. & Toledo-Durán, A. (2022). On the contribution of the cobalt sulfide phase to the global activity of industrial-type CoMo/Al2O3 catalysts in the HDS of DBT. Catalysis Today, 394–396, 41-49.
Sánchez-Cupil, J. L., Cuevas-García, R.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. & Ramírez, J. (2022). The role of methoxy species on the transesterification reaction of castor oil on Ni-Mg-Al calcined hydrotalcites. Catalysis Today, 392–393, 31-40.
Alonso-Ramírez, G., Cuevas-García, R., Sánchez-Minero, F., Ramírez, J., Moreno-Montiel, M., Silva-Oliver, G., Ancheyta, J., & Carbajal-Vielman, R. (2021). Catalytic hydrocracking of a Mexican heavy oil on a MoS2/al2o3catalyst: II. Study of the transformation of isolated aromatics fraction obtained from SARA analysis. Fuel, 288.
Cuevas-García, R.*, Téllez-Romero, J. G., Ramírez, J., Sarabia-Bañuelos, P., Puente-Lee, I., Salcedo-Luna, C., Hernández-González, S., & Nolasco-Arizmendi, V. A. (2021). Effect of the preparation method on particle size and reaction selectivity on naphthalene hydrogenation over Ni/H-MOR catalysts. Catalysis Today, 360, 63-71.
Ramírez, J., Castillo-Villalón, P., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ayala, A., Cruz-Garduza, O., Ayala, M., Quintana-Owen, P., & Romero-Galarza, A. (2020). Interaction of different molecules with the hydrogenation and desulfurization sites of NiMoS supported particles with different morphology. Catalysis Today, 353, 99-111.
Alonso-Ramírez, G., Cuevas-García, R., Sanchez-Minero, F., Ramírez, J., Moreno-Montiel, M., Ancheyta, J., & Carbajal-Vielman, R. (2020). Catalytic hydrocracking of a Mexican heavy oil on a MoS2/Al2O3 catalyst: I. Study of the transformation of isolated saturates fraction obtained from SARA analysis. Catalysis Today, 353, 153-162.
Escobar, J., Ramírez, J., Cuevas, R., Ángeles, C., Barrera, M. C., & Gutiérrez, A. (2020). Thiophene HDS on La-Modified CoMo/Al2O3 Sulfided Catalysts. Effect of Rare-Earth Content. Topics in Catalysis, 63(5-6), 529-545.
Ramírez, J., Romualdo-Escobar, D., Castillo-Villalón, P., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2020). Improved NiMoSA catalysts: Analysis of EDTA post-treatment in the HDS of 4,6-DMDBT. Catalysis Today, 349, 168-177.
Flores, J. G., Zárate-Colín, J. A., Sánchez-González, E., Valenzuela, J. R., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., Jancik, V., Aguilar-Pliego, J., Zorrilla, M. C., Lara-García, H. A., González-Zamora, E., Guzmán-González, G., González, I., Maurin, G., & Ibarra, I. A. (2020). Partially Reversible H2S Adsorption by MFM-300(Sc): Formation of Polysulfides. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 12(16), 18885-18892.
Bravo-Sanchez, M., Romero-Galarza, A., Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Solís-Casados, D. A. (2019). Quantification of the sulfidation extent of mo in CoMo HDS catalyst through XPS. Applied Surface Science, 493, 587-592.
Alonso-Ramírez, G., Cuevas-García, R., Sanchez-Minero, F., Ramírez, J., Moreno-Montiel, M., Ancheyta, J., & Carbajal-Vielman, R. (2019). Catalytic hydrocracking of a mexican heavy oil on a MoS2/Al2O3 catalyst: I. study of the transformation of isolated saturates fraction obtained from SARA analysis. Catalysis Today.
Ramírez, J., Castillo-Villalón, P., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ayala, A., Cruz-Garduza, O., Ayala, M., Quintana-Owen, P., & Romero-Galarza, A. (2019). Interaction of different molecules with the hydrogenation and desulfurization sites of NiMoS supported particles with different morphology. Catalysis Today.
Cuevas-García, R., Téllez-Romero, J. G., Ramírez, J., Sarabia-Bañuelos, P., Puente-Lee, I., Salcedo-Luna, C., Hernández-González, S., & Nolasco-Arizmendi, V. A. (2019). Effect of the preparation method on particle size and reaction selectivity on naphthalene hydrogenation over Ni/H-MOR catalysts. Catalysis Today.
Ramírez J., Castillo-Villalón P., Gutiérrez-Alejandre A., Cuevas R., & Villarreal A. (2019) Catalytic Materials for Hydrodesulfurization Processes, Experimental Strategies to Improve Their Performance. Advanced Catalytic Materials: Current Status and Future Progress. Springer, Cham, 61-96.
Romero-Galarza, A., Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Solís-Casados, D. A. (2018). Relevant changes in the properties of co(ni)Mo/Al2O3 HDS catalysts modified by small amounts of SiO2. Journal of Materials Research, 33(21), 3549-3558.
Alonso-Ramírez, G., Sánchez-Minero, F., Ramírez, J., Cuevas-Garcia, R., & Moreno-Montiel, N. (2018). Analysis of the thermal hydrocracking of heavy fuel oil. Petroleum Science and Technology, 36(7), 507-513.
Ramírez, J., Romualdo-Escobar, D., Castillo-Villalón, P., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2018). Improved NiMoSA catalysts: Analysis of EDTA post-treatment in the HDS of 4,6-DMDBT. Catalysis Today.
Sánchez-González, E., Mileo, P. G. M., Sagastuy-Breña, M., Álvarez, J. R., Reynolds, J. E., Villarreal, A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., Balmaseda, J., González-Zamora, E., Maurin, G., Humphrey, S. M., & Ibarra, I. A. (2018). Highly reversible sorption of H 2 S and CO 2 by an environmentally friendly mg-based MOF. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 6(35), 16900-16909.
Villarreal, A., Garbarino, G., Riani, P., Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., & Busca, G. (2019). Influence of incorporating a small amount of silica on the catalytic performance of a MoO3/Al2O3 catalyst in ethanol oxidative dehydrogenation. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 16(6).
Villarreal, A., Garbarino, G., Riani, P., Finocchio, E., Bosio, B., Ramírez, J., & Busca, G. (2017). Adsorption and separation of CO2 from N2-rich gas on zeolites: Na-X faujasite vs na-mordenite. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 19, 266-275.
Domínguez, J. M., Murillo, M. R., & Solís, J. R. (2017). Special issue on selected contributions of the 8th international symposium on “Advanced catalytic materials”, cancun, mexico, august 17–20, 2015. Catalysis Today, 282, 95.
Villarreal, A., Castillo-Villalón, P., & Ramírez, J. (2017). Analysis of the interaction of CO2 with Na, K, and Ca-exchanged Mordenite. An infrared spectroscopic study. Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society, 61(2), 102-108.
Ordóñez, L. C., Roquero, P., Ramírez, J., & Sebastian, P. J. (2016). Methanol electro-oxidation on bimetallic PtMo/C catalysts and Pt/C – Mo/C mechanical mixtures. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 11(7), 5364-5379.
Castillo-Villalón, P., Ramírez, J., Cuevas, R., Vázquez, P., & Castañeda, R. (2016). Influence of the support on the catalytic performance of mo, CoMo, and NiMo catalysts supported on Al2O3 and TiO2 during the HDS of thiophene, dibenzothiophene, or 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene. Catalysis Today, 259, 140-149.