
Gerardo Leyva Gómez
Doctorado en Ciencias Químicas. Especialidad en Tecnología Farmacéutica. UNAM. 2014
Maestría en Ciencias Químicas. Especialidad en Tecnología Farmacéutica. UNAM. 2008
Químico Farmacéutico Biólogo. UNAM. 2006
[L] Tecnología Farmacéutica I
[L] Tecnología Farmacéutica II
[Pg] Nanotecnología para el transporte de fármacos
- Nanotecnología
- Nanopartículas
- Sistema Nervioso Central
- Biopolímeros
- Heridas
- Cicatrización
Diseño de nanopartículas como vectores potenciales de neurofármacos para padecimientos neurodegenerativos en modelos in vitro e in vivo, y modificación y evaluación de nuevos biopolímeros para cicatrización de heridas.
- Posgrado en Ciencias Bioquímicas
- Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas
- Posgrado en Ciencias Químicas
- Premio CANIFARMA 2023, Investigación Tecnológica. Tercer lugar
- Premio CANIFARMA 2022, Investigación Tecnológica. Primer lugar
- Premio Dr. Jorge Rosenkranz 2022 en Investigación Biotecnológica. Primer lugar
- Premio Categoría de Tecnología Farmacéutica y aseguramiento de la Calidad: Obtención, producción y evaluación de medicamentos, nanomedicinas y dispositivos médicos en la Conferencia Iberoamericana de Facultades de Farmacia. 2021.
- Reconocimiento Distinción Universidad Nacional para Jóvenes Académicos, RDUNJA-UNAM, Docencia en Ciencias Naturales. 2021.
- Premio Fundación UNAM a la innovación farmacéutica y dispositivos para la salud 2020. Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios, Fundación UNAM A.C., y el Consejo Farmacéutico Mexicano.
- Co-fundador del grupo de investigación Ictiosis México.
- Premio Alzheimer 2019-2020 Fundación Moisés Itzkowich-FUNAM 1ª Edición. Segundo lugar
- Premio Buscando Líderes en Innovación y Sustentabilidad (BLIS) 2019. Consejo Mexiquense de Ciencia y Tecnología en conjunto con la UNAM.
- Premio Santander a la Innovación Empresarial 2019. Banco Santander
- Premio CANIFARMA 2018, Investigación Tecnológica. Segundo lugar
- Premio Nacional del Emprendedor 2018, Secretaría de Economía, categoría de Idea Innovadora.
- Premio Fundación UNAM a la innovación farmacéutica y dispositivos para la salud 2015. Primer lugar. Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios, Fundación UNAM A.C., y el Consejo Farmacéutico Mexicano
- Premio CANIFARMA 2015, Investigación Tecnológica. Segundo lugar
- Titulación de doctorado con mención honorífica y postulación a la medalla Alfonso Caso. 2014
- Beca de alumno visitante en la Université de Geneve, Ginebra, Suiza 2010
Hernández-Parra, H., Cortés, H., Romero-Montero, A., Borbolla-Jiménez, F. V., Magaña, J. J., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Florán, B.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2024). Polymeric nanoparticles decorated with fragmented chitosan as modulation systems for neuronal drug uptake. Carbohydrate Polymers, 336, 122121.
Azzini, E., Peña‐Corona, S. I., Hernández‐Parra, H., Chandran, D., Saleena, L. A. K., Sawikr, Y., Peluso, I., Dhumal, S., Kumar, M., Leyva‐Gómez, G.*, Martorell, M.*, Sharifi‐Rad, J.*, & Calina, D.* (2024). Neuroprotective and anti‐inflammatory effects of curcumin in Alzheimer’s disease: Targeting neuroinflammation strategies. PTR. Phytotherapy Research/Phytotherapy Research, 38(6), 3169-3189.
Ezzat, S. M., Merghany, R. M., Baki, P. M. A., Abdelrahim, N. A., Osman, S. M., Salem, M. A., Peña‐Corona, S. I., Cortés, H., Kiyekbayeva, L., Leyva‐Gómez, G.*, Sharifi‐Rad, J.*, & Calina, D. (2024). Nutritional Sources and Anticancer Potential of Phenethyl Isothiocyanate: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Insights. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 68(8), 2400063.
Reyes‐Hernández, O. D., Figueroa‐González, G., Quintas‐Granados, L. I., Hernández‐Parra, H., Peña‐Corona, S. I., Cortés, H., Kipchakbayeva, A., Mukazhanova, Z., Habtemariam, S., Leyva‐Gómez, G.*, Büsselberg, D., & Sharifi‐Rad, J.* (2024). New insights into the anticancer therapeutic potential of icaritin and its synthetic derivatives. Drug Development Research, 85(2), e22175.
Villalobos‐Escobedo, F. S., Jijón‐Lorenzo, R., Avalos‐Fuentes, J. A., Paz‐Bermúdez, F., Recillas‐Morales, S., Rojas, I. C., Leyva‐Gómez, G., Cortés, H., & Florán, B.* (2024). Dopamine D3 receptor modulates D2 receptor effects on cAMP and GABA release at striatopallidal terminals—Modulation by the Ca2+–Calmodulin–CaMKII system. European Journal Of Neuroscience/EJN. European Journal Of Neuroscience, 59(7), 1441-1459.
Chagaleti, B. K., Baby, K., Peña-Corona, S. I., Leyva-Gómez, G., M, S. S., Naveen, N. R., Jose, J.*, Aldahish, A. A., Sharifi-Rad, J.*, & Calina, D. (2024). Anti-cancer properties of Sansalvamide A, its derivatives, and analogs: an updated review. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives Of Pharmacology.
Mangalpady, S. S., Peña-Corona, S. I., Borbolla-Jiménez, F., Kaverikana, R., Shetty, S., Shet, V. B., Almarhoon, Z. M., Calina, D.*, Leyva-Gómez, G.*, & Sharifi-Rad, J.* (2024). Arnicolide D: a multi-targeted anticancer sesquiterpene lactone—preclinical efficacy and mechanistic insights. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives Of Pharmacology.
Torresi, M. G., Martínez-Mata, R., Ruvalcaba-Paredes, E. K., Del Real, A., Leyva-Gómez, G., & Maciel-Cerda, A.* (2024). Preparation of xyloglucan-grafted poly(N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide) copolymer by free-radical polymerization for in vitro evaluation of human dermal fibroblasts. Journal Of Materials Science: Materials In Medicine, 35(1).
Gutiérrez-Ruíz, S. C., Cortés, H., González‐Torres, M., Almarhoon, Z. M., Gürer, E. S., Sharifi‐Rad, J.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2024). Optimize the parameters for the synthesis by the ionic gelation technique, purification, and freeze-drying of chitosan-sodium tripolyphosphate nanoparticles for biomedical purposes. Journal Of Biological Engineering, 18(1).
Reyna‐Urrutia, V. A., Leyva‐Gómez, G., Rı́os, C., & González-Torres, M.* (2024). The role of poly(3‐hydroxybutyrate)‐based derivatives in skin, nerve, cartilage, and bone tissue engineering applications—An updated review. Polymers For Advanced Technologies (Print), 35(3).
Elizalde-Cárdenas, A., Ribas‐Aparicio, R. M., Rodríguez‐Martínez, A., Leyva-Gómez, G., Ríos-Castañeda, C., & González‐Torres, M.* (2024). Advances in chitosan and chitosan derivatives for biomedical applications in tissue engineering: An updated review. International Journal Of Biological Macromolecules, 262, 129999.
Figueroa‐González, G., Quintas‐Granados, L. I., Reyes‐Hernández, O. D., Caballero‐Florán, I. H., Peña‐Corona, S. I., Cortés, H., Leyva‐Gómez, G.*, Habtemariam, S., & Sharifi‐Rad, J.* (2024). Review of the anticancer properties of 6‐shogaol: Mechanisms of action in cancer cells and future research opportunities. Food Science & Nutrition.
Živković, J.*, Kumar, K. A., Rushendran, R., Ilango, K., Fahmy, N. M., El‐Nashar, H. A. S., El-Shazly, M., Ezzat, S. M., Melgar‐Lalanne, G., Romero-Montero, A., Peña-Corona, S. I., Leyva‐Gómez, G., Sharifi‐Rad, J.*, & Calina, D. (2024). Pharmacological properties of mangiferin: bioavailability, mechanisms of action and clinical perspectives. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology, 397, 763–781.
Romero-Montero, A., Melgoza-Ramírez, L. J., Ruíz-Aguirre, J. A., Chávez-Santoscoy, R. A., Magaña, J. J., Cortés, H., Leyva-Gómez, G., & Del Prado-Audelo, M. L.* (2024). Essential-Oils-Loaded Biopolymeric nanoparticles as Strategies for microbial and biofilm control: A current status. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 25(1), 82.
Flores-Ramos, M., Leyva-Gómez, G., Rojas-Campos, T., Cruz-Mendoza, I., Hernández–Campos, A., Vera‐Montenegro, Y., Castillo, R., Velázquez-Martínez, I., Padierna-Mota, C., Arias-García, R., & Ibarra-Velarde, F.* (2024). Fosfatriclaben, a prodrug of triclabendazole: preparation, stability, and fasciolicidal activity of three new intramuscular formulations. Veterinary Parasitology, 327, 110113.
Borbolla-Jiménez, F. V., García‐Aguirre, I., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Hernández-Hernández, Ó., Cisneros, B., Leyva-Gómez, G.*, & Magaña, J. J.* (2023). Development of a polymeric pharmacological nanocarrier system as a potential therapy for spinocerebellar ataxia type 7. Cells, 12(23), 2735.
Romero-Montero, A., Rosas-Meléndez, S., Valencia-Bermúdez, J. L., Núñez-Tapia, I., Piña-Barba, M. C., Melgoza-Ramírez, L. J., Leyva-Gómez, G., & Del Prado-Audelo, M. L.* (2023). Oil/water separation by super-hydrophobic wastepaper cellulose-candelilla wax cryogel: a circular material-based alternative. Frontiers in Materials, 10.
Villalobos‐Escobedo, F. S., Jijón‐Lorenzo, R., Avalos‐Fuentes, J. A., Paz‐Bermúdez, F., Recillas‐Morales, S., Rojas, I. C., Leyva‐Gómez, G., Cortés, H., & Florán, B.* (2023). Dopamine D3 receptor modulates D2 receptor effects on CAMP and GABA release at striatopallidal terminals—Modulation by the CA2+–Calmodulin–CAMKII system. European Journal of Neuroscience, 1–19.
Peña-Corona, S. I., Gutiérrez-Ruíz, S. C., Echeverría, M. P., Cortés, H., Carmen, M. G.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2023). Advances in the treatment of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis, A look towards the repositioning of drugs. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14.
Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Alcalá-Alcalá, S., Almarhoon, Z. M., Turgumbayeva, A., Gürer, E. S., De Los Dolores Campos-Echeverria, M., Cortés, H., Romero-Montero, A., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Sharifi‐Rad, J.*, & Leyva‐Gómez, G.* (2023). Novel ultra-stretchable and self-healing crosslinked poly (ethylene oxide)-cationic Guar Gum hydrogel. Journal of Biological Engineering, 17(1).
Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Figueroa‐González, G., Quintas-Granados, L. I., Gutiérrez-Ruíz, S. C., Hernández-Parra, H., Romero-Montero, A., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Cortés, H., Peña-Corona, S. I., Kiyekbayeva, L., Ateşşahin, D. A., Goloshvili, T., Leyva‐Gómez, G.*, & Sharifi‐Rad, J.* (2023). 3,3′-Diindolylmethane and indole-3-carbinol: potential therapeutic molecules for cancer chemoprevention and treatment via regulating cellular signaling pathways. Cancer Cell International, 23(1).
Peña-Corona, S. I., Chávez-Corona, J. I., Pérez-Caltzontzin, L. E., Estrada, D. V., Mendoza-Rodríguez, C. A., Ramos-Martínez, E., Cerbón-Gutiérrez, J. L., Barragán, J. A. H., Quintanar‐Guerrero, D., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2023). Melatonin and vitamins as protectors against the reproductive toxicity of bisphenols: Which is the most effective? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(19), 14930.
Becerril-Vega, J., Hernández‐Campos, A., González-Hernández, I., Flores-Ramos, M., Castillo, R., Leyva-Gómez, G., Mayet-Cruz, L., & Jung–Cook, H.* (2023). Development and pharmacokinetic evaluation of two parenteral formulations of albendazole using prodrug and cosolvent approaches. AAPS PharmSciTech, 24(6).
Peña-Corona, S. I.*, Estrada, D. V., Chávez-Corona, J. I., Mendoza-Rodríguez, C. A., Caballero-Chacón, S., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., Gracia-Mora, M. I., Galván-Vela, D. P., García-Rodríguez, H., Sánchez-Bartéz, F., Vergara‐Onofre, M., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2023). Vitamin E (Α-Tocopherol) does not ameliorate the toxic effect of bisphenol S on the metabolic analytes and pancreas histoarchitecture of diabetic rats. Toxics, 11(7), 626.
Cortés, H., Cariño‐Calvo, L., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Rojas-Márquez, M., Magaña, J. J., Vizcaíno‐Dorado, P. A., Villegas-Vázquez, E. Y., Quintas-Granados, L. I., Jiménez-Islas, E., Cortés-Mollinedo, V. A., Leyva-Gómez, G.*, & González-Del Carmen, M.* (2023). High levels of anxiety, depression, risk of suicide, and implications for treatment in patients with lamellar ichthyosis. Healthcare, 11(14), 2071.
Borbolla-Jiménez, F. V., Peña-Corona, S. I., Farah, S. J., Jiménez-Valdés, M. T., Pineda-Pérez, E., Romero-Montero, A., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Magaña, J. J.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2023). Films for wound healing fabricated using a solvent casting technique. Pharmaceutics, 15(7), 1914.
Mendoza‐Muñoz, N., Leyva-Gómez, G., Piñón-Segundo, E., Zambrano-Zaragoza, M. L., Quintanar‐Guerrero, D., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., & Urbán-Morlán, Z.* (2023). Trends in biopolymer science applied to cosmetics. International Journal Of Cosmetic Science, 45(6), 699-724.
González‐Torres, M.*, Leyva-Gómez, G., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Cortés, H., & Magaña, J. J. (2023). Recombinant antibodies to face SARS-COV-2 syndemic. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 69(7), 24-27.
Pineda-Álvarez, R. A., Flores-Avila, C., Medina-Torres, L., Gracia-Mora, J., Escobar-Chávez, J. J., Leyva-Gómez, G., Shahbazi, M., & Bernad-Bernad, M. J.* (2023). Laponite Composites: In Situ Films Forming as a Possible Healing Agent. Pharmaceutics, 15(6), 1634.
Caballero-Florán, I. H., Cortés, H., Borbolla-Jiménez, F. V., Florán-Hernández, C. D., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Magaña, J. J., Florán, B.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2023). PEG 400:Trehalose Coating Enhances Curcumin-Loaded PLGA Nanoparticle Internalization in Neuronal Cells. Pharmaceutics, 15(6), 1594.
Ramírez-Alarcón, K., Martorell, M.*, Gürer, E. S., Laher, I., Lam, H., Mohieldin, E. A. M., Muddathir, A. M., Akram, M., Iqbal, M., Shafique, H., Leyva‐Gómez, G., Shaheen, S., Kumar, M., Sharifi-Rad, J.*, Amarowicz, R., & Butnariu, M.* (2023). Myristicin: From its biological effects in traditional medicine in plants to preclinical studies and use as ecological remedy in plant protection. eFood, 4(3).
Cortes, H., Hernández-Parra, H., Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Aguilar-Vázquez, R., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., González-Torres, M., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Figueroa-González, G., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2023). Current Status of the Therapeutic Approach for Dysmenorrhea. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 69(3), 52-63.
Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Romero-Montero, A., Hernández-Parra, H., Peña-Corona, S. I., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Alcalá-Alcalá, S., Cortés, H., Kiyekbayeva, L., Sharifi-Rad, J.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2023). Enhancing chemical and physical stability of pharmaceuticals using freeze-thaw method: Challenges and opportunities for process optimization through quality by design approach. Journal of Biological Engineering, 17(1).
Castañeda-Rodríguez, S., González-Torres, M.*, Ribas-Aparicio, R. M., Del Prado‑Audelo, M. L., Leyva‑Gómez, G., Gürer, E. S., & Sharifi‑Rad, J.* (2023). Recent advances in modified poly (lactic acid) as tissue engineering materials. Journal of Biological Engineering, 17(1).
González-Torres, M.*, Elizalde-Cárdenas, A., Leyva-Gómez, G., González-Mendoza, O., Lima, E., Núñez-Tapia, I., Abad-Contreras, D. E., Del Prado-Audelo, M., Pichardo-Bahena, R., Carlos-Martínez, A., & Ribas-Aparicio, R. M. (2023). Combined use of novel chitosan-grafted N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide polyurethane and human dermal fibroblasts as a construct for in vitro-engineered skin. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 238, 124136.
Peña-Corona, S. I., Hernández-Parra, H., Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Romero-Montero, A., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Cortés, H., Ateşşahin, D. A., Habtemariam, S., Almarhoon, Z. M., Razis, A. F. A., Modu, B., Sharifi-Rad, J., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2023). Neopeltolide and its synthetic derivatives: A promising new class of anticancer agents. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 14.
Ortega-Sánchez, C., Pérez-Díaz, M. A., Martínez-López, V., Zacaula-Juárez, N., González-Torres, M., Leyva-Gómez, G., Hernandez-Valdepeña, M. A., Gimeno, M.*, & Sánchez-Sánchez, R.* (2023). Inhibition of proliferation, migration, and adhesion of skin fibroblasts by enzymatic poly(gallic acid) grafted with L-arginine. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 69(1), 1-6.
Hernández-Parra, H., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Figueroa-González, G., González-Del Carmen, M., González-Torres, M., Peña-Corona, S. I., Florán, B., Cortés, H.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2023). Alteration of the blood-brain barrier by COVID-19 and its implication in the permeation of drugs into the brain. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 17.
Romero-Montero, A., Valencia-Bermúdez, J. L., Rosas-Meléndez, S. A., Núñez-Tapia, I., Piña-Barba, M. C., Leyva-Gómez, G., & Del Prado-Audelo, M. L.* (2023). Biopolymeric Fibrous Aerogels: The Sustainable Alternative for Water Remediation. Polymers, 15(2), 262.
Villegas-Vázquez, E. Y., Quintas-Granados, L. I., Cortés, H., González-Del Carmen, M., Leyva-Gómez, G., Rodríguez-Morales, M., Bustamante-Montes, L. P., Silva-Adaya, D., Pérez-Plasencia, C., Jacobo-Herrera, N., Reyes-Hernández, O. D.*, & Figueroa-González, G.* (2023). Lithium: A Promising Anticancer Agent. Life, 13(2), 537.
Cisneros, B., García-Aguirre, I., Unzueta, J., Arrieta-Cruz, I., González-Morales, O., Domínguez-Larrieta, J. M., Tamez-González, A., Leyva-Gómez, G.*, & Magaña, J. J.* (2022). Immune system modulation in aging: Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Frontiers in Immunology, 13.
Hernández-Parra, H., Cortés, H., Avalos-Fuentes, J. A., Del Prado-Audelo, M., Florán, B., Leyva-Gómez, G., Sharifi-Rad, J., & Cho, W. C. (2022). Repositioning of drugs for Parkinson’s disease and pharmaceutical nanotechnology tools for their optimization. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 20(1).
Sharifi-Rad, J., Rapposelli, S., Sestito, S., Herrera-Bravo, J.*, Arancibia-Diaz, A., Salazar, L. A., Yeskaliyeva, B., Beyatli, A., Leyva-Gómez, G., González-Contreras, C., Gürer, E. S., Martorell, M.*, & Calina, D.* (2022). Multi-Target Mechanisms of Phytochemicals in Alzheimer’s Disease: Effects on Oxidative Stress, Neuroinflammation and Protein Aggregation. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 12(9), 1515.
Das, G., Gouda, S., Kerry, R. G., Cortes, H., Prado-Audelo, M. L. D., Leyva-Gómez, G.*, Tsouh Fokou, P. V., Gutiérrez-Grijalva, E. P., Heredia, J. B., Shin, H. S., & Patra, J. K.* (2022). Study of Traditional Uses, Extraction Procedures, Phytochemical Constituents, and Pharmacological Properties of Tiliacora triandra. Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 1-16.
González-Torres, M.*, Vargas-Muñoz, S., Leyva-Gómez, G., Méndez-Padilla, M. G., Cortés, H., Nuñez-Rojas, E., González-Mendoza, O., Pérez-Díaz, M. A., Ruvalcaba-Paredes, E. K., Lima, E., Brena, A. M., Rodríguez-Talavera, R., & Pineda, C. (2022). Discovering the effect of solvents on poly(2-aminoethyl methacrylate) grafting onto chitosan for an in vitro skin model. Carbohydrate Polymers, 295, 119864.
Elizalde-Cárdenas, A., González-Torres, M.*, Leyva-Gómez, G., Cortés, H., González-Mendoza, O., Pérez-Díaz, M. A., Pineda, C., & Ribas-Aparicio, R. M.* (2022). Preparation of chitosan-graft N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide copolymers as an in vitro-engineered skin. Materials Letters, 324, 132783.
Cortés, H.*, Rojas‐Márquez, M., Del Prado‐Audelo, M. L., Reyes‐Hernández, O. D., González‐Del Carmen, M., & Leyva‐Gómez, G.* (2022). Alterations in mental health and quality of life in patients with skin disorders: a narrative review. International Journal of Dermatology, 61(7), 783-791.
Arellano-Gutiérrez, C. V., Quintas-Granados, L. I., Cortés, H., González del Carmen, M., Leyva-Gómez, G., Bustamante-Montes, L. P., Rodríguez-Morales, M., López-Reyes, I., Padilla-Mendoza, J. R., Rodríguez-Páez, L., Figueroa-González, G.*, & Reyes-Hernández, O. D.* (2022). Indole-3-Carbinol, a Phytochemical Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor-Ligand, Induces the mRNA Overexpression of UBE2L3 and Cell Proliferation Arrest. Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 44(5), 2054-2068.
Sánchez‐Zavaleta, R., Ávalos‐Fuentes, J. A., González‐Hernández, A. V., Recillas‐Morales, S., Paz‐Bermúdez, F. J., Leyva‐Gómez, G., Cortés, H., & Florán, B.* (2022). Presynaptic nigral GPR55 receptors stimulate [3H]-GABA release through [3H]-cAMP production and PKA activation and promote motor behavior. Synapse.
Del Prado-Audelo, M. L.*, Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Gutiérrez-Ruíz, S. C., Hernández-Parra, H., Kerdan, I. G., Reyna-González, J. M., Sharifi-Rad, J.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2022). Stability Phenomena Associated with the Development of Polymer-Based Nanopesticides. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2022, 1-15.
Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Alcalá-Alcalá, S., Tapia-Guerrero, Y. S., Magaña, J. J., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2022). Cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol-xanthan gum hydrogel fabricated by freeze/thaw technique for potential application in soft tissue engineering. RSC Advances, 12(34), 21713-21724.
David, Q., de la Luz, Z. M., Gerardo, L., & Mendoza‐Muñoz, N. (2022). Liposomal Nanotechnology in Nutraceuticals. Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Natural Products, 29-62.
Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Alcalá-Alcalá, S., González-Torres, M., Prado-Audelo, M. L. D., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2022). PG-150 distearate-PVA self-healing hydrogel: Potential application in tissue engineering. Materials Letters, 308.
Gómez, R., Tapia-Guerrero, Y. S., Cisneros, B., Orozco, L., Cerecedo-Zapata, C., Mendoza-Caamal, E., Leyva-Gómez, G., Leyva-García, N., Velázquez-Pérez, L., & Magaña, J. J.* (2022). Genetic Distribution of Five Spinocerebellar Ataxia Microsatellite Loci in Mexican Native American Populations and Its Impact on Contemporary Mestizo Populations. Genes, 13(1), 157.
García-Salazar, G., Zambrano-Zaragoza, M. D. L. L., Serrano-Mora, E., Mendoza-Díaz, S. O., Leyva-Gomez, G., & Quintanar-Guerrero, D.* (2022). Solid lipid nanoparticles by Venturi tube: preparation, characterization and optimization by Box–Behnken design. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 1–8.
Ibarra-Velarde, F.*, Rojas-Campos, T., Vera-Montenegro, Y., Flores-Ramos, M., Castillo, R., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2022). Field study on the determination of the effective dose of injectable fosfatriclaben prodrug in sheep naturally infected with Fasciola hepatica. Parasitology Research, 121(1), 433–440.
Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Giraldo-Gomez, D., Sharifi-Rad, J., Patra, J. K., González-Torres, M., Florán, B., Cortes, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2022). Current progress of self-healing polymers for medical applications in tissue engineering. Iranian Polymer Journal, 31(1), 7-29.
del Prado-Audelo, M. L., García Kerdan, I., Escutia-Guadarrama, L., Reyna-González, J. M., Magaña, J. J.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Nanoremediation: Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies for Environmental Cleanup. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9.
Quintas-Granados, L. I., Cortés, H., Carmen, M. G. D., Leyva-Gómez, G., Bustamante-Montes, L. P., Rodríguez-Morales, M., Villegas-Vazquez, E. Y., López-Reyes, I., Alcaraz-Estrada, S. L., Sandoval-Basilio, J., Soto-Reyes, E., Sharifi-Rad, J.*, Figueroa-González, G.*, & Reyes-Hernández, O. D.* (2021). The high methylation level of a novel 151-bp CpG island in the ESR1 gene promoter is associated with a poor breast cancer prognosis. Cancer Cell International, 21(1).
González-Torres, M.*, Becerra-González, M., Leyva-Gómez, G., Lima, E., González Mendoza, O., Ruvalcaba-Paredes, E. K., Cortés, H., Pineda, C., & Martínez-Torres, A. (2021). A poly (saccharide-ester-urethane) scaffold for mammalian cell growth. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 67(3), 113–117.
Zambrano-Zaragoza, M. L.*, Quintanar-Guerrero, D., González-Reza, R. M., Cornejo-Villegas, M. A., Leyva-Gómez, G., & Urbán-Morlán, Z. (2021). Effects of UV-C and Edible Nano-Coating as a Combined Strategy to Preserve Fresh-Cut Cucumber. Polymers, 13(21), 3705.
Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Urbán-Morlán, Z., Leyva-Gómez, G., Zambrano-Zaragoza, M. D. L. L., ¨Piñón-Segundo, E., & Quintanar-Guerrero, D. (2021). Solid Lipid Nanoparticles: An Approach to Improve Oral Drug Delivery. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, 24, 509–532.
Rojas-Campos, T., Ibarra-Velarde, F., Vera-Montenegro, Y., Flores-Ramos, M., Cruz-Mendoza, I., Leyva-Gómez, G., & Hernández-Campos, A. (2021). Effectiveness of an experimental injectable prodrug formulation against Fasciola hepatica of different ages in experimentally infected sheep. Veterinary Parasitology, 298.
Sharifi-Rad, J.*, Quispe, C., Mukazhanova, Z., Knut, E., Turgumbayeva, A., Kipchakbayeva, A., Seitimova, G., Mahomoodally, M. F., Lobine, D., Koay, A., Wang, J., Sheridan, H., Leyva-Gómez, G., Prado-Audelo, M. L. D., Cortes, H., Rescigno, A., Zucca, P., Sytar, O., Imran, M., Rodrigues C. F.*, Cruz-Martins, N.*, Ekiert, H., Kumar, M., Abdull Razis, A. F.*, Sunusi, U., Kamal, R. M., & Szopa, A.* (2021). Resveratrol-based nanoformulations as an emerging therapeutic strategy for cancer. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 8.
Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Cortés, H., Caballero-Florán, I. H., González-Torres, M., Escutia-Guadarrama, L., Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Giraldo-Gomez, D. M., Magaña, J. J.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Therapeutic Applications of Terpenes on Inflammatory Diseases. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 12.
Borbolla-Jiménez, F. V., Prado-Audelo, M. L. D., Cisneros, B., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Leyva-Gómez, G.*, & Magaña, J. J.* (2021). New Perspectives of Gene Therapy on Polyglutamine Spinocerebellar Ataxias: From Molecular Targets to Novel Nanovectors. Pharmaceutics, 13(7).
Cortés, H., Hernández-Parra, H., Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Borbolla-Jiménez, F. V., González-Torres, M., Magaña J. J.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Non-Ionic Surfactants for Stabilization of Polymeric Nanoparticles for Biomedical Uses. Materials, 14(12).
Cortés, H.*, Rojas-Márquez, M., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., González-Del Carmen, M., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Alterations in mental health and quality of life in patients with skin disorders: a narrative review. International Journal of Dermatology.
Sharifi-Rad, J.*, Quispe, C., Vergara, C. V., Kitic, D.*, Kostic, M., Armstrong, L., Shinwari, Z. K., Khalil, A. T., Brdar-Jokanović, M., Ljevnaić-Mašić, B., Varoni, E. M., Iriti, M., Leyva-Gómez, G., Herrera-Bravo, J.*, Salazar, L. A., & Cho, W. C.* (2021). Genus Viburnum: Therapeutic Potentialities and Agro-Food-Pharma Applications. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2021.
Prado-Audelo, M. L. D., Hernández-Tenorio, A. E., González-Torres, M., Magaña, J. J., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Granada-Macías, M. D. P., Ortega-Peña, S., Cortes, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2021). A new formulation of cinnamon oil and chitosan depolymerized against opportunistic microorganisms during wound healing. Farmacia, 69(3), 509-514.
Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Giraldo-Gomez, D., Sharifi-Rad, J., Patra, J. K., González-Torres, M., Florán, B., Cortes, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Current progress of self-healing polymers for medical applications in tissue engineering. Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition).
González-Torres, M., Serrano-Aguilar, I. H., Cabrera-Wrooman, A., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Pichardo-Bahena, R., Melgarejo-Ramírez, Y., Leyva-Gómez, G., Cortés, H., Moyaho-Bernal, M. D. L. A., Lima, E., Ibarra, C., & Velasquillo, C. (2021). Gamma radiation-induced grafting of poly(2-aminoethyl methacrylate) onto chitosan: A comprehensive study of a polyurethane scaffold intended for skin tissue engineering. Carbohydrate Polymers, 117916.
Urbán-Morlán, Z., Serrano-Mora, L. E., Martínez-Acevedo, L., Leyva-Gómez, G., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., & Quintanar-Guerrero, D. (2021). New developments in intrauterine drug delivery systems and devices. Drug Delivery Devices and Therapeutic Systems, 601–622.
Serrano-Mora, L. E., Zambrano-Zaragoza, M. L., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Leyva-Gómez, G., Urbán-Morlán, Z., & Quintanar-Guerrero, D.* (2021). Preparation of Co-Processed Excipients for Controlled-Release of Drugs Assembled with Solid Lipid Nanoparticles and Direct Compression Materials. Molecules, 26(7), 2093.
Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Giraldo-Gomez, D. M., Figueroa-Gonzalez, G., Reyes-Hernandez, O. D., González-Del Carmen, M., González-Torres, M., Cortés, H.*, & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Insights into Terminal Sterilization Processes of Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications. Molecules, 26(7), 2068.
González-Torres, M.*, Velasquillo, C., Camacho-López, A., Rivera, M., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Leyva-Gómez, G., Melgarejo-Ramírez, Y., Ibarra, C., Vargas-Muñoz, S., Talavera, R. R., Lima, E., & González-Valdez, J.* (2021). Plasma-induced customizable poly(ester-urethane) surface for cell culture platforms. Materials Today Communications, 26.
Das, G., Shin, H. -., Leyva-Gómez, G., Prado-Audelo, M. L. D., Cortes, H., Singh, Y. D., Panda, M. K., Mishra, A. P., Nigam, M., Saklani, S., Chaturi, P. K., Martorell, M., Cruz-Martins, N., Sharma, V., Garg, N., Sharma, R., & Patra, J. K.* (2021). Cordyceps spp.: A Review on Its Immune-Stimulatory and Other Biological Potentials. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 11.
Leyva-Gómez, G.*, González-Torres, M., Alcalá-Alcalá, S., Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Morales-Morfin, J. C., González-Del Carmen, M., Sharifi-Rad, J., Figueroa-González, G., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., & Cortés, H.* (2021). Development of films from natural sources for infections during wound healing. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 67(1), 96-100.
López-Huante, T., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L.*, Caballero-Florán, I. H., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Figueroa-González, G., González-Del Carmen, M., Giraldo-Gomez, D. M., Sharifi-Rad, J., González-Torres, M., Cortes, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Physicochemical and biological characterization of a xanthan gum-polyvinylpyrrolidone hydrogel obtained by gamma irradiation. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 67(1), 73-79.
Villar-Padilla, A., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., González-Torres, M., Giraldo-Gomez, D. M., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Carmen, M. G. -D., Sharifi-Rad, J., Figueroa-González, G., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Cortés, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Development of a xanthan gum film for the possible treatment of vaginal infections. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 67(1), 80-88.
Del Prado-Audelo, M. L.*, Gómez-Zaldivar, F. J., Pérez-Díaz, M., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., González-Torres, M., González-Del Carmen, M., Figueroa-González, G., Sharifi-Rad, J., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Cortés, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Radiation-induced graft polymerization of elastin onto polyvinylpyrrolidone as a possible wound dressing. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 67(1), 64-72.
Cortés, H.*, Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Gonzalez-Torres, M., Vizcaino-Dorado, P. A., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Alcalá-Alcalá, S., Sharifi-Rad, J., Figueroa-González, G., González-Del Carmen, M., Florán, B., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2021). Curcumin for parkinson´s disease: potential therapeutic effects, molecular mechanisms, and nanoformulations to enhance its efficacy. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 67(1), 101-105.
Robles-Kanafany, C. M., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L.*, González-Torres, M., Giraldo-Gomez, D. M., Caballero-Florán, I. H., González-Del Carmen, M., Sharifi-Rad, J., Figueroa-González, G., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Cortés, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Development of a guar gum film with lysine clonixinate for periodontal treatments. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 67(1), 89-95.
Godoy-Alvarez, F. K., González-Torres, M., Giraldo-Gomez, D. M., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Pérez-Díaz, M. A., Carmen, M. G. -D., Figueroa-González, G., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Sharifi-Rad, J., Cortés, H., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2021). Synthesis by gamma irradiation of hyaluronic acid-polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel for biomedical applications. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 67(1), 58-63.
Salehi, B., Quispe, C., Chamkhi, I., El Omari, N., Balahbib, A., Sharifi-Rad, J.*, Bouyahya, A.*, Akram, M., Iqbal, M., Docea, A. O., Caruntu, C.*, Leyva-Gómez, G., Dey, A.*, Martorell, M., Calina, D.*, López, V., & Les, F. (2021). Pharmacological Properties of Chalcones: A Review of Preclinical Including Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Evidence. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 11.
Cortés, H., Rojas-Márquez, M., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Morales-Morfín, J. C., Guapillo-Vargas, M. R. B., Varela-Cardoso, M., Magaña, J. J., Leyva-Gómez, G.*, & González-del Carmen, M.* (2021). Increased risk of depression and impairment in quality of lifein patients with lamellar ichthyosis. Dermatologic Therapy, 34(1).
Colín-Castro, C. A., Franco-Cendejas, R., Rocha-González, H. I., Cruz-Arenas, E., Leyva-García, N., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Leyva-Gomez, G., Gómez, R., Muñoz, B., Cortés, H., & Magaña, J. J.* (2021). Association of TLR4 gene polymorphisms with sepsis after a burn injury: findings of the functional role of rs2737190 SNP. Genes and Immunity.
Salehi, B., Quispe, C., Sharifi-Rad, J.*, Giri, L., Suyal, R., Jugran, A. K., Zucca, P., Rescigno, A., Peddio, S., Bobiş, O., Moise, A. R., Leyva-Gómez, G., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Cortes, H., Iriti, M., Martorell, M., Cruz-Martins, N.*, Kumar, M., & Zam, W.* (2021). Antioxidant potential of family Cucurbitaceae with special emphasis on Cucurbita genus: A key to alleviate oxidative stress‐mediated disorders. Phytotherapy Research.
Pineda-Reyes, A. M., Hernández Delgado, M., De La Luz Zambrano-Zaragoza, M., Leyva-Gómez, G., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., & Quintanar-Guerrero, D.* (2021). Implementation of the emulsification-diffusion method by solvent displacement for polystyrene nanoparticles prepared from recycled material. RSC Advances, 11(4), 2226-2234.
Cortés, H.*, Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Alcalá-Alcalá, S., Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Caballero-Florán, I. H., González-Torres, M., Sharifi-Rad, J., González-Del Carmen, M., Figueroa-González, G., & Leyva-Gómez, G.* (2021). Repurposing of Drug Candidates for Treatment of Skin Cancer. Frontiers in Oncology, 10.
González-Torres, M.*, Guzman-Beltrán, S., Mata-Gómez, M. A., Leyva-Gómez, G., Velasquillo, C., Zúñiga, J., Vargas-Muñoz, S., Cortés, H., & Rodríguez-Talavera, R. (2021). Radiation-induced PEGylated Ethambutol Has Low Antimycobacterial Activity in Vitro. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 11(2), 8884-8894.
Conde Rojas, I., Acosta-García, J., Caballero-Florán, R. N., Jijón-Lorenzo, R., Recillas-Morales, S., Avalos-Fuentes, J. A., Paz-Bermúdez, F., Leyva-Gómez, G., Cortés, H., & Florán, B.* (2020). Dopamine D4 receptor modulates inhibitory transmission in pallido‐pallidal terminals and regulates motor behavior. European Journal of Neuroscience, 52(11), 4563-4585.
Figueroa-González, G., Arellano-Gutiérrez, C. V., Cortés, H., Leyva-Gómez, G., Carmen, M. G., Bustamante-Montes, L. P., Rodríguez-Morales, M., López-Reyes, I., Alcaraz-Estrada, S. L., Sandoval-Basilio, J., Quintas-Granados, L. I., & Reyes-Hernández, O. D. (2020). Breast cancer-related single-nucleotide polymorphism and their risk contribution in mexican women. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics, 16(6), 1279-1286.
Prado-Audelo, M. L. D., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Escutia-Guadarrama, L., Giraldo-Gomez, D. M., González-Torres, M., Florán, B., Cortes, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2020). Recent Advances in Elastin-Based Biomaterial. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 23, 314-332.
González-Torres, M.*, Velasquillo, C., Camacho-López, A., Rivera, M., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Leyva-Gómez, G., Melgarejo-Ramírez, Y., Ibarra, C., Vargas-Muñoz, S., Talavera, R. R., Lima, E., & González-Valdez, J. (2020). Plasma-induced customizable poly(ester-urethane) surface for cell culture platforms. Materials Today Communications.
Cortés, H., Alcalá-Alcalá, S., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Bernal-Chávez, S. A., Ávalos-Fuentes, A., González-Torres, M., González-Del Carmen, M., Figueroa-González, G., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Floran, B., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2020). A Reevaluation of Chitosan-Decorated Nanoparticles to Cross the Blood-Brain Barrier. Membranes, 10(9), 212.
Ochoa-Segundo, E. I., González-Torres, M., Cabrera-Wrooman, A., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Huerta-Martínez, B. M., Melgarejo-Ramírez, Y., Leyva-Gómez, G., Rivera-Muñoz, E. M., Cortés, H., Velasquillo, C., Vargas-Muñoz, S., & Rodríguez-Talavera, R. (2020). Gamma radiation-induced grafting of n-hydroxyethyl acrylamide onto poly(3-hydroxybutyrate): A companion study on its polyurethane scaffolds meant for potential skin tissue engineering applications. Materials Science and Engineering C, 116.
Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Sharifi-Rad, J., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., González-Torres, M., Urbán-Morlán, Z., Florán, B., Cortes, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2020). Chitosan-decorated nanoparticles for drug delivery. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 59.
González-Torres, M., Ramírez-Mata, A., Melgarejo-Ramírez, Y., Alvarez-Pérez, M. A., José Montesinos, J., Leyva-Gómez, G., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Eugenia-Baca, B., & Velasquillo, C. (2020). Assessment of biocompatibility and surface topography of poly(ester urethane)–silica nanocomposites reveals multifunctional properties. Materials Letters, 276.
Águila-Rosas, J., Quirino-Barreda, T., Leyva-Gómez, G., González-Zamora, E., Ibarra, I. A., & Lima, E. (2020). Sulfadiazine hosted in MIL-53(Al) as a biocide topical delivery system. RSC Advances, 10(43), 25645-25651.
Cortes, H., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Escutia-Guadarrama, L., Figueroa-González, G., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., González-Del Carmen, M., Varela-Cardoso, M., González-Torres, M., Florán, B., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2020). Xanthan gum in drug release. Cellular and Molecular Biology (Noisy-Le-Grand, France), 66(4), 199-207.
Cortes, H., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Córdova-Villanueva, E. N., Escutia-Guadarrama, L., Figueroa-González, G., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., González-Del Carmen, M., Varela-Cardoso, M., Magaña, J. J., Florán, B., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2020). Hyaluronic acid in wound dressings. Cellular and Molecular Biology (Noisy-Le-Grand, France), 66(4), 191-198.
M Luisa, D. P.-A., Griselda, R.-M., Valentín, M.-L., Carmina, O.-S., Cristina, V.-M., JJ, M., Maykel, G.-T., David, Q.-G., Roberto, S.-S., & Gerardo, L.-G. (2020). Curcumin-loaded poly-ε-caprolactone nanoparticles show antioxidant and cytoprotective effects in the presence of reactive oxygen species. Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers, 35(3), 270-285.
González-Torres, M., Guzman-Beltrán, S., Mata-Gómez, M. A., Leyva-Gómez, G., Velasquillo, C., Zúñiga, J., Vargas-Muñoz, S., Cortés, H., & Rodríguez-Talavera, R. (2020). Radiation-induced PEGylated ethambutol has low antimycobacterial activity in vitro. Biointerface Research in Applied Chemistry, 11(2), 8884-8894.
Prado-Audelo, M. L. D., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Escutia-Guadarrama, L., Giraldo-Gomez, D. M., González-Torres, M., Florán, B., Cortes, H. Leyva-Gómez, G. (2020). Recent Advances in Elastin-Based Biomaterial. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 23, 314-332.
Salehi, B., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Cortés, H., Leyva-Gómez, G., Stojanović-Radić, Z., Singh, Y. D., Patra, J. K., Das, G., Martins, N., Martorell, M., Sharifi-Rad, M. Cho, W. C., & Sharifi-Rad, J. (2020). Therapeutic Applications of Curcumin Nanomedicine Formulations in Cardiovascular Diseases. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(3), 746.
Segovia-Hernández, V. A., González-Torres, M., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Melgarejo-Ramírez, Y., Ruvalcaba-Paredes, E. K., Leyva-Gómez, G., Velasquillo, C., & Ribas-Aparicio, R. M. (2020). Surface tailoring for poly(ester-urethane) scaffold via plasma radiation-induced graft polymerization of N-hydroxyethyl acrylamide. Materials Letters, 270, 127745.
Osorio-Toribio, G., Velásquez-Hernández, M. de J., Mileo, P. G. M., Zárate, J. A., Aguila-Rosas, J., Leyva-Gómez, G., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Magaña, J. J., Pérez-Díaz, M. A., Lázaro, I. A., Forgan, R. S., Maurin, G., Lima, E., & Ibarra, I. A. (2020). Controlled Transdermal Release of Antioxidant Ferulate by a Porous Sc(III) MOF. iScience, 23(6), 101156.
Cortés, H., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Urbán-Morlán, Z., Alcalá-Alcalá, S., González-Torres, M., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., González-Del Carmen, M., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2019). Pharmacological treatments for cutaneous manifestations of inherited ichthyoses. Archives of Dermatological Research, 312(4), 237-248.
Cortés, H., Figueroa-González, G., Reyes-Hernández, O. D., Magaña, J. J., Leyva-García, N., Cariño-Calvo, L., González-Del Carmen, M., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2019). Non-invasive methods for evaluation of skin manifestations in patients with ichthyosis. Archives of Dermatological Research, 312(4), 231-236.
Tapia-Guerrero, Y. S., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Borbolla-Jiménez, F. V., Giraldo Gomez, D. M., García-Aguirre, I., Colín-Castro, C. A., Morales-González, J. A., Leyva-Gómez, G., & Magaña, J. J. (2020). Effect of UV and Gamma Irradiation Sterilization Processes in the Properties of Different Polymeric Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications. Materials, 13(5), 1090.
Campos Campos, B., Ávalos‐Fuentes, A., Piña Leyva, C., Sánchez‐Zavaleta, R., Loya‐López, S., Rangel‐Barajas, C., Leyva-Gómez, G., Cortés, H., Erlij, D., & Florán, B. (2020). Coexistence of D 3 R typical and atypical signaling in striatonigral neurons during dopaminergic denervation. Correlation with D 3 nf expression changes. Synapse.
González‐Del Carmen, M., Montaño, S., Reyes‐Hernández, O. D., Vizcaíno‐Dorado, P. A., Leyva‐García, N., Morales‐Morfín, J. C., Diaz-Beltran, W., Quinto-Santiago, E., Cariño-Calvo, L., Magaña, J. J., Leyva-Gómez, G., & Cortés, H. (2020). High prevalence of autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis in a Mexican population caused by a new mutation in the TGM1 gene: epidemiological evidence of a founder effect. International Journal of Dermatology.
López-Ramírez, G., Sánchez-Zavaleta, R., Ávalos-Fuentes, A., José Sierra, J., Paz-Bermúdez, F., Leyva-Gómez, G., Segovia Vila, J., Cortés, H., & Florán, B. (2020). D2 autoreceptor switches CB2 receptor effects on [3H]-dopamine release in the striatum. Synapse, 74(3).
Vidal-Romero, G., Zambrano-Zaragoza, M. L., Martínez-Acevedo, L., Leyva-Gómez, G., Mendoza-Elvira, S. E., & Quintanar-Guerrero, D. (2019). Design and evaluation of pH-dependent nanosystems based on cellulose acetate phthalate, nanoparticles loaded with chlorhexidine for periodontal treatment. Pharmaceutics, 11(11).
Rodríguez-Sánchez, M., Escartín-Pérez, R. E., Leyva-Gómez, G., Avalos-Fuentes, J. A., Paz-Bermúdez, F. J., Loya-López, S. I., Aceves, J., Erlij, D., Cortés, H., & Florán, B. (2019). Blockade of intranigral and systemic d3 receptors stimulates motor activity in the rat promoting a reciprocal interaction among glutamate, dopamine, and gaba. Biomolecules, 9(10).
González-Torres, M., Guzmán-Beltrán, S., Mata-Gómez, M. A., González-Valdez, J., Leyva-Gómez, G., Melgarejo-Ramírez, Y., Brostow, W., Velasquillo, C., Zúñiga-Ramos, J., & Rodríguez-Talavera, R. (2019). Synthesis, characterization, and in vitro evaluation of gamma radiation-induced PEGylated isoniazid. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 41, 81-87.
Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Magaña, J. J., Mejía-Contreras, B. A., Borbolla-Jiménez, F. V., Giraldo-Gomez, D. M., Piña-Barba, M. C., Quintanar-Guerrero, D., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2019). In vitro cell uptake evaluation of curcumin-loaded PCL/F68 nanoparticles for potential application in neuronal diseases. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 52, 905-914.
Guadarrama-Acevedo, M. C., Mendoza-Flores, R. A., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Urbán-Morlán, Z., Giraldo-Gomez, D. M., Magaña, J. J., González-Torres, M., Reyes-Hernández, O.D., Figueroa-González, G., Caballero-Florán, I.H., Florán-Hernández, C.D., Florán, B., Cortés, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2019). Development and evaluation of alginate membranes with curcumin-loaded nanoparticles for potential wound-healing applications. Pharmaceutics, 11(8)
Leyva-Gómez, G., Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Ortega-Peña, S., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Urbán-Morlán, Z., González-Torres, M., Carmen, M.G., Figueroa-González, G., Reyes-Hernández, O.D., & Cortés, H. (2019). Modifications in vaginal microbiota and their influence on drug release: Challenges and opportunities. Pharmaceutics, 11(5).
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Cortés, H., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Galván-Gil, F. A., Magaña, J. J., Lima, E., González-Torres, M., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2019). Comprehensive mapping of human body skin hydration: A pilot study. Skin Research and Technology, 25(2), 187-193.
González Torres, M., Villarreal-Ramírez, E., Moyaho Bernal, M. D. L. A., Álvarez, M., González-Valdez, J., Gutiérrez Uribe, J. A., Leyva Gómez, G., & Cortez, J. R. C. (2019). Insights into the application of polyhydroxyalkanoates derivatives from the combination of experimental and simulation approaches. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1175, 536-541.
Llera-Rojas, V. G., Hernández-Salgado, M., Quintanar-Guerrero, D., Leyva-Gómez, G., Mendoza-Elvira, S., & Villalobos-García, R. (2019). Comparative study of the release profiles of ibuprofen from polymeric nanocapsules and nanospheres. Journal of the Mexican Chemical Society, 63(2), 61-70.
Del Prado-Audelo, M. L., Caballero-Florán, I. H., Meza-Toledo, J. A., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., González-Torres, M., Florán, B., Cortés, H., & Leyva-Gómez, G. (2019). Formulations of curcumin nanoparticles for brain diseases. Biomolecules, 9(2).
Delgado-Rosales, E. E., Quintanar-Guerrero, D., Piñón-Segundo, E., Magaña-Vergara, N. E., Leyva-Gómez, G., Martínez-Martínez, F. J., & Mendoza-Muñoz, N. (2018). Novel drug delivery systems based on the encapsulation of superparamagnetic nanoparticles into lipid nanocomposites. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 46, 259-267.
Leyva-Gómez, G., Piñón-Segundo, E., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Zambrano-Zaragoza, M. L., Mendoza-Elvira, S., & Quintanar-Guerrero, D. (2018). Approaches in polymeric nanoparticles for vaginal drug delivery: A review of the state of the art. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19(6).
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González Torres, M., Cerna Cortez, J., Balam Muñoz Soto, R., Ríos Perez, A., Pfeiffer, H., Leyva Gómez, G., Zúñiga Ramos, J., & Rivera, A. L. (2018). Synthesis of gamma radiation-induced PEGylated cisplatin for cancer treatment. RSC Advances, 8(60), 34718-34725.
Cortés, H., Alcalá-Alcalá, S., Ávalos-Fuentes, A., Mendoza-Muñoz, N., Quintanar-Guerrero, D., Leyva-Gómez, G., & Florán, B. (2017). Nanotechnology as potential tool for siRNA delivery in Parkinson’s disease. Current Drug Targets, 18(16), 1866-1879.
Escalona-Rayo, O., Fuentes-Vázquez, P., Leyva-Gómez, G., Cisneros, B., Villalobos, R., Magaña, J. J., & Quintanar-Guerrero, D. (2017). Nanoparticulate strategies for the treatment of polyglutamine diseases by halting the protein aggregation process †. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy, 43(6), 871-888.
Leyva-Gómez, G., Santillan-Reyes, E., Lima, E., Madrid-Martínez, A., Krötzsch, E., Quintanar-Guerrero, D., Garciadiego-Cázares, D., Martínez-Jiménez, A., Hernández Morales, M., Ortega-Peña, S., Contreras-Figueroa, M.E., Cortina-Ramírez, G.E., & Abarca-Buis, R. F. (2017). A novel hydrogel of poloxamer 407 and chitosan obtained by gamma irradiation exhibits physicochemical properties for wound management. Materials Science and Engineering C, 74, 36-46.