
Francisco López Serrano Ramos
Ingeniero Químico (UNAM)
Master of Science in Chemical Engineering (U de Minnesota)
Doctor en Ciencia Químicas (UNAM)
[L] Introducción a la ciencia de los polímeros
[L] Modelado y simulación de procesos poliméricos
[L] Laboratorio de polímeros I
[Pg] Reactores de polimerización
[Pg] Polimerización en emulsión
[Pg] Temas selectos del área de polímeros
- Mecanismos
- Reacciones y reactores de polimerización
- Modelado matemático
- Estimación de parámetros
Entendimiento de los fenómenos que ocurren en los sistemas reaccionantes de polimerización
- Modelado matemático
- Reactores
- Polimerización en emulsión y microemulsión
- Mención honorífica. FQ UNAM. 6 Agosto, 1976
- Candidato a investigador nacional. SNI. Julio, 1987
- Premio trabajo presentado en IV Congreso Nacional de Polímeros. SPM. Sept. 1988
- Tercer lugar premio tecnología DESC. Látex termo moldeable. Nov. 1992
- Primer lugar al Mérito ecológico DESC. Agotamiento Químico. Nov. 1995
- Primer lugar en III Premio CIBA en Innovación Tecnológica en Ecología. May. 1996
- Investigador nacional nivel I. SNI desde Junio 2001 a la fecha
- Premio mejor tesis de doctorado en polímeros. Sociedad Polimérica de México. Oct. 2004
- Award for Interfaces Between Polymer Chemistry and Polymer Reaction Engineeing. University of Waterloo, Canada. May. 2005
Mil-Martínez, R., Vargas, R. O.*, Escandón, J. P., Pérez-Reyes, I., Turcio, M., Gómez-López, A. & López-Serrano, F. (2022). Thermal Effect on the Bioconvection Dynamics of Gravitactic Microorganisms in a Rectangular Cavity. Fluids, 7(3), 113.
Paulin, J. A., Lopez-Aguilar, J. E., Fouconnier, B., Vargas, R. O., & Lopez-Serrano, F.* (2021). Revisiting the Flory–Rehner equation: taking a closer look at the Flory–Huggins interaction parameter and its functionality with temperature and concentration with NIPA as a case example. Polymer Bulletin.
Solís-López, M., Puente-Lee, I., Fouconnier, B., & López-Serrano, F.* (2021). Kinetic and mechanistic aspects during a styrene-based Pickering emulsion polymerization: Importance of the co-aid adsorption. Journal of Polymer Research, 28(4).
Fouconnier, B.*, López-Serrano, F., Puente Lee, R. I., Terrazas-Rodríguez, J. E., Román-Guerrero, A., Barrera, M. C., & Escobar, J. (2021). Hybrid microspheres and percolated monoliths synthesized via pickering emulsion co-polymerization stabilized by in situ surface-modified silica nanoparticles. Express Polymer Letters, 15(6), 554-567.
Fouconnier, B., Aboudzadeh, M. A., & López-Serrano, F.* (2021). Silica-Supported Styrene-Co-Divinylbenzene Pickering Emulsion Polymerization: Tuning Surface Charge and Hydrophobicity by pH and Co-Aid Adsorption. Processes, 9(10), 1820.
Torres-Ávalos, J. A., Cajero-Zul, L. R., Vázquez-Lepe, M., López-Dellamary, F. A., Martínez-Richa, A., Barrera-Rivera, K. A., López-Serrano, F., & Nuño-Donlucas, S. M.* (2021). Synthesis of Poly(methacrylic acid-co-butyl acrylate) Grafted onto Functionalized Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites for Drug Delivery. Polymers, 13(4), 533.
Solís-López, M., Puente-Lee, I., Fouconnier, B., & López-Serrano, F. (2020). Hybrid styrene emulsion polymerization: bare, encapsulated and pickering morphologies. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A, 1-9.
Alvarado, A. G., Hernández-Montelongo, R., Rabelero, M., Pérez-Carrillo, L. A., Puig, J. E., & López-Serrano, F. (2020). A simple model for the semicontinuous heterophase polymerization: Ethyl methacrylate as a case example. Polymer Engineering and Science, 60(2), 223-232.
Mil-Martínez, R., Ferrer, V. H., Turcio, M., López-Serrano, F., Ortega, J. A., & Vargas, R. O. (2019). Stability analysis and numerical simulation of gravitactic bioconvection in a rectangular cavity. Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 77(1), 222-236.
López-Serrano, F., Silva, J. M., Sánchez-Díaz, J. C., Vargas, R. O., & Puig, J. E. (2018). Understanding the semicontinuous-heterophase, surfactant-supported, acrylamide inverse polymerization. Polymer Engineering and Science, 58(12), 2219-2226.
Puig, J. E., Bautista, F., Hernández, E., & López-Serrano, F. (2018). Predictions of flow instabilities in the shear-thickening regime with an improved bautista–manero–puig model. AIChE Journal, 64(10), 3735-3745.
Fouconnier, B., Terrazas-Rodríguez, J. E., & López-Serrano, F. (2017). Monitoring styrene pickering SiO2-supported emulsion polymerization kinetics by raman spectroscopy: Elucidating mechanisms interpreting the silanol/phenyl π-interactions. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 54(8), 509-515.
Ferrer, V. H., Gómez, A., Ortega, J. A., Manero, O., Rincón, E., López-Serrano, F., & Vargas, R. O. (2017). Modeling of complex fluids using micro-macro approach with transient network dynamics. Rheologica Acta, 56(5), 445-459.
Fouconnier, B., Román-Guerrero, A., & López-Serrano, F. (2016). Pickering emulsion polymerization kinetics of styrene: Comparison of bare and surface modified SiO2 nanoparticles. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 53(7), 403-412.