
Francisco Javier Plasencia de la Parra
Licenciatura Q.F.B. Facultad de Química, UNAM.
Maestría en Ciencias (Fitopatología) Universidad de Minnesota, E.U.A.
Doctorado en Ciencias (Fitopatología) Universidad de Minnesota, E.U.A.
[L] Genética y Biología Molecular, Licenciatura Q.F.B. Facultad de Química. UNAM
[Pg] Biología Molecular, Posgrado en Ciencias Bioquímicas. Facultad de Química. UNAM
[Pg] Tópicos Selectos de Biología Molecular de Plantas (Asignatura Optativa). Posgrado en Ciencias Bioquímicas. Facultad de Química. UNAM
- Maíz
- Fusarium
- Estrés biótico
- Micotoxinas
- Interacción planta – microorganismo
- Papel de los factores de virulencia de hongos fitopatógenos y mecanismos de resistencia a enfermedades en plantas
- Posgrado en Ciencias Bioquímicas
- “Fred I Frosheiser Graduate Award of Merit”, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Minnesota, EUA
- Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel I
Gutiérrez-Sánchez, A., Plasencia, J., Monribot‐Villanueva, J. L., Rodríguez-Haas, B., Ruíz-May, E., Guerrero‐Analco, J. A.*, & Sánchez-Rangel, D.* (2023). Virulence factors of the genus fusarium with targets in plants. Microbiological Research, 277, 127506.
Plasencia, J.* (2022). Use of practice tests with immediate feedback in an undergraduate molecular biology course. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 51(1), 65-73.
Plasencia, J.* (2022). An online course on applied biochemistry and molecular biology through case‐based learning. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 51(1), 74-76.
Martínez-Fraca, J.*, de la Torre-Hernández, M. E., Meshoulam-Alamilla, M., & Plasencia, J.* (2022). In Search of Resistance Against Fusarium Ear Rot: Ferulic Acid Contents in Maize Pericarp Are Associated With Antifungal Activity and Inhibition of Fumonisin Production. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13.
Gutiérrez-Sánchez, A., Plasencia, J., Monribot-Villanueva, J. L., Rodríguez-Haas, J. B., López-Buenfil, J. A., García-Ávila, C. J., Ruiz-May, E., Sánchez-Rangel, D.*, & Guerrero-Analco, J. A.* (2021). Characterization of the Exo-Metabolome of the Emergent Phytopathogen Fusarium kuroshium sp. nov., a Causal Agent of Fusarium Dieback. Toxins, 13(4).
Nájera-Martínez, M., Pedroza-García, J. A., Suzuri-Hernández, L. J., Mazubert, C., Drouin-Wahbi, J., Vázquez-Ramos, J., Raynaud, C., & Plasencia, J. (2020). Maize Thymidine Kinase Activity Is Present throughout Plant Development and Its Heterologous Expression Confers Tolerance to an Organellar DNA-Damaging Agent. Plants, 9(8), 1-14.
Gutiérrez-Nájera. N. A., Saucedo-García, M., Noyola-Martínez, L., Vázquez-Vázquez, C., Palacios-Bahena, S., Carmona-Salazar, L., Plasencia, J., El-Hafidi, M., & Gavilanes-Ruiz, M. (2020). Sphingolipid Effects on the Plasma Membrane Produced by Addition of Fumonisin B1 to Maize Embryos. Plants, 9(2), 150.
Pérez-de León, A., Plasencia, J., Vázquez-Durán, A., & Méndez-Albores, A. (2019). Comparison of the In Vitro Antifungal and Anti-fumonigenic Activities of Copper and Silver Nanoparticles Against Fusarium verticillioides. Journal of Cluster Science, 31(1), 213-220.
Herrera-Téllez, V. I., Cruz-Olmedo, A. K., Plasencia, J., Gavilanes-Ruíz, M., Arce-Cervantes, O., Hernández-León, S., & Saucedo-García, M. (2019). The protective effect of trichoderma asperellum on tomato plants against fusarium oxysporum and botrytis cinerea diseases involves inhibition of reactive oxygen species production. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20(8).
Pedroza-García, J. -., Nájera-Martínez, M., Mazubert, C., Aguilera-Alvarado, P., Drouin-Wahbi, J., Sánchez-Nieto, S., Gualberto, J.M., Raynaud, C., & Plasencia, J. (2019). Role of pyrimidine salvage pathway in the maintenance of organellar and nuclear genome integrity. Plant Journal, 97(3), 430-446.
Pérez-de León, A., Plasencia, J., Vázquez-Durán, A., & Méndez-Albores, A. (2019). Comparison of the in vitro antifungal and anti-fumonigenic activities of copper and silver nanoparticles against fusarium verticillioides. Journal of Cluster Science.
Galeana-Sánchez, E., Sánchez-Rangel, D., de la Torre-Hernández, M. E., Nájera-Martínez, M., Ramos-Villegas, P., & Plasencia, J. (2017). Fumonisin B1 produced in planta by fusarium verticillioides is associated with inhibition of maize β-1,3-glucanase activity and increased aggressiveness. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 100, 75-83.
Abbas, H. K., Shier, W. T., Plasencia, J., Weaver, M. A., Bellaloui, N., Kotowicz, J. K., Butler, A.M., Accinelli, C., de la Torre-Hernandez, M.E., & Zablotowicz, R. M. (2017). Mycotoxin contamination in corn smut (ustilago maydis) galls in the field and in the commercial food products. Food Control, 71, 57-63.
Sánchez-Rojo, S., Cerda-García-Rojas, C. M., Esparza-García, F., Plasencia, J., Poggi-Varaldo, H. M., Ponce-Noyola, T., & Ramos-Valdivia, A. C. (2015). Long-term response on growth, antioxidant enzymes, and secondary metabolites in salicylic acid pre-treated uncaria tomentosa microplants. Biotechnology Letters, 37(12), 2489-2496.
Sánchez-Ranged, D., Vicente, M. R. -., de la Torre-Hernández, M. E., Nájera-Martínez, M., & Plasencia, J. (2015). Deciphering the link between salicylic acid signaling and sphingolipid metabolism. Frontiers in Plant Science, 6(MAR).