
Eduardo Vivaldo Lima
Ingeniero Químico (FQ-UNAM), M. Eng., Ph. D. (McMaster University)
[L] Introducción a la Ciencia de Polímeros
[L] Modelado de Procesos Poliméricos
[L] Transferencia de Momentum, Estancia de Investigación
[Pg] Reactores de Polimerización
[Pg] Temas Selectos de Polímeros: Modelos Avanzados de Polimerización
[Pg] Trabajo de Investigación
- Ingeniería de Procesos
- Polímeros
- Termodinámica Aplicada
Ingeniería en reacciones de polimerización:
- Polimerización radicálica controlada
- Polimerización en dióxido de carbono supercrítico
- Procesos de polimerización en fase dispersa (suspensión, dispersión y emulsión)
- Formación de redes poliméricas
- Extrusión reactiva
- Polimerización activada con microondas
- Simulación de procesos de polimerización
- Programa de Maestría y Doctorado en Ingeniería
- Programa de Maestría y Doctorado en Ciencias Químicas
- Posgrado en Ciencia e Ingeniería en Materiales
- The Dow Chemical TA Award, Dow Chemical y McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canadá, 1996
- The Robert B. Anderson Memorial Prize for Leadership and Excellence, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canadá, Abril de 1997
- Investigador Nacional, Nivel 2 (Renovación), Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (S.N.I.), Enero 2010-diciembre 2012
- Asesor del Alumno Ganador (Oswaldo Javier Celedón Briones) del Primer Lugar en el Certamen Nacional “Premio SPM-CIQA a la Mejor Tesis en Polímeros 2003”, Nivel Licenciatura (Enfoque Científico), organizado por la Sociedad Polimérica de México, A.C. (SPM) y el Centro de Investigación en Química Aplicada (CIQA), Noviembre de 2003
- Asesor de la Alumna Ganadora (Bibiana Alejandra Yánez Martínez) del Primer Lugar en el Certamen Nacional “Premio SPM a la Mejor Tesis en Polímeros 2006”, Nivel Maestría, organizado por la Sociedad Polimérica de México, A.C. (SPM), Octubre de 2006
- Asesor del alumno ganador (Gabriel Jaramillo Soto) del “2008 IPR Scholarship for Academic Excellence during a Graduate Student’s Degree in Polymer Science/Engineering”, Ph.D. level, Institute for Polymer Research (IPR), University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canadá, February 27, 2009
- Nombramiento oficial como “External Academic Member” del Institute for Polymer Research (IPR) de la University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canadá, a partir de Septiembre de 2006
- Premio Ciudad Capital Heberto Castillo Martínez, Premio en Innovación para Mexicanas y Mexicanos Destacados, Edición 2010 “Bicentenario de la Independencia y Centenario de la Revolución en la Ciudad de México”, por el desarrollo de modelos computacionales para el estudio de los polímeros complejos y su aplicación en el sector productivo nacional. Otorgado por el Gobierno del Distrito Federal, a través del Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Distrito Federal, 24 de noviembre de 2010
- “Member of the Editorial Board” (Miembro del Comité Editorial) de la Revista Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure & Applied Chemistry, Editada por Taylor & Francis, London, UK, desde el 5 de Julio de 2011
- Miembro del Patronato (Patrono) de la FQ a partir de mayo de 2018
- Investigador Nacional, Nivel 3 (Renovación), Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (S.N.I.), Enero 2018-diciembre 2022
- Premio IMIQ 2017 “Ing. Alberto Urbina del Raso” por la brillante asesoría de la Tesis Profesional “Simulación de Procesos de Producción de Polietileno de Baja Densidad”, realizada por la Ing. Anete Joceline Benítez Carreón
- Miembro (Member) por Invitación del Consejo Directivo (Steering Committee) de la serie de congresos internacionales “Polymer Reaction Engineering (PRE)”
- Premio IMIQ 2014 “Ing. Estanislao Ramírez Ruiz” a la Excelencia en la Enseñanza de la Ingeniería Química, otorgado por el Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Químicos, A.C.
- Premio Universidad Nacional Nacional (PUN), área de Docencia en Ciencias Exactas, 2013
- Premio IMIQ 2012: “Ing. César O. Baptista Montes” al Trabajo Técnico de Excelencia en Ingeniería Química. Otorgado por el Instituto Mexicano de Ingenieros Químicos, A.C.
- French patent application FR 12 55 394, “Procédé de traitement enzymatique d’une matière ligno-cellulosique solide”, Gérard Vilarem, Luc Rigal, Virginie Vandenbossche, Julien Brault, Martín Hernández Luna, Oscar Hernández Meléndez, Eduardo Vivaldo Lima, Eduardo Bárzana García, Mercedes Ballesteros, Aleta Duque, Paloma Manzanares, Matti Samuel Siika-Aho, Jaana María Uusitalo, Julio Mata-Segreda, Stephane Guillouet, Eric Lombard, Xavier Cameleyre, 8/June/2012.
- International patent application PCT/FR2013/051317, “Method for the enzymatic treatment of a solid lignocellulosic material”, Gérard Vilarem, Luc Rigal, Virginie Vandenbossche, Julien Brault, Martín Hernández Luna, Oscar Hernández Meléndez, Eduardo Vivaldo Lima, Eduardo Bárzana García, Mercedes Ballesteros, Aleta Duque, Paloma Manzanares, Matti Samuel Siika-Aho, Jaana María Uusitalo, Julio Mata-Segreda, Stephane Guillouet, Eric Lombard, Xavier Cameleyre, 07/06/2013.
- US patent application US 2015/0299751 A1, “Method of enzymatic treatment of a solid lignocellulosic material”, Gérard Vilarem, Luc Rigal, Virginie Vandenbossche, Julien Brault, Martín Hernández Luna, Oscar Hernández Meléndez, Eduardo Vivaldo Lima, Eduardo Bárzana García, Mercedes Ballesteros, Aleta Duque, Paloma Manzanares, Matti Samuel Siika-Aho, Jaana María Uusitalo, Julio Mata-Segreda, Stephane Guillouet, Eric Lombard, Xavier Cameleyre, 22/Oct./2015.
- Mexican patent application MX/a/2013/009053, “Polímeros con estructura de red de baja densidad y proceso de obtención de los mismos mediante polimerización radicálica por desactivación reversible en fluidos comprimidos” (Low density polymer networks and their production process by reversible deactivation radical polymerization in compressed fluids), E. Vivaldo-Lima, M. J. Bernad Bernad, A. Licea-Claverie, H. Vázquez-Torres, P. Pérez-Salinas, A. Rosas-Aburto, 6/August/2013.
- Mexican patent application MX/a/2016/008612, “PROCESO DE TRATAMIENTO ACIDO EN FASE DE GAS DE MATERIALES LIGNOCELULOSICOS”, Martín G. Hernández Luna, Eduardo Vivaldo Lima, Jorge Alcaraz Cienfuegos, María de los Ángeles Valdivia López, 29/Junio/2016.
- Mexican patent application MX/a/2018/010702, “PROCESO DE PRODUCCIÓN DE ÁCIDO LIGNOSULFÓNICO Y LIGNOSULFONATOS”, Martín G. Hernández Luna, Eduardo Vivaldo Lima, Jorge Alcaraz Cienfuegos, María de los Ángeles Valdivia López, Alexis Mercadal Ramírez, 5/Septiembre/2018.
Cruz‐Rosado, A., Romero‐Hernández, J. E., Ríos‐López, M., López-Morales, S., Cedillo, G., Ríos-Ruiz, L. M., Cetina-Mancilla, E., Palacios‐Alquisira, J., Zolotukhin, M. G., & Vivaldo‐Lima, E.* (2023). Non-stoichiometric effect in the superacid-catalyzed polyhydroxyalkylation of biphenyl and 1-propyl isatin. High Performance Polymers, 35(9), 883-891.
Munguía-Quintero, M. F., Vega‐Hernández, M. Á., Rosas‐Aburto, A., Hernández-Luna, M., López-Ramírez, S., Barragán-Aroche, F., & Vivaldo‐Lima, E.* (2023). An early study on the synthesis of Lignin-Graft-(Net-Poly(acrylamide-CO-N,N′methylenebisacrylamide)), characterization of the produced copolymer, and evaluation of its performance as adsorbent for lead removal from wastewater purposes. Processes, 11(8), 2309.
López‐Domínguez, P., Ríos‐López, M., Rivera‐Peláez, J. E., Barragán‐Aroche, J. F., & Vivaldo-Lima, E.* (2023). Modelling of polymerization kinetics and molar mass development in the nitroxide‐mediated polymerization ( NMP ) of styrene in supercritical carbon dioxide using the PC‐SAFT equation of state. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering.
Cetina-Mancilla, E.*, Reyes-García, G. A., Rodríguez-Molina, M., Zolotukhin, M. G., Vivaldo-Lima, E., González-Díaz, M. O., & Ramos-Ortiz, G. (2023). Room temperature, simple and efficient synthesis and functionalization of aromatic poly(arylene sulfide)s, poly(arylene sulfoxide)s and poly(arylene sulfone)s. European Polymer Journal, 184, 111800.
Sierra-Ibarra, E., Vargas-Tah, A., Moss-Acosta, C. L., Trujillo-Martinez, B., Molina-Vázquez, E. R., Rosas-Aburto, A., Valdivia-López, Á., Hernández-Luna, M., Vivaldo-Lima, E., & Martinez, A.* (2022). Co-Fermentation of Glucose–Xylose Mixtures from Agroindustrial Residues by Ethanologenic Escherichia coli: A Study on the Lack of Carbon Catabolite Repression in Strain MS04. Molecules, 27(24), 8941.
Jaramillo-Soto, G., Sarracino-Silva, S. A., & Vivaldo-Lima, E.* (2022). Kinetics of Polymer Network Formation by Nitroxide-Mediated Radical Copolymerization of Styrene/Divinylbenzene in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide. Processes, 10(11), 2386.
Tenorio-López, J. A., Benvenuta-Tapia, J. J.*, García-Navarro, N., Vivaldo-Lima, E.*, Champagne, P. & Saldívar-Guerra, E.* (2022). Mathematical Description of the RAFT Copolymerization of Styrene and Glycidyl Methacrylate Using the Terminal Model. Polymers, 14(7), 1448.
Morales‐Huerta, J. C., Hernández‐Meléndez, O., Garcés‐Sandoval, F. I., Montiel, C., Hernández‐Luna, M. G., Manero, O., Bárzana, E., & Vivaldo‐Lima, E.* (2022). Modeling of Pretreatment and Combined Alkaline and Enzymatic Hydrolyses of Blue Agave Bagasse in Corotating Twin‐Screw Extruders. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 16(3), 2100059.
Cruz-Rosado, A., Romero-Hernández, J. E., Ríos-López, M., López-Morales, S., Cedillo, G., Ríos-Ruiz, L. M., Cetina-Mancilla, E., Palacios-Alquisira, J., Zolotukhin, M. G., & Vivaldo-Lima, E.* (2022). Molecular weight development in the superacid-catalyzed polyhydroxyalkylation of 1-propylisatin and biphenyl at stoichiometric conditions. Polymer, 243, 124616.
López‐Domínguez, P., Carranco‐Hernández, N. M., & Vivaldo‐Lima, E.* (2022). Kinetic Modeling of Ring Opening Polymerization of Lactones under Microwave Irradiation. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 16(3), 2100044.
Sierra-Ibarra, E.*, Alcaraz-Cienfuegos, J., Vargas-Tah, A., Rosas-Aburto, A., Valdivia-López, A., Hernández-Luna, M. G., Vivaldo-Lima, E., & Martinez, A. (2022). Ethanol production by Escherichia coli from detoxified lignocellulosic teak wood hydrolysates with high concentration of phenolic compounds. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, 49(2).
Morales-Huerta, J. C., Hernández-Meléndez, O., Hernández-Luna, M. G., Manero, O., Bárzana, E., & Vivaldo-Lima, E.* (2021). An Experimental and Modeling Study on the Pretreatment and Alkaline Hydrolysis of Blue Agave Bagasse in Twin-Screw Extruders. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(34), 12449-12460.
Cano-Díaz, G. S., Rosas-Aburto, A.*, Vivaldo-Lima, E., Flores-Santos, L., Vega-Hernández, M. A., Hernández-Luna, M. G., & Martinez, A. (2021). Determination of the composition of lignocellulosic biomasses from combined analyses of thermal, spectroscopic, and wet chemical methods. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(9), 3502-3515.
Benvenuta-Tapia, J. J.*, Champagne, P.*, Tenorio-López, J. A., Vivaldo-Lima, E.*, & Guerrero-Santos, R.* (2021). Improving Recycled Poly(lactic Acid) Biopolymer Properties by Chain Extension Using Block Copolymers Synthesized by Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization (NMP). Polymers, 13(16).
Avila-Gutierrez, L., Cetina-Mancilla, E., Hernández-Cruz, O., Gonzalez, G., Arcos, L. H., Gaviño, R., Cárdenas, J., Vivaldo-Lima, E., & Zolotukhin, M. G. (2021). Multifunctional polymer-assisted spontaneous transformation of thin gold films into nanoparticles. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 164.
Mohammadi, Y.*, Saeb, M. R., Penlidis, A.*, Jabbari, E., Stadler, F. J.*, Zinck, P., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2021). Toward Olefin Multiblock Copolymers with Tailored Properties: A Molecular Perspective. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 30(3).
Vivaldo-Lima, E., Mohammadi, Y., & Penlidis, A. (2021). Special Issue: Modeling and Simulation of Polymerization Processes. Processes, 9(5).
Vega-Hernández, M. Á., Cano-Díaz, G. S., Vivaldo-Lima, E.*, Rosas-Aburto, A., Hernández-Luna, M. G., Martinez, A., Palacios-Alquisira, J., Mohammadi, Y., & Penlidis, A.* (2021). A Review on the Synthesis, Characterization and Modeling of Polymer Grafting. Processes, 9(2), 375.
Hernández-Valdepeña, M. A., Hernández-Valencia, C. G., Labra-Vázquez, P., Wacher, C., Díaz-Ruiz, G., Vázquez, A., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., Shirai, K., Rosas-Aburto, A., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Bárzana, E., Rodríguez-Sonoja, R., & Gimeno, M. (2021). Antioxidant and antimicrobial material by grafting of L-Arginine onto enzymatic poly(gallic acid). Materials Science and Engineering: C, 111650.
Cuatepotzo-Dı́az, R., López-Méndez, B. L., López-Domı́nguez, P., Albores-Velasco, M. E., Penlidis, A., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2020). The Role of Nitroxide Degradation on the Efficiency of the Controller in Nitroxide-Mediated Radical Polymerization (NMP) of Styrene. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59(40), 17786-17795.
Cetina-Mancilla, E., Olvera, L. I., Balmaseda, J., Forster, M., Ruiz-Treviño, F. A., Cárdenas, J., Vivaldo-Lima, E., & Zolotukhin, M. G. (2020). Well-defined, linear, wholly aromatic polymers with controlled content and position of pyridine moieties in macromolecules from one-pot, room temperature, metal-free step-polymerizations. Polymer Chemistry, 11(38), 6194-6205.
Seyedi, A., Najafi, M., Russell, G. T., Mohammadi, Y., Vivaldo-Lima, E., & Penlidis, A. (2020). Initiator Feeding Policies in Semi-Batch Free Radical Polymerization: A Monte Carlo Study. Processes, 8(10), 1-19.
Romero-Hernández, J. E., Cruz-Rosado, A., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Palacios-Alquisira, J., & Zolotukhin, M. G. (2020). Analysis of the Competition between Cyclization and Linear Chain Growth in Kinetically Controlled A2 + B2 Step‐Growth Polymerizations Using Modeling Tools. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations.
Benvenuta-Tapia, J. J., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2020). Reduction of molar mass loss and enhancement of thermal and rheological properties of recycled poly(lactic acid) by using chain extenders obtained from RAFT chemistry. Reactive and Functional Polymers, 153.
López-Domínguez, P., Clemente-Montes, D. A., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2020). Modeling of reversible deactivation radical polymerization of vinyl monomers promoted by redox initiation using NHPI and xanthone. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering.
Morales-Huerta, J. C., Jaramillo-Soto, G., Manero, O., Bárzana, E., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2020). Modeling of Pretreatment and Acid/Alkaline Hydrolyses of Lignocellulosic Biomasses in Twin-Screw Extruders. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59(25), 11389-11401.
López-Domínguez, P., Rivera-Peláez, J. E., Jaramillo-Soto, G., Barragán-Aroche, J. F., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2020). Modeling of RAFT polymerization of MMA in supercritical carbon dioxide using the PC-SAFT equation of state. Reaction Chemistry & Engineering.
Benitez-Carreón, A. J., Soriano-Moro, J. G., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Guerrero-Santos, R., & Penlidis, A. (2019). New Aspects on the Modeling of Dithiolactone-Mediated Radical Polymerization of Vinyl Monomers. Processes, 7(11), 842.
Gómez-Reguera, J. A., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Gabriel, V. A., & Dubé, M. A. (2019). Modeling of the free radical copolymerization kinetics of n-butyl acrylate, methyl methacrylate and 2-ethylhexyl acrylate using PREDICI®. Processes, 7(7).
Benvenuta-Tapia, J. J., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Martínez-Estrada, A., Hernández-Valdez, M., Paredes-Castañeda, S., & Ramos-Valdes, C. (2019). Enhanced asphalt performance upon addition of RAFT-synthesized reactive multi-block copolymers. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 227, 269-278.
Vega-Hernández, M. Á., Rosas-Aburto, A., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Vázquez-Torres, H., Cano-Díaz, G. S., Pérez-Salinas, P., Hernández-Luna, M. G., Alcaraz-Cienfuegos, J., & Zolotukhin, M. G. (2019). Development of polystyrene composites based on blue agave bagasse by in situ RAFT polymerization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 136(8).
Benvenuta-Tapia, J. J., Vivaldo-Lima, E., & Guerrero-Santos, R. (2019). Effect of copolymers synthesized by nitroxide‐mediated polymerization as chain extenders of postconsumer poly(ethylene terephthalate) waste. Polymer Engineering & Science.
Benvenuta-Tapia, J. J., González-Coronel, V. J., Soriano-Moro, G., Martínez-De la Luz, I., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2018). Recycling of poly(ethylene terephthalate) by chain extension during reactive extrusion using functionalized block copolymers synthesized by RAFT polymerization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 135(42).
Benvenuta-Tapia, J. J., Tenorio-López, J. A., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2018). Estimation of reactivity ratios in the RAFT copolymerization of styrene and glycidyl methacrylate. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 12(5).
Benvenuta-Tapia, J. J., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Tenorio-López, J. A., de los Ángeles Vargas-Hernández, M., & Vázquez-Torres, H. (2018). Kinetic analysis of the RAFT copolymerization of styrene and maleic anhydride by differential scanning calorimetry. Thermochimica Acta, 667, 93-101.
Masoumi, S., Duever, T. A., Penlidis, A., Azimi, R., López-Domínguez, P., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2018). Model discrimination between RAFT polymerization models using sequential bayesian methodology. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 27(5).
López-Domínguez, P., Jaramillo-Soto, G., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2018). A modeling study on the RAFT polymerization of vinyl monomers in supercritical carbon dioxide. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 12(4).
López-Domínguez, P., Olvera-Mancilla, J., Palacios-Alquisira, J., Alexandrova, L., Dubé, M. A., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2018). Kinetic modeling of vinyl acetate telomerization catalyzed by metal transition complexes under thermal and microwave heating. Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part A: Pure and Applied Chemistry, 55(3), 231-242.
López-Domínguez, P., Hernández-Ortiz, J. C., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2018). Modeling of RAFT copolymerization with crosslinking of Styrene/Divinylbenzene in supercritical carbon dioxide. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 27(1).
Romero-Hernández, J. E., Cruz-Rosado, A., Zolotukhin, M. G., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2017). Modeling of superacid catalyzed step-growth polymerization of isatin and biphenyl or terphenyl monomers. Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 26(5).
Pérez-Salinas, P., Jaramillo-Soto, G., Rosas-Aburto, A., Vázquez-Torres, H., Bernad-Bernad, M. J., Licea-Claverie, Á., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2017). Comparison of polymer networks synthesized by conventional free radical and RAFT copolymerization processes in supercritical carbon dioxide. Processes, 5(2).
Díaz-Sánchez, J., Rosas-Aburto, A., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Hernández-Alcántara, J. M., Gracia-Mora, I., Vázquez-Torres, H., Ordóñez, L. C., Roquero, P., & Gimeno, M. (2017). Development and characterization of a flexible electrochromic device based on polyaniline and enzymatically synthesized poly (gallic acid). Synthetic Metals, 223, 43-48.
Montiel, C., Hernández-Meléndez, O., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Hernández-Luna, M., & Bárzana, E. (2016). Enhanced bioethanol production from blue agave bagasse in a combined Extrusion–Saccharification process. Bioenergy Research, 9(4), 1005-1014.
Hernández-Meléndez, O., Miguel-Cruz, F., Montiel, C., Hernández-Luna, M., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Mena-Brito, C., & Bárzana, E. (2016). Characterization of blue agave bagasse (BAB) as raw material for bioethanol production processes by gravimetric, thermal, chromatographic, X-ray diffraction, microscopy, and laser light scattering techniques. Bioenergy Research, 9(4), 985-997.
Ren, S., Vivaldo-Lima, E., & Dubé, M. A. (2016). Modeling of the copolymerization kinetics of n-butyl acrylate and D-limonene using PREDICI ®. Processes, 4(1).
Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2016). Preface. Macromolecular Symposia, 360(1), 7-9.
Zhang, Y., Dubé, M. A., & Vivaldo-Lima, E. (2016). Modelling degradative chain transfer in d-Limonene/2-ethylhexyl acrylate free-radical copolymerization. Macromolecular Symposia, 360(1), 185-191.
Rosas-Aburto, A., Roquero-Tejeda, P., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Pérez-Salinas, P., Phifer, D. W., & Vázquez, R. J. R. (2016). Conductive elastomer composites based on inherent and extrinsic conductive polymers. Macromolecular Symposia, 360(1), 49-60.
Pérez-Salinas, P., Rosas-Aburto, A., Antonio-Hernández, C. H., Jaramillo-Soto, G., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Licea-Claverie, Á., Castro-Ceseña, A. B., & Vázquez-Torres, H. (2016). Controlled release of vitamin B-12 using hydrogels synthesized by free radical and RAFT copolymerization in scCO2. Macromolecular Symposia, 360(1), 69-77.