
Carmina Montiel Pacheco
- Licenciatura en Ingeniería Química. Facultad Química UNAM
- Maestría en Ingenieria (Bioprocesos, biocatálisis) Facultad Química UNAM
- Doctorado en Ciencias (Biotecnología) Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo
- Estancia de Investigación RWTH Aachen Alemania
[L] Laboratorio Química General I y II
[L] Biotecnología
[L] Laboratorio de Tecnología Enzimática
- Caracterización de enzimas
- Inmovilización de enzimas
- Inulinasas
- Celulasas
- Producción de oligosacaridos
- Bioetanol
- Identificación, purificación, caracterización e inmovilización de enzimas para la obtención de productos de valor agregado
Guzmán-Lagunes, F., Martínez‐dlCruz, L., Wongsirichot, P., Winterburn, J., & Montiel, C.* (2024). Production of polyhydroxybutyrate by coupled saccharification–fermentation of inulin. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 47, 119–129.
Guzmán-Lagunes, F., Wongsirichot, P., Winterburn, J., Guerrero‐Sánchez, C., & Montiel, C.* (2023). Polyhydroxyalkanoates production: a challenge for the plastic industry. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 62(44), 18133-18158.
Sánchez‐Moguel, I., Montiel, C., & Bustos‐Jaimes, I.* (2023). Therapeutic potential of engineered virus-like particles of parvovirus B19. Pathogens, 12(8), 1007.
Trapala, J., González-Andrade, M., Olvera, C., Cayetano, M., Sanz‐Aparicio, J., Jiménez-Ortega, E., Bustos‐Jaimes, I., & Montiel, C.* (2023). Relevance of aromatic and polar amino acids in the specificity of inulinase ISO3 from Kluyveromyces marxianus: a Molecular dynamics approach with an experimental verification. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 242, 124734.
Navarro, A. G., Montiel, C., Gracia-Fadrique, J., Tecante, A., & Bárzana, E.* (2023). Supercritical carbon dioxide “explosion” on blue agave bagasse to enhance enzymatic digestibility. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13(7), 5691-5699.
Hernández-Alonso, Á., Pérez-García, V., López-Medina, J., Cedeño-Caero, L., Trapala, J., Montiel, C., Bustos‐Jaimes, I., & Gimeno, M. (2023). Enzymatic synthesis of polypeptides in natural deep eutectic solvents. Journal of Polymer Research, 30(11), 429.
Espinoza-González, A., Hernández-Valencia, C., Cedeño-Caero, L., Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Montiel, C., & Gimeno, M.* (2023). Protease-catalyzed synthesis of α-poly-L-Lysine and amphiphilic poly(L-lysine-co-L-phenylalanine) in a neat non-toxic organic solvent. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 46(4), 515-522.
Morales‐Huerta, J. C., Hernández‐Meléndez, O., Garcés‐Sandoval, F. I., Montiel, C., Hernández‐Luna, M. G., Manero, O., Bárzana, E., & Vivaldo‐Lima, E.* (2022). Modeling of Pretreatment and Combined Alkaline and Enzymatic Hydrolyses of Blue Agave Bagasse in Corotating Twin‐Screw Extruders. Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 16(3), 2100059.
Navarro, A.*, Montiel, C.*, Gracia-Fadrique, J.*, Tecante, A.*, & Bárzana, E.* (2021). Supercritical carbon dioxide “explosion” on blue agave bagasse to enhance enzymatic digestibility. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.
Trapala, J., Bustos-Jaimes, I., Manzanares, P., Bárzana, E., & Montiel, C. (2020). Purification and characterization of an inulinase produced by a Kluyveromyces marxianus strain isolated from blue agave bagasse. Protein Expression and Purification, 176.
Romero-Montero, A., Labra-Vázquez, P., del Valle, L. J., Puiggalí, J., García-Arrazola, R., Montiel, C., & Gimeno, M.* (2020). Development of an antimicrobial and antioxidant hydrogel/nano-electrospun wound dressing. RSC Advances, 10(51), 30508-30518.
Romero-Montero, A., del Valle, L. J., Puiggalí, J., Montiel, C., García-Arrazola, R., & Gimeno, M.* (2020). Poly(gallic acid)-coated polycaprolactone inhibits oxidative stress in epithelial cells. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, 115, 111154.
Torres-Torres, E. Y., Montiel, C., Araiza-Olivera, D., Gutierrez-Aguilar, M., Gimeno, M., & García-Arrazola, R. (2019). Extracting endocrine disrupting compounds from infant formula using supercritical carbon dioxide. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 152, 104554.
Montiel, C., Hernández-Melendez, O., Miguel-Cruz, F., & Bárzana, E. (2019). Improvement in extrusion and enzymatic hydrolysis of blue bagasse agave for bioethanol production. Paper presented at the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, 1342-1345.
Cayetano-Cruz, M., Coffeen, C. F., Valadez-García, J., Montiel, C., & Bustos-Jaimes, I. (2018). Decoration of virus-like particles with an enzymatic activity of biomedical interest. Virus Research, 255, 1-9.
Aguirre-Díaz, I. S., Montiel, C., Bustos-Jaimes, I., Medina-Gonzalez, Y., Tecante, A., & Gimeno, M. (2018). Chemoenzymatic synthesis of polypeptides in neat 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane solvent. RSC Advances, 8(63), 35936-35945.
Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Romero-Montero, A., Montiel, C., Melgarejo-Ramírez, Y., Ortega-Sánchez, C., Lugo-Martínez, H., Cabello-Arista, B., García-Arrazola, R., Velasquillo, C., & Gimeno, M. (2017). Corrigendum to “Cytoprotective effect of the enzyme-mediated polygallic acid on fibroblast cells under exposure of UV-irradiation” [mater. sci. eng. C 76C (2017) 417–424] (S092849311631428X) (10.1016/j.msec.2017.03.068)). Materials Science and Engineering C, 80, 785.
Sánchez-Sánchez, R., Romero-Montero, A., Montiel, C., Melgarejo-Ramírez, Y., Sánchez-Ortega, C., Lugo-Martínez, H., Cabello-Arista, B., García-Arrazola, R., Velasquillo, C., & Gimeno, M. (2017). Cytoprotective effect of the enzyme-mediated polygallic acid on fibroblast cells under exposure of UV-irradiation. Materials Science and Engineering C, 76, 417-424.
Romero-Montero, A., Tecante, A., García-Arrazola, R., Montiel, C., Del Valle, L. J., Puiggalí, J., & Gimeno, M. (2017). Growth of epithelial cells on films of enzymatically synthesized poly(gallic acid) crosslinked to carboxymethylcellulose. RSC Advances, 7(29), 17660-17669.
Montiel, C., Hernández-Meléndez, O., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Hernández-Luna, M., & Bárzana, E. (2016). Enhanced bioethanol production from blue agave bagasse in a combined Extrusion–Saccharification process. Bioenergy Research, 9(4), 1005-1014.
Hernández-Meléndez, O., Miguel-Cruz, F., Montiel, C., Hernández-Luna, M., Vivaldo-Lima, E., Mena-Brito, C., & Bárzana, E. (2016). Characterization of blue agave bagasse (BAB) as raw material for bioethanol production processes by gravimetric, thermal, chromatographic, X-ray diffraction, microscopy, and laser light scattering techniques. Bioenergy Research, 9(4), 985-997.
Hernández-Valdepeña, M. A., Pedraza-Chaverri, J., Gracia-Mora, I., Hernández-Castro, R., Sánchez-Bartez, F., Nieto-Sotelo, J., Montiel, C., Shirai, K., & Gimeno, M. (2016). Suppression of the tert-butylhydroquinone toxicity by its grafting onto chitosan and further cross-linking to agavin toward a novel antioxidant and prebiotic material. Food Chemistry, 199, 485-491.
Zárate-Romero, A., Murillo-Melo, D. S., Mújica-Jiménez, C., Montiel, C., & Muñoz-Clares, R. A. (2016). Reversible, partial inactivation of plant betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase by betaine aldehyde: Mechanism and possible physiological implications. Biochemical Journal, 473(7), 873-885.