
Arturo Navarro Ocaña
Licenciatura en Química y Maestria en Ciencias Químicas, Facultad de Química, UNAM.
Doctor en Biotecnología CCH-UNAM
[L] Química de Alimentos II y Lab
[L] Tecnología Enzimática
[L] Química Orgánica III
- Química de compuestos bioactivos
- Biocatálisis
- Alimentos de México
- Estudio los temas: Química de Alimentos Originarios de México y Biocatálisis
- Compuestos bioactivos, biocolorantes, antioxidantes y tecnologías emergentes de extraccion para obtenerlos
- Enzimas en la modificación y síntesis de biomoléculas y extracción asistida de fitoquímicos
- Ciencias Químicas y Bioquímicas
- Sistema Nacional de Investigadores “Investigador Nacional Nivel I
Carreón-Hidalgo, J. P., Román-Guerrero, A., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Gómez-Linton, D. R., Franco-Vásquez, D. C., Franco-Vásquez, A. M., Arreguín-Espinosa, R., & Pérez-Flores, L. J.* (2023). Chemical characterization of yellow-orange and purple varieties of Opuntia ficus-indica fruits and thermal stability of their betalains. Journal of Food Science, 88(1), 161-174.
Ramos-Hernández, J. A., Calderón-Santoyo, M., Prieto, C., Lagarón, J. M., Navarro-Ocaña, A., & Ragazzo-Sanchez, J. A.* (2023). Encapsulation with HDPAF-WP of the hexane fraction of sea grape (coccoloba uvifera L.) leaf extract by electrospraying. Polymer Bulletin, 80(1), 959-975.
Gómez-Linton, D. R., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Lobato-Ortiz, R., Villa-Hernández, J. M., Alavez, S., & Pérez-Flores, L. J.* (2022). Effect of Tomato Extract on the Stress Resistance and Lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans. Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia.
Navarro, A., Gimeno, M., Alatorre-Santamaría, S.*, & Navarro-Ocaña, A.* (2022). Benign and straightforward synthesis of lignan-type dimers using crude Peroxidase from red radish (Raphanus sativus var sativus). Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, 21(2), 1–13.
Ramos-Hernández, J. A., Calderón-Santoyo, M., Prieto, C., Lagarón, J. M., Navarro-Ocaña, A., & Ragazzo-Sanchez, J. A.* (2022). Encapsulation with HDPAF-WP of the hexane fraction of sea grape (Coccoloba uvifera L.) leaf extract by electrospraying. Polymer Bulletin.
Torres, A., Aguilar-Osorio, G., Camacho, M., Basurto, F., & Navarro-Ocana, A.* (2021). Characterization of polyphenol oxidase from purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) and its affinity towards acylated anthocyanins and caffeoylquinic acid derivatives. Food Chemistry, 356.
Gómez-Linton, D. R., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Román-Guerrero, A., Alavez, S., Pinzón-López, L., Mendoza-Espinoza, J. A., & Pérez-Flores, L. J.* (2021). Environmentally friendly achiote seed extracts with higher δ-tocotrienol content have higher in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity than the conventional extract. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58(7), 2579-2588.
Gómez-Linton, D. R., Alavez, S., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Román-Guerrero, A., Pinzón-López, L., & Pérez-Flores, L. J.* (2021). Achiote (Bixa orellana) Lipophilic Extract, Bixin, and δ-tocotrienol Effects on Lifespan and Stress Resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans. Planta Medica, 87(5), 368-374.
Torres, A., Noriega, L. G., Delgadillo-Puga, C., Tovar, A. R., & Navarro-Ocaña, A. (2021). Caffeoylquinic Acid Derivatives of Purple Sweet Potato as Modulators of Mitochondrial Function in Mouse Primary Hepatocytes. Molecules, 26(2), 319.
Ramos-Hernández, J. A., Calderón-Santoyo, M., Burgos-Hernández, A., García- Romo, J. S., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Burboa-Zazueta, M. G., Sandoval-Petris, E., & Ragazzo- Sánchez, J. A. (2021). Antimutagenic, Antiproliferative and Antioxidant Properties of Sea Grape Leaf Extract Fractions (Coccoloba uvifera L.). Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 21.
Gómez-Linton, D. R., Alavez, S., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Román-Guerrero, A., Pinzón-López, L., & Pérez-Flores, L. J. (2020). Achiote (bixa orellana) lipophilic extract, bixin, and δ -tocotrienol effects on lifespan and stress resistance in caenorhabditis elegans. Planta Medica.
Gómez-Linton, D. R., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Román-Guerrero, A., Alavez, S., Pinzón-López, L., Mendoza-Espinoza, J. A., & Pérez-Flores, L. J. (2020). Environmentally friendly achiote seed extracts with higher δ-tocotrienol content have higher in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity than the conventional extract. Journal of Food Science and Technology.
Gómez-Linton, D. R., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Alavez, S., Pinzón-López, L., Trejo-Aguilar, G. M., & Pérez-Flores, L. J. (2020). Effect of sonication on the content of bixin, norbixin, total phenols and antioxidant activity of extracts of five achiote accessions. [Efecto de la sonicación en el contenido de bixina, norbixina, fenoles totales y actividad antioxidante de extractos de cinco accesiones de achiote] Revista Mexicana De Ingeniería Química, 19(3), 1083-1094.
Fernandez-Aulis, F., Torres, A., Sanchez-Mendoza, E., Cruz, L., & Navarro-Ocana, A. (2020). New acylated cyanidin glycosides extracted from underutilized potential sources: Enzymatic synthesis, antioxidant activity and thermostability. Food Chemistry, 309.
Torres, A., Basurto, F., & Navarro-Ocana, A. (2019). Quantitative analysis of the biologically active compounds present in leaves of mexican sweet potato accessions: Phenols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, 3,4,5-tri-caffeoylquinic acid and 4-feruloyl-5-caffeoylquinic acid. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 74(4), 531-537.
Fernandez-Aulis, F., Hernandez-Vazquez, L., Aguilar-Osorio, G., Arrieta-Baez, D., & Navarro-Ocaña, A. (2019). Extraction and Identification of Anthocyanins in Corn Cob and Corn Husk from Cacahuacintle Maize. Journal of Food Science, 84(5), 954-962.
Lerma-Torres, J. M., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Calderón-Santoyo, M., Hernández-Vázquez, L., Ruiz-Montañez, G., & Ragazzo-Sánchez, J. A. (2019). Preparative scale extraction of mangiferin and lupeol from mango (mangifera indica L.) leaves and bark by different extraction methods. Journal of Food Science and Technology.
Delgadillo-Puga, C., Cuchillo-Hilario, M., León-Ortiz, L., Ramírez-Rodríguez, A., Cabiddu, A., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Morales-Romero, A. M., Medina-Campos, O. N., & Pedraza-Chaverri, J. (2019). Goats’ feeding supplementation with acacia farnesiana pods and their relationship with milk composition: Fatty acids, polyphenols, and antioxidant activity. Animals, 9(8).
López-Vidaña, E. C., Pilatowsky Figueroa, I., Antonio Marcos, E. G., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Hernández-Vázquez, L., & Santiago-Urbina, J. A. (2019). Solar drying kinetics and bioactive compounds of blackberry (rubus fruticosus). Journal of Food Process Engineering, 42(4).
Sánchez-Carvajal, A. L., Alatorre-Santamaría, S., Valerio-Alfaro, G., Hérnández-Vázquez, L., & Navarro-Ocaña, A. (2018). Waste residues from opuntia ficus indica for peroxidase-mediated preparation of phenolic dimeric compounds. Biotechnology Reports, 20.
Ramos-Hernández, J. A., Calderón-Santoyo, M., Navarro-Ocaña, A., Barros-Castillo, J. C., & Ragazzo-Sánchez, J. A. (2018). Use of emerging technologies in the extraction of lupeol, α-amyrin and β-amyrin from sea grape (coccoloba uvifera L.). Journal of Food Science and Technology, 55(7), 2377-2383.
López-Vidaña, E.C., Pilatowsky Figueroa, I., Cortés, F.B., Rojano, B.A., Navarro Ocaña, A. (2017). Effect of temperature on antioxidant capacity during drying process of mortiño (Vaccinium meridionale Swartz). International Journal of Food Properties, 20 (2). 294-305.
Bermúdez-García, E., Peña-Montes, C., Castro-Rodríguez, J. A., González-Canto, A., Navarro-Ocaña, A., & Farrés, A. (2017). ANCUT2, a thermo-alkaline cutinase from aspergillus nidulans and its potential applications. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 182(3), 1014-1036.