
Alejandra Prieto Davó
Correo: /
Doctorado en oceanografía y M.C. en oceanografía costera
[L] Ecología microbiana marina
[L] Oceanografía química
[L] Genómica microbiana
- Productos naturales marinos
- Cenotes
- Metagenómica
- Filogenia
- Microorganismos marinos
- Zona costera
- Biotecnología de microorganismos costeros
Se estudian la genómica evolutiva de metabolitos secundarios en microorganismos marinos y su filogenia como estrategia para el descubrimiento de nuevos productos naturales.
Aislamiento y caracterización de microorganismos marinos productores de compuestos bioactivos con actividad farmacológica y estudio de su genómica para la obtención de productos naturales.
Metagenómica y ecología microbiana de comunidades acuáticas y su aplicación en el descubrimiento de productos naturales.
- Posgrado en ciencias del mar y limnología
- Beca CONACYT posgrado en el extranjero 2002-2006
- Beca CONACYT /UC-MEXUS 2006-2008
- SIN nivel 1 2014-2017
Gómez-Acata, E. S., Teutli, C.*, Falcón, L. I.*, García-Maldonado, J. Q., Prieto-Davó, A., Yanez-Montalvo, A., Cadena, S., Chiappa-Carrara, X., & Herrera-Silveira, J. A. (2023). Sediment microbial community structure associated to different ecological types of mangroves in Celestún, a coastal lagoon in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. PeerJ, 11, e14587.
Fajardo-Hernández, C. A., Khan, F. S. T., Flores-Bocanegra, L., Prieto-Davó, A., Wan, B., Ma, R., Qader, M., Villanueva-Silva, R., Martínez-Cárdenas, A., López-Lobato, M. A., Hematian, S., Franzblau, S. G., Raja, H. A., García-Contreras, R., & Figueroa, M.* (2022). Insights into the Chemical Diversity of Selected Fungi from the Tza Itzá Cenote of the Yucatan Peninsula. ACS Omega, 7(14), 12171-12185.
Suárez-Moo, P., Remes-Rodríguez, C. A., Márquez-Velázquez, N. A., Falcón, L. I., García-Maldonado, J. Q., & Prieto-Davó, A.* (2022). Changes in the sediment microbial community structure of coastal and inland sinkholes of a karst ecosystem from the Yucatan peninsula. Scientific Reports, 12(1).
Pinto-Almeida, A., Bauermeister, A., Luppino, L., Grilo, I. R., Oliveira, J., Sousa, J. R., Petras, D., Rodrigues, C. F., Prieto-Davó, A., Tasdemir, D., Sobral, R. G., & Gaudêncio, S. P.* (2022). The Diversity, Metabolomics Profiling, and the Pharmacological Potential of Actinomycetes Isolated from the Estremadura Spur Pockmarks (Portugal). Marine Drugs, 20(1), 21.
Torres-Beltrán, M., Vargas-Gastélum, L., Magdaleno-Moncayo, D., Riquelme, M., Herguera-García, J. C., Prieto-Davó, A., & Lago-Lestón, A.* (2021). The metabolic core of the prokaryotic community from deep-sea sediments of the southern Gulf of Mexico shows different functional signatures between the continental slope and abyssal plain. PeerJ, 9, e12474.
Marfil-Santana, M. D., Martínez-Cárdenas, A., Ruíz-Hernández, A., Vidal-Torres, M., Márquez-Velázquez, N. A., Figueroa, M., & Prieto-Davó, A.* (2021). A Meta-Omics Analysis Unveils the Shift in Microbial Community Structures and Metabolomics Profiles in Mangrove Sediments Treated with a Selective Actinobacterial Isolation Procedure. Molecules, 26(23).
Aguilera-Rivera, D., Prieto-Davó, A., Rodríguez-Fuentes, G., Escalante-Herrera, K. S., & Gaxiola, G. (2019). A vibriosis outbreak in the pacific white shrimp, litopenaeus vannamei reared in biofloc and clear seawater. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 167.
Aguilera-Rivera, D., Rodríguez-Fuentes, G., Escalante-Herrera, K. -., Guerra-Castro, E., Prieto-Davó, A., & Gaxiola, G. (2019). Differential expression of immune-related genes in pacific white shrimp, litopenaeus vannamei, previously reared in biofloc and challenged with vibrio harveyi. Aquaculture Research, 50(8), 2039-2046.
Parera-Valadez, Y., Yam-Puc, A., López-Aguiar, L. K., Borges-Argáez, R., Figueroa-Saldivar, M. A., Cáceres-Farfán, M., Márquez-Velázquez, N. A., & Prieto-Davó, A. (2019). Ecological strategies behind the selection of cultivable actinomycete strains from the yucatan peninsula for the discovery of secondary metabolites with antibiotic activity. Microbial Ecology, 77(4), 839-851.
Bauermeister, A., Pereira, F., Grilo, I. R., Godinho, C. C., Paulino, M., Almeida, V., Gobbo-Neto, L., Prieto-Davó, A., Sobral, R. G., Lopes, N. P., & Gaudêncio, S. P. (2019). Intra-clade metabolomic profiling of MAR4 streptomyces from the macaronesia atlantic region reveals a source of anti-biofilm metabolites. Environmental Microbiology, 21(3), 1099-1112.
Aguilera-Rivera, D., Escalante-Herrera, K., Gaxiola, G., Prieto-Davó, A., Rodríguez-Fuentes, G., Guerra-Castro, E., Hernández-López, J., Chávez-Sánchez, M. C., & Rodríguez-Canul, R. (2019). Immune response of the pacific white shrimp, litopenaeus vannamei, previously reared in biofloc and after an infection assay with vibrio harveyi. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 50(1), 119-136.
Bauermeister, A., Pereira, F., Grilo, I. R., Prieto-Davó, A., Sobral, R. G., Lopes, N. P., & Gaudêncio, S. P. (2018). Molecular Networking to target the isolation of novel isoprenoids derivatives from marine-derived actinomycetes. Frontiers.
Valenzuela, E. I., Prieto-Davó, A., López-Lozano, N. E., Hernández-Eligio, A., Vega-Alvarado, L., Juárez, K., García-González, A. S., López, M. G., & Cervantes, F. J. (2017). Anaerobic methane oxidation driven by microbial reduction of natural organic matter in a tropical wetland. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83(11).
Marfil-Santana, M. D., O’Connor-Sánchez, A., Ramírez-Prado, J. H., De los Santos-Briones, C., López-Aguiar, L. K., Rojas-Herrera, R., Lago-Lestón, A., & Prieto-Davó, A. (2017). Erratum to: A computationally simplistic poly-phasic approach to explore microbial communities from the yucatan aquifer as a potential sources of novel natural products (journal of microbiology, (2016), 54, 11, (774-781), 10.1007/s12275-016-6092-x). Journal of Microbiology, 55(4), 318.
Marfil-Santana, M. D., O’Connor-Sánchez, A., Ramírez-Prado, J. H., De los Santos-Briones, C., López-Aguiar, Korynthia, L., Rojas-Herrera, R., Lago-Lestón, A., & Prieto-Davó, A. (2016). A computationally simplistic poly-phasic approach to explore microbial communities from the yucatan aquifer as a potential sources of novel natural products. Journal of Microbiology, 54(11), 774-781.
Prieto-Davó, A., Dias, T., Gomes, S. E., Rodrigues, S., Parera-Valadez, Y., Borralho, P. M., Pereira, F., Rodrigues, C. M. P., Santos-Sanches, I., & Gaudêncio, S. P. (2016). The madeira archipelago as a significant source of marine-derived actinomycete diversity with anticancer and antimicrobial potential. Frontiers in Microbiology, 7(OCT).