
Aída Gutiérrez Alejandre
Correo: /
Ingeniera Química (Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Universidad Veracruzana)- 1992
Maestra en Ingeniería Química-Procesos (Facultad de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)- 1995
Doctora en Ciencias Químicas-Ingeniería Química (Facultad de Química, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)- 2000
[L] Ingeniería de Reactores I
[L] Ingeniería de Reactores II
[Pg] Temas selectos de Ingeniería de Procesos- Preparación y Caracterización de Catalizadores en el Posgrado de Maestría y Doctorado en Ingeniería
Catálisis heterogénea
- Desarrollo de materiales catalíticos para la producción de diésel verde.
- Estructuras metal orgánicas como adsorbentes de H2S, CH4 y CO2.
- Diseño de catalizadores para transformación de CO2 a combustibles líquidos.
- Medalla al Mérito Académico
- Sistema Nacional de Investigadores Nivel II
Villarreal, A.*, Ramı́rez, J., Cuevas-García, R., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2023). Hydrogen sulfide adsorption mechanism and breakthrough curves of highly stable NA‐, NA‐H‐, CA‐ and K‐Mordenites. ChemPlusChem.
Cabrera‐Munguía, D. A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Romero-Galarza, A.*, Morales-Martínez, T. K., Ríos-González, L. J., & Sifuentes-López, J. (2023). Function of Brønsted and Lewis acid sites in xylose conversion into furfural. RSC Advances, 13(44), 30649-30664.
Sánchez-Cupil, J. L., Cuevas-Garcia, R.*, Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Jiménez-Díaz, M. L. (2023). Green diesel production using stearic and palmitic acids on NI catalysts obtained from ternary hydrotalcites Ni-MG–Al. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery.
Factor de impacto: 4., ISSN 2190-6815, EISSN 2190-6823
Obeso, J. L., Amaro, D. R., Flores, C. V., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Peralta, R. A., Leyva, C.*, & Ibarra, I. A.* (2023). Chemical transformations of highly toxic H2S to promising clean energy in MOFs. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 485, 215135.
Factor de impacto: 24.833, ISSN: 0010-8545, EISSN: 1873-3840
Castillo-Villalón, P.*, Ramírez, J.*, Reyes-Sosa, A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Leyva-Ramírez, E., Cuevas, R., & Toledo-Durán, A. (2022). On the contribution of the cobalt sulfide phase to the global activity of industrial-type CoMo/Al2O3 catalysts in the HDS of DBT. Catalysis Today, 394-396, 41-49.
Factor de impacto: 6.766, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Dunning, S. G., Gupta, N. K., Reynolds, J. E., Sagastuy-Breña, M., Flores, J., Martínez-Ahumada, E., Sánchez-González, E., Lynch, V. M., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Aguilar-Pliego, J., Kim, K., Ibarra, I. A.*, & Humphrey, S. M.* (2022). Mn-CUK-1: A Flexible MOF for SO2, H2O, and H2S Capture. Inorganic Chemistry, 61(38), 15037-15044.
Factor de impacto: 5.436, ISSN: 0020-1669, EISSN:1520-510X
Tututi-Ríos, E., Gonzalez, H.*, Cabrera-Munguía, D. A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Rico, J. L. (2022). Acid properties of Sn-SBA-15 and Sn-SBA-15-PrSO3H materials and their role on the esterification of oleic acid. Catalysis Today, 394-396, 235-246.
Factor de impacto: 6.766, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Sánchez-Cupil, J. L., Cuevas-García, R.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Ramírez, J. (2022). The role of methoxy species on the transesterification reaction of castor oil on Ni-Mg-Al calcined hydrotalcites. Catalysis Today, 392-393, 31-40.
Factor de impacto: 6.766, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
López-Olvera, A., Flores, J., Aguilar-Pliego, J., Brozek, C. K.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A.*, & Ibarra, I. A.* (2021). Chemical Transformation of H2S within the Pores of Metal–Organic Frameworks: Formation of Polysulfides. Chemistry of Materials, 33(16), 6269-6276.
Factor de impacto: 9.811, ISSN: 0897-4756, E-ISSN:1520-5002
Castro-Gómez, M., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Aguilar-Franco, M., & Ordoñez, L. C.* (2021). Pt supported on C-TiO2 and C-ZrO2 Composite Materials and Their Evaluation in the Anodic Oxidation of Ethanol International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 16(9), 210918.
Factor de impacto: 1.765, ISSN:1452-3981, EISSN:1452-3981
Wang, S.*, Chen, L., Wahiduzzaman, M., Tissot, A., Zhou, L., Ibarra, I. A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Lee, J. S., Chang, J., Liu, Z., Marrot, J., Shepard, W., Maurin, G., Xu, Q.*, & Serre, C.* (2021). A Mesoporous Zirconium-Isophthalate Multifunctional Platform. Matter, 4(1), 182-194.
Factor de impacto: 15.589, ISSN: 2590-2393, EISSN: 2590-2385
Grape, E. S., Flores, J., Hidalgo, T., Martínez-Ahumada, E., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Hautier, A., Williams, D. R., O’Keeffe, M., Öhrström, L., Willhammar, T., Horcajada, P.*, Ibarra, I. A.*, & Inge, A. K.* (2020). A Robust and Biocompatible Bismuth Ellagate MOF Synthesized Under Green Ambient Conditions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 142(39), 16795-16804.
Factor de impacto: 15.419, ISSN:0002-7863, EISSN:1520-5126
Flores, J., Zárate-Colín, J. A., Sánchez-González, E., Valenzuela, J. R., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A.*, Ramírez, J., Jancik, V., Aguilar-Pliego, J., Zorrilla, M. C., Lara-García, H. A., González-Zamora, E., Guzmán-González, G., González, I., Maurin, G.*, & Ibarra, I. A.* (2020). Partially Reversible H2S Adsorption by MFM-300(Sc): Formation of Polysulfides. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(16), 18885-18892.
Factor de impacto: 9.229, ISSN: 1944-8244, EISSN: 1944-8252
Gil-Horán, R. H., Chavarria-Hernandez, J. C.*, Quintana-Owen, P., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2020). Ethanol Conversion to Short-Chain Olefins Over ZSM-5 Zeolite Catalysts Enhanced with P, Fe, and Ni. Topics in Catalysis, 63(5-6), 414-427.
Factor de impacto: 2.910, ISSN 1022-5528, E-ISSN: 1572-9028
Cabrera-Munguía, D. A., Gonzalez, H.*, Barreto-Gutiérrez, M., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Rico, J. L., & Solís-Casados, D. A. (2020). Tuning the Basic Properties of ZnAl Hydrotalcites Modified with Ce Applied to Transesterification of Soybean Oil. Catalysis Letters, 150(7), 1957-1969.
Factor de impacto: 3.186, ISSN (impreso) 1011-372X, EISSN: 1572-879X
Ramírez, J.*, Romualdo-Escobar, D., Castillo-Villalón, P.*, & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A.* (2020). Improved NiMoSA catalysts: Analysis of EDTA post-treatment in the HDS of 4,6-DMDBT. Catalysis Today, 349, 168-177.
Factor de impacto: 6.766, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Ramírez, J.*, Castillo-Villalón, P.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A.*, Ayala, A., Cruz-Garduza, O., Ayala, M., Quintana-Owen, P., & Romero-Galarza, A. (2020). Interaction of different molecules with the hydrogenation and desulfurization sites of NiMoS supported particles with different morphology. Catalysis Today, 353, 99-111.
Factor de impacto: 6.766, ISNN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-430
González‐Cervantes, E., Crisóstomo, A. A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Varela, A. S.* (2019). Optimizing FeNC Materials as Electrocatalysts for the CO2 Reduction Reaction: Heat-Treatment Temperature, Structure and Performance Correlations. ChemCatChem, 11(19), 4854-4861.
Factor de impacto: 4.853, ISSN: 1867-3880, EISSN:1867-3899
Bravo-Sanchez, M.*, Romero-Galarza, A.*, Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Solís-Casados, D. A. (2019). Quantification of the sulfidation extent of Mo in CoMo HDS catalyst through XPS. Applied Surface Science, 493, 587-592.
Factor de impacto: 6.182, ISNN: 0169-4332, EISNN: 1873-5584
Reynolds, J. E., Bohnsack, A. M., Kristek, D. J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Dunning, S. G., Waggoner, N. W., Sikma, R. E., Ibarra, I. A.*, & Humphrey, S. M.* (2019). Phosphonium zwitterions for lighter and chemically-robust MOFs: highly reversible H2S capture and solvent-triggered release. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, 7(28), 16842-16849.
Factor de impacto: 10.733, ISNN (impreso y online) ISSN 2050-7488
Díaz-Ramírez, M. L., Sánchez-González, E., Alvarez, J., González-Martínez, G. A., Horike, S., Kadota, K., Sumida, K., González-Zamora, E., Springuel-Huet, M., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Jancik, V., Furukawa, S.*, Kitagawa, S., Ibarra, I. A.*, & Lima, E.* (2019). Partially fluorinated MIL-101(Cr): from a miniscule structure modification to a huge chemical environment transformation inspected by 129Xe NMR. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, 7(25), 15101-15112.
Factor de impacto: 11.301, ISNN:2050-7488, EISSN:2050-749
Zárate, J. A., Sánchez-González, E., Jurado-Vázquez, T., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A.*, González-Zamora, E., Castillo, I., Maurin, G.*, & Ibarra, I. A.* (2019). Outstanding reversible H2S capture by an Al(iii)-based MOF. Chemical Communications, 55(21), 3049-3052.
Factor de impacto: 5.996, ISSN: 1359-7345, EISSN:1364-548X
Cabrera-Munguía, D. A., Gonzalez, H.*, Tututi-Ríos, E., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Rico, J. L. (2018). Acid properties of M-SBA-15 and M-SBA-15-SO3H (M = Al, Ti) materials and their role on esterification of oleic acid. Journal of Materials Research, 33(21), 3634-3645.
Factor de impacto: 1.982, ISSN: 0884-2914, EISSN:2044-5326
Cabrera-Munguía, D. A., Gonzalez, H.*, Tzompantzi, F., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Solís-Casados, D. A., & Rico, J. L. (2018). New insights on the basicity of ZnAl–Zr hydrotalcites activated at low temperature and their application in transesterification of soybean oil. Journal of Materials Research, 33(21), 3614-3624.
Factor de impacto: 1.982, ISSN: 0884-2914, EISSN:2044-5326
Sánchez-González, E., Mileo, P. G. M., Sagastuy-Breña, M., Alvarez, J., Reynolds, J. E., Villarreal, A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., Balmaseda, J., González-Zamora, E., Maurin, G.*, Humphrey, S. M.*, & Ibarra, I. A.* (2018). Highly reversible sorption of H2S and CO2 by an environmentally friendly Mg-based MOF. Journal of materials chemistry. A, Materials for energy and sustainability, 6(35), 16900-16909.
Factor de impacto: 10.733, ISSN: 2050-7488, E-ISSN: 2050-7496
Romero-Galarza, A.*, Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Solís-Casados, D. A. (2018). Relevant changes in the properties of Co(Ni)Mo/Al2O3 HDS catalysts modified by small amounts of SiO2. Journal of Materials Research, 33(21), 3570-3579.
Factor de impacto: 1.982, ISSN: 0884-2914, EISSN:2044-5326
Pamatz-Bolaños, T., Cabrera-Munguía, D. A., Gonzalez, H., Del Río, R. E., Rico, J. L., Rodríguez-García, G., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Tzompantzi, F., & Gómez-Hurtado, M. A.* (2018). Transesterification of Caesalpinia eriostachys seed oil using heterogeneous and homogeneous basic catalysts. International Journal of Green Energy, 15(8), 465-472.
Factor de impacto: 1.302, ISSN: 1543-5075 EISSN: 1543-5083
Villarreal, A., Garbarino, G., Riani, P., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., & Busca, G. (2018). Influence of incorporating a small amount of silica on the catalytic performance of a MoO3/Al2O3 catalyst in ethanol oxidative dehydrogenation. Journal of applied research and technology, 16(6)484-497.
Factor de impacto: 0.447, ISSN: 1665-6423
Flores, J., Sánchez-González, E., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Aguilar-Pliego, J.*, Martínez, A., Jurado-Vázquez, T., Lima, E., González-Zamora, E., Díaz-García, M., Sánchez-Sánchez, M.*, & Ibarra, I. A.* (2018). Greener synthesis of Cu-MOF-74 and its catalytic use for the generation of vanillin. Dalton Transactions, 47(13), 4639-4645.
Factor de impacto: 4.052, ISSN 1477-9226, EISSN:1477-9234
Cabrera-Munguía, D. A., Tututi-Ríos, E., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Rico, J. L., & Gonzalez, H.* (2017). Reaction study for the esterification of oleic acid over M-SBA-15-SO3H (M=Al, Ti) catalysts. Energy Procedia, 142, 590-596.
Factor de impacto: 1.774, ISSN: 1876-6102
Cabrera-Munguía, D. A., Tzompantzi, F., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Rico, J. L., & Gonzalez, H.* (2017). ZnAl-Zr hydrotalcite-like compounds activated at low temperature as solid base catalyst for the transesterification of vegetable oils. Energy Procedia, 142, 582-589.
Factor de impacto: 1.774, ISSN: 1876-6102
Muñoz, M.*, Gallo, M. A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Gazzoli, D., & Cabello, C. I. (2017). Molybdenum-containing systems based on natural kaolinite as catalysts for selective oxidation of aromatic sulfides. Applied Catalysis B-environmental, 219, 683-692.
Factor de impacto: 11.698, ISSN:0926-3373, EISSN:3883
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2017). Panorama de la investigación en catálisis en la Facultad de Química de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Mundo Nano. Revista Interdisciplinaria en Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, 10(18), 17-30. ISSN 2448-5691
Cabrera-Munguía, D. A., Gonzalez, H.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Rico, J. L., Huirache-Acuña, R., Maya-Yescas, R., & Del Río, R. E. (2017). Heterogeneous acid conversion of a tricaprylin-palmitic acid mixture over Al-SBA-15 catalysts: Reaction study for biodiesel synthesis. Catalysis Today, 282, 195-203.
Factor de impacto: 4.667, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Villarreal, A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Ramírez, J. (2016). Catalizadores de hidrodesulfuración NiMo/SiO2/Al2O3. Estudio por FTIR de la interacción ácido cítrico-soporte. Superficies y Vacío 29(1), 14-18 (2016), ISSN: 1665-3521.
Contreras Bárbara, J. R., Chavarría Hernández, J. C., Cuevas García, R., Ramírez Solis, J., Gutiérrez Alejandre, A., Castro Gómez, M., Salcedo Luna, C., & Puente Lee, I. (2015). Preparación, caracterización y evaluación de catalizadores Ni(%peso)/ZSM-22Mes-Al2O3 para la hidrodesoxigenación de ácido oleico. Superficies y Vacío 28(2) 48-53. ISSN: 1665-3521.
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Laurrabaquio-Rosas, G., Ramírez, J.*, & Busca, G. (2015). On the role of triethylene glycol in the preparation of highly active Ni-Mo/Al2O3 hydrodesulfurization catalysts: A spectroscopic study. Applied Catalysis B-environmental, 166-167, 560-567.
Factor de impacto: 7.435, ISSN: 0926-3373
Villarreal, A., Ramírez, J.*, Cedeño-Caero, L., Villalón, P. C., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2015). Importance of the sulfidation step in the preparation of highly active NiMo/SiO2/Al2O3 hydrodesulfurization catalysts. Catalysis Today, 250, 60-65.
Factor de impacto: 3.893, ISSN: 0920-5861
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., Cid, R., López-Agudo, A., & Puente-Lee, I. (2014). Characterization of sulfided W/USY catalysts and their activity in hydrodesulfurization of gas oil [Caracterizaciónde catalizadores sulfurados W/USY y su actividad en la hidrodesulfuración de gasóleo]. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química 13(3),799-809.
Factor de impacto: 2.093, ISSN 1665-2738
Chávez-Béjar, M. I., Balderas-Hernández, V. E., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Martinez, A., Bolívar, F., & Gosset, G.* (2013). Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli to optimize melanin synthesis from glucose. Microbial Cell Factories, 12(1), 1-12 Open access.
Factor de impacto 4.221, 1475-2859. ISSN: 1475-2859
Gonzalez, H.*, Castillo, O. S., Rico, J. L., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Ramírez, J. (2013). Hydroconversion of 2-Methylnaphthalene on Pt/Mordenite Catalysts. Reaction Study and Mathematical Modeling. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 52(7), 2510-2519.
Factor de impacto 2.567, ISSN 0888-5885
Sánchez-Minero, F., Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Silva-Oliver, G., & Rodríguez-Santos, E. (2012). Hidrodenitrogenación de carbazol sobre catalizadores NiMo/Al2O3-SiO2(x). Avances en Ciencias e Ingeniería 3(1), 45-54. ISSN: 0718-8706
Ramírez, J.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Sánchez-Minero, F., Macías-Alcántara, V., Castillo-Villalón, P., Oliviero, L., & Maugé, F. (2012). HDS of 4,6-DMDBT over NiMoP/(x)Ti-SBA-15 catalysts prepared with H3PMo12O40. Energy & Fuels, 26(2), 773-782.
Factor de impacto 2.835, ISSN: 0887-0624
Romero-Galarza, A., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Ramírez, J.* (2011). Analysis of the promotion of CoMoP/Al2O3 HDS catalysts prepared from a reduced H–P–Mo heteropolyacid Co salt. Journal of Catalysis, 280(2), 230-238.
Factor de impacto 5.787, ISSN: 0021-9517
Guerrero-Pérez, M. O.*, Rojas, E., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., Sánchez-Minero, F., Fernández-Vargas, C., & Bañares, M. A. (2011). In situ Raman studies during sulfidation, and operando Raman-GC during ammoxidation reaction using nickel-containing catalysts: a valuable tool to identify the transformations of catalytic species. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13(20), 9260-9267.
Factor de impacto: 4.493, ISSN: 1463-9076
Puello-Polo, E., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., González, G., & Brito, J. L.* (2010). Relationship Between Sulfidation and HDS Catalytic Activity of Activated Carbon Supported Mo, Fe–Mo, Co–Mo and Ni–Mo Carbides. Catalysis Letters, 135(3-4), 212-218.
Factor de impacto: 2.307, ISSN:1011-372X
Contreras, R., Ramírez, J., Cuevas-García, R.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Castillo-Villalón, P., Macías, G., & Puente-Lee, I. (2009). Preparation and characterization of Pt/HMFI–SBA-15 hybrid catalyst for tetralin transformation. Catalysis Today, 148(1-2), 49-54.
Factor de impacto: 3.893, ISSN: 0920-5861
Esquivel, G. M., Ramírez, J., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A.* (2009). HDS of 4,6-DMDBT over NiW/Al-SBA15 catalysts. Catalysis Today, 148(1-2), 36-41.
Factor de impacto: 3.893, ISSN: 0920-5861
Gómez-Bernal, H., Cedeño-Caero, L.*, & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2009). Liquid phase oxidation of dibenzothiophene with alumina-supported vanadium oxide catalysts: An alternative to deep desulfurization of diesel. Catalysis Today, 142(3-4), 227-233.
Factor de impacto: 3.893, ISSN: 0920-5861
Sánchez-Minero, F., Ramírez, J.*, Cuevas-García, R., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Fernández-Vargas, C. (2009). Kinetic Study of the HDS of 4,6-DMDBT over NiMo/Al2O3−SiO2(x) Catalysts. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48(3), 1178-1185.
Factor de impacto: 2.096, ISSN:0888-5885
Nares, R., Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Cuevas, R.* (2008). Characterization and Hydrogenation Activity of Ni/Si(Al)- MCM-41 Catalysts Prepared by Deposition−Precipitatio. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48(3), 1154-1162.
Factor de impacto: 2.096, ISSN:0888-5885
Sánchez-Minero, F., Ramírez, J.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Fernández-Vargas, C., Torres-Mancera, P., & Cuevas-García, R. (2008). Analysis of the HDS of 4,6-DMDBT in the presence of naphthalene and carbazole over NiMo/Al2O3–SiO2(x) catalysts. Catalysis Today, 133-135, 267-276.
Factor de impacto: 3.004, ISSN:0920-5861, EISSN: 1873-4308
Macías, G., Ramírez, J.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Cuevas, R. (2008). Preparation of highly active NiMo/Al-SBA15 (x) HDS catalysts: Preservation of the support hexagonal porous arrangement. Catalysis Today, 133-135, 261-266.
Factor de impacto: 3.004, ISSN:0920-5861, EISSN: 1873-4308
Fernández-Vargas, C., Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Sánchez-Minero, F., Cuevas-García, R., & Torres-Mancera, P. (2008). Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of NiMo/SiO2–Al2O3 catalysts prepared by the pH-swing method. Catalysis Today, 130(2-4), 337-344.
Factor de impacto: 3.004, ISSN:0920-5861, EISSN: 1873-4308
Contreras, R., Cuevas-García, R.*, Ramírez, J., Ruiz-Azuara, L., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Puente-Lee, I., Castillo-Villalón, P., & Salcedo-Luna, C. (2008). Transformation of thiophene, benzothiophene and dibenzothiophene over Pt/HMFI, Pt/HMOR and Pt/HFAU: Effect of reactant molecular dimensions and zeolite pore diameter over catalyst activity. Catalysis Today, 130(2-4), 320-326.
Factor de impacto: 3.004, ISSN:0920-5861, EISSN: 1873-4308
Rana, M. S., Ramírez, J.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ancheyta, J., Cedeño, L., & Maity, S. (2007). Support effects in CoMo hydrodesulfurization catalysts prepared with EDTA as a chelating agent. Journal of Catalysis, 246(1), 100-108.
Factor de impacto 4.737, ISSN: 0021-9517. EISSN:1090-2694
Torres Mancera, P., Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Cuevas, R. (2006). Modificación de catalizadores NiMo/Al2O3 mediante adición de boro y evaluación de su actividad en HDS de 4,6 DMDBT y DBT. Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, 5(3), 219-226.
Factor de impacto 2.148, ISSN: 1665-2738
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A.*, Larrubia, M., Ramirez, J., & Busca, G. (2006). FT-IR evidence of the interaction of benzothiophene with the hydroxyl groups of H-MFI and H-MOR zeolites. Vibrational Spectroscopy, 41(1), 42-47.
Factor de impacto 1.880, ISSN: 0924-2031, EISSN:1873-3697
Cedeño-Caero, L.*, Jorge, F., De La Vega Navarro, Á., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2006). Oxidative desulfurization of synthetic diesel using supported catalysts: Part II. Effect of oxidant and nitrogen-compounds on extraction–oxidation process. Catalysis Today, 116(4), 562-568.
Factor de impacto 2.148, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
amírez, J.*, Rayo, P., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ancheyta, J., & Rana, M. S. (2005). Analysis of the hydrotreatment of Maya heavy crude with NiMo catalysts supported on TiO2-Al2O3 binary oxides: Effect of the incorporation method of Ti. Catalysis Today, 109(1-4), 54-60.
Factor de impacto 2.365, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
García-López, A., Cuevas, R.*, Ramírez, J., Ancheyta, J., Vargas-Tah, A., Nares, R., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2005). Hydrodemetallation (HDM) kinetics of Ni-TPP over Mo/Al2O3-TiO2 catalyst. Catalysis Today, 107-108, 545-550.
Factor de impacto 2.365, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Torres-Mancera, P., Ramírez, J.*, Cuevas, R., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Murrieta, F., & Luna, R. (2005). Hydrodesulfurization of 4,6-DMDBT on NiMo and CoMo catalysts supported on B2O3-Al2O3. Catalysis Today, 107-108, 551-558.
Factor de impacto 2.365, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., Val, I. J., Peñuelas-Galaz, M., Sánchez-Neri, P., & Torres-Mancera, P. (2005). Activity of NiW catalysts supported on TiO2-Al2O3 mixed oxides: Effect of Ti incorporation method on the HDS of 4,6-DMDBT. Catalysis Today, 107-108, 879-884.
Factor de impacto 2.365, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Ramírez, J.*, Macías, G., Cedeño, L., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Cuevas, R., & Castillo, P. (2004). The role of titania in supported Mo, CoMo, NiMo, and NiW hydrodesulfurization catalysts: analysis of past and new evidences. Catalysis Today, 98(1-2), 19-30.
Factor de impacto 3.108, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Gonzalez, H.*, Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Castillo, P., Cortez, T., & Zárate, R. (2004). SSelective hydroconversion of a model mixture and hydrotreated FCC gasoline for octane enhancement. Catalysis Today, 98(1-2), 181-191.
Factor de impacto 3.108, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Rayo, P., Ancheyta, J., Ramírez, J., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (2004). Hydrotreating of diluted Maya crude with NiMo/Al2O3-TiO2 catalysts: effect of diluent composition. Catalysis Today, 98(1-2), 171-179.
Factor de impacto 3.108, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., & Ramírez, J. (2003). Molecular Structures of WO3/Al2O3-TiO2 Catalysts Under Controlled Environment. Libro: En Emerging Fields in Sol-Gel Science and Technology, Tessy Maria Líopez, David Avnir, Michel Aegerter Editores. Springer, Boston MA, 238-245. ISBN 978-1-4020-7458-5 ISBN 978-1-4615-0449-8 (eBook)
Nares, R., Ramírez, J., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Louis, A. C., & Klimova, T. (2002). Ni/Hβ-Zeolite Catalysts Prepared by Deposition−Precipitation. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 106(51), 13287-13293.
Factor de impacto 3.611, ISSN: 1520-6106, EISSN:1520-5207
Nares, R., Ramírez, J.*, Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Cuevas, R., Louis, C., & Klimova, T. (2000). Ni/Hβ-zeolite catalysts prepared by deposition-precipitation. En Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 537-545.
Factor de impacto 3.468, ISSN: 0167-2991
Bevilacqua, M., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Resini, C., Casagrande, M., Ramirez, J., & Busca, G.* (2002). An FTIR study of the accessibility of the protonic sites of H-mordenites. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 4(18), 4575-4583.
Factor de impacto 0.854, ISSN: 0942-9352
Larrubia, M., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J.*, & Busca, G.* (2002). A FT-IR study of the adsorption of indole, carbazole, benzothiophene, dibenzothiophene and 4,6-dibenzothiophene over solid adsorbents and catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General, 224(1-2), 167-178.
Factor de impacto 1.915, ISSN: 0926-860X, EISSN:1873-3875
Armaroli, T., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Bevilacqua, M., Trombetta, M., Milella, F., Ramírez, J., & Busca, G. (2001). 13-P-25-FTIR studies of the interaction of aromatic and branched aliphatic compounds with internal, external and extraframework sites of MFI-type zeolite materials. Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 135, 346.
Factor de impacto 1.265, ISSN: 0167-2991
Armaroli, T., Bevilacqua, M., Trombetta, M., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramirez, J.*, & Busca, G.* (2001). An FT-IR study of the adsorption of aromatic hydrocarbons and of 2,6-lutidine on H-FER and H-ZSM-5 zeolites. Applied Catalysis A-general, 220(1-2), 181-190.
Factor de impacto 2.258, ISSN: 0926-860X, EISSN:1873-3875
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Gonzalez, H., Ramirez, J., & Busca, G. (2001). Hydroconversion of Hydrocarbons over HZSM5 and Mo−HZSM5 Catalysts: A FTIR and Flow Reactor Study. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 40(16), 3484-3494.
Factor de impacto 1.351, ISSN: 0888-5885
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Castillo, P., Ramírez, J.*, Ramis, G., & Busca, G.* (2001). Redox and acid reactivity of wolframyl centers on oxide carriers: Brønsted, Lewis and redox sites. Applied Catalysis A-general, 216(1-2), 181-194.
Factor de impacto 2.258, ISSN: 0926-860X, EISSN:1873-3875
Armaroli, T., Bevilacqua, M., Trombetta, M., Milella, F., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., Notari, B., Willey, R. J., & Busca, G.* (2001). A study of the external and internal sites of MFI-type zeolitic materials through the FT-IR investigation of the adsorption of nitriles. Applied Catalysis A. General, 216(1-2), 59-71.
Factor de impacto 2.258, ISSN: 0926-860X, EISSN:1873-3875
Trombetta, M., Armaroli, T., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Gonzalez, H., Ramirez, J.*, & Busca, G.* (2001). Conversion and hydroconversion of hydrocarbons on zeolite-based catalysts: an FT-IR study. Catalysis Today, 65(2-4), 285-292.
Factor de impacto 2.333, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Armaroli, T., Trombetta, M., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramirez, J., & Busca, G. (2000). FTIR study of the interaction of some branched aliphatic molecules with the external and internal sites of H-ZSM5 zeolite. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2(14), 3341-3348.
Factor de impacto 0.861, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Trombetta, M., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A.*, Ramirez, J.*, & Busca, G.* (2000). An FT-IR study of the reactivity of hydrocarbons on the acid sites of HZSM5 zeolite. Applied Catalysis A-general, 198(1-2), 81-93.
Factor de impacto 1.576, ISSN: 0926-860X, EISSN:1873-3875
Trombetta, M., Armaroli, T., Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A.*, Ramirez, J.*, & Busca, G.* (2000). An FT-IR study of the internal and external surfaces of HZSM5 zeolite. Applied Catalysis A-general, 192(1), 125-136.
Factor de impacto 1.576, ISSN: 0926-860X, EISSN:1873-3875
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., & Busca, G. (1998). The electronic structure of oxide-supported tungsten oxide catalysts as studied by UV spectroscopy. Catalysis Letters, 56(1), 29-33.
Factor de impacto 2.171, ISSN: 1011-372X, EISSN:1572-879X
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., González-Cruz, M., Trombetta, M., Busca, G., & Ramírez, J. (1998). Characterization of alumina–titania mixed oxide supports: Part II: Al2O3-based supports. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 23(5-6), 265-275.
Factor de impacto 1.763, ISSN: 0927-6513
Ramírez, J.*, & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (1998). Relationship between hydrodesulfurization activity and morphological and structural changes in NiW hydrotreating catalysts supported on Al2O3–TiO2 mixed oxides. Catalysis Today, 43(1-2), 123-133.
Factor de impacto 1.860, ISSN: 0920-5861, EISSN:1873-4308
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Ramírez, J., & Busca, G. (1998b). A Vibrational and Spectroscopic Study of WO3/TiO2−Al2O3 Catalyst Precursors. Langmuir, 14(3), 630-639.
Factor de impacto 2.813, ISSN: 0743-7463
Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A., Trombetta, M., Busca, G., & Ramírez, J.* (1997). Characterization of alumina-titania mixed oxide supports I. TiO2-based supports. Microporous Materials, 12(1-3), 79-91.
Factor de impacto 2.292, ISSN: 0927-6513
Ramírez, J., & Gutiérrez-Alejandre, A. (1997). Characterization and Hydrodesulfurization Activity of W-Based Catalysts Supported on Al2O3–TiO2Mixed Oxides. Journal of Catalysis, 170(1), 108-122.
Factor de impacto 3.452, ISSN: 0021-9517